
Fuse Jokes

32 fuse jokes and hilarious fuse puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fuse that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fuse Short Jokes

Short fuse jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fuse humour may include short fusion jokes also.

  1. JUST ANNOUNCED: Disney in talks of a Star Wars - Back to the Future crossover where Marty flies so far back in time (long, long ago) that he fuses with his car He becomes the ManDeLorean
  2. I want to open a restaurant that fuses Chinese and Middle Eastern cuisine I call it "Wok like an Egyptian".
  3. The fuse had blown on a lamp I was throwing away and my mother suggested I give it to a charity shop I told her I couldn't do that, they'd only re-fuse it
  4. Having your neck fused is a huge decision... ...but once you do it, you'll never look back.
  5. My parrots are stuck together... Pet owner: Vet, vet, my parrots are stuck together!
    Vet: I'm sorry, I don't understand - it's toucan fusing
  6. Did you hear about the prisoners who got melted together? It was Con-fusing to say the least.
  7. Did you hear about the tropical birds who got stuck together? Well I won't explain now, it's toucan fusing.
  8. What do you get when you fuse a short man and a tall woman? Your medical licence revoked, sicko.
  9. I'm excited to announce I'm starting my new company that strictly replaces fuses. When customers come to me to have fuses replaced I'll be able to refuse but still get paid.
  10. My new nick name didn't work. My friend said if another guy tries to hit on her with a fake name, she'd blow a fuse.
    To which I replied, "Hey nice to meet you, I'm A fuse."

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Fuse One Liners

Which fuse one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fuse? I can suggest the ones about fuel and flux.

  1. I was changing some fuses at Buzzfeed... ... Number 14 shocked me.
  2. I asked an electrician to fix the electricity in my house... He Re-fused.
  3. What do you call a snake what has been fused with a fruit? A bananaconda.
  4. I think my fuse box has a curse on it Must have been the Mains Witch
  5. If you asked an electrician to change a fuse, and he does.. He has refused -
  6. When two criminals get surgically attached They are con fused
  7. My boss wanted me to put some new fuses in a car. I refused.
  8. What did the fuse say when it blew out? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  9. How are men like fuses? Once they're blown, they're useless.
  10. What do you get when you fuse Arab and Indian food? Explosive Diarrhea
  11. What do women and fuses have in common? They blow when they get turned on.
  12. It's 2116, and the only thing my robot wife can blow properly... a fuse.
  13. What kind of people end up working for ISIS? People with short fuses
  14. What do you get if you fuse an elephant and a rhino? 'ell if I know.
  15. What do you get when you fuse Japanese and French together...? Really gay with a sword

Fuse joke, What do you get when you fuse Japanese and French together...?

Quirky and Hilarious Fuse Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.

What funny jokes about fuse you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean foil jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fuse pranks.

A blonde girl walks into a gym and sees a guy.

The guy takes off his shirt she says, "Oh what chest!"
"That's 100 lbs of dynamite, baby."
Then he takes off his pants she says, "Oh what legs!''
He says, "That 100 lbs of dynamite, baby."
After that, he took off his underwear. The blonde girl starts running he catches her and says, "Why were you running?"
She said I didn't wanna be in there once I've seen how small the fuse was."

A man takes off his shirt in the gym.

A blonde comes up to him and says, wow what a great chest you have! The man replies, Thats one hundred pounds of dynamite babe. The man then takes off his pants. The blonde says, Wow! What great calf's you have! The man then replies, that's two hundred pounds of dynamite babe. The man then takes of his underwear. The blonde runs off screaming in fear. When the man catches up to her he asks, Why did you run away? The blonde replies, I didn't wanna be around all that dynamite when I saw how short the fuse was!

Two kids watch a p**...-bellied man undress in a changing room,

One of them say "What is in your tummy that makes it so round?" To have some fun the p**...-bellied man says, "A bomb". Dumbfounded the second child says, "What a short fuse!"

I was admiring my n**... body in the mirror today, when I said to my wife, "Look at this! 200 pounds of pure dynamite!"

My wife replied, "Too bad about the two inch fuse!"

Man looked his n**... body in the mirror says to wife-look 75 kg of pure dynamite

Wife says: but shame on the 5 cm fuse

I caught my daughter chewing on our neighbour's electrical cable...

Thankfully, they didn't press charges
But, I had to ground her and keep her at ohm
She's doing better currently
And conducting herself properly
But she's still on a short fuse, as there seems to be some confission as to what she did wrong.

I'm made out of pure dynamite!

An elder couple wakes up together and kiss each other a good morning.
After that, the man stands up, picks up his weights and starts lifting them.
The man says: "Do you see this? I'm made out of pure dynamite!"
His wife looks up, with one eyebrow lifted, and says: "Too bad about the short fuse..."
(I hope it's clear because my English isn't so great)

My girlfriend is the star of the local police department's bomb squad.

When asked what is her secret to such skilled techniques, she responded:
Plenty of practice every night with a short fuse and explosions that go off early.

A man looking at himself in the mirror exclaims to his wife "Check out these 200 lbs. of pure dynamite!"

To which she replies without hesitation: "Yeah too bad the fuse is too short..."

Look At Me Darling

Man Looked His n**... Body In Mirror And Said To The Wife Man: "Look 70 Kgs Of Pure Dynamite" Wife Smiled And Reply: "But Shame On The 5cm Fuse"

Fuse joke, What do you get when you fuse Arab and Indian food?