Freshener Jokes
37 freshener jokes and hilarious freshener puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about freshener that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Laugh along with these hilarious air freshener jokes brought to you from Texas! Learn how a Tesla driver pranked a guy at the gas station, and find out why air fresheners in Texas are so popular. Have a laugh today!
Funniest Freshener Short Jokes
Short freshener jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The freshener humour may include short cleaner jokes also.
- I've just invented a telepathically controlled air freshener Makes scents when you think about it.
- Have you guys seen this new air freshener that works on mind control? It makes scents when you think about it.
- I heard they're making a mind controlled air freshener It makes scents when you think about it
- Did you guys hear about the new mind-controlled air freshener? It's a great idea! I mean, it makes scents when you think about it.
- The government is reported to have invented a mind-control air freshener. It makes scents if you think about it.
- I had a dream about a breath freshener left on my pillow. I ate it and it tasted like a fig. Then I woke up. Guess it was just a fig mint of my imagination.
- You know you're drunk when you've got to swerve to avoid a pine tree in the middle of the road... ...only to realize it was the air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror.
- I am looking for investors for my new mind controlled air freshener. When you think about it, it makes scents.
- Did you hear about the mind-controlled air freshener? If you think about it, it makes scents.
- Did you hear they're making mind control air fresheners? Makes scents if you think about it
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Freshener One Liners
Which freshener one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with freshener? I can suggest the ones about deodorant and energizer.
- Tesla released a car air freshener last week... They call it Elon's Musk.
- What do cannibals use to freshen their breath? Men toes
- How do cannibals freshen their breath? Men toes.
- I don't understand odourless air fresheners. They don't make any scents.
- How do scientists freshen their breaths? Ex*spearmints*
- How do scientists freshen their breath? With *experi-mints* !
- What does a scientist take to freshen their breath? Experi-mints! AH HA!
- are you a broken air freshener Because you aren't making any scents
- Politicians are like air freshener They don't solve problems. They cover them up.
- What do you call the smell of leftover Mexican food in your car? A Texas air freshener.
- Q: Why do women pierce their bellybutton?
A: Place to hang their air freshener. - What do you call people that vape? Air fresheners
- I don't get new car smell air fresheners Your '98 Ford Taurus isn't fooling anyone
- How do you know if air fresheners have gotten too smart? If they have become scent-ient.
- Why do women pierce their bellybutton? Place to hang their air freshener.
Air Freshener Jokes
Here is a list of funny air freshener jokes and even better air freshener puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you all hear about the mind controlled air-freshener that Febreze is developing? It's a bit crazy, but it makes scents when you think about it.
- Did you hear about that new air freshener you can control with your mind? It makes scents when you think about it
- My air fresheners for insane people got turned down... They said there wasn't any cents in making scents for people who don't make sense
- At first I didn't understand how to use my mind-controlled air freshener But after thinking about it for a while, it finally made scents.
- Did you guys hear about the air freshener that works with mind control? It makes scents if you think about it!
(Not my joke but idk where to give credit) - Dark jokes Saturday: What is the most offensive brand name you can come up with? Winners get gold! My contribution:
"Auschwitz" air freshener. - You should have your navel pierced so that you can have a place to hang the air freshener.
- A guy tells his coworkers about his idea for an air freshener that can emulate multiple different smells.... When he asked them if it was confusing, they said, "No, it makes scents."
- You know you're too drunk to drive when... The tree you swerved for is actually the air-freshener.
- Told my girlfriend to watch out! It might smell in the bathroom… She asked if I had used the air freshener.
"yeah, I did"
"Oh so it smells like shitrus."
man she's funny.
Uplifting Freshener Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about freshener you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fresh air jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make freshener pranks.
I was having dinner at my girlfriend's house for the first time.
"Excuse me, I just need the toilet," I said, excusing myself from the table.
"Don't forget to spray the air freshener!" joked the dad.
I said, "No need. c**... doesn't smell."
As we stripped off jumping into the bed I said to my boyfriend, "Can you give me a minute?"
"Why? Want to freshen up?" He asked.
"No," I replied. "Its just that last time you only gave me 30 seconds."