Fractions Jokes
74 fractions jokes and hilarious fractions puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fractions that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
An article filled with funny jokes related to fractions and math. From divide to statistics and even undefined fractions, you will sure to get a laugh out of this collection of humorous jokes that will make anyone smile.
Funniest Fractions Short Jokes
Short fractions jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fractions humour may include short fraction math jokes also.
- A man goes on a date Friend: 'How did your date go?'
Man: 'I talked too much about my obsession with simplifying fractions'
Friend: 'That wasn't a very good idea'
Man: 'Yeah, well hindsight is 1' - I celebrate 4/20 on January 5th... Because I know how to reduce fractions unlike the rest of you morons.
- I just realized my wife left me because of my obsession with simplifying fractions. Oh well, hindsight is 1.
- There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator Only a fraction of you will get this
- There's a fine line between a numerator a denominator Only a fraction of people will get that joke
- There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. only a fraction of people can understand this joke.
- I don't understand... I don't understand people who use fractions instead of decimals.
It's pointless.
I guess you have to draw the line somewhere,
or people will think you're irrational. - There is a fine line between numerator and denominator Only a fraction of people find this funny
- There's a new study out from the Department of Education... It shows that two thirds of Americans don't understand fractions and the other half don't care.
- There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Then again, only a fraction of people will find this joke funny.
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Fractions One Liners
Which fractions one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fractions? I can suggest the ones about improper fraction and numerator and denominator.
- I celebrate 4/20 On 1/5
Simplify your fractions! - what does a basic white girl and an improper fraction have in common? They can't even
- I don't understand why people use fractions instead of decimals. It's pointless
- My math teacher keeps telling me to simplify my fractions I do it 48/14
- When's the improper fraction helpline open? 24/7
- You think you know all about fractions... But you don't know the half of it.
- I don't get why some people use fractions instead of decimals. It's pointless
- I really hate arguments about fractions. They're divisive.
- Is it true that the inventor of fractions was... ...Louis the 1/16th?
- TIL 5 out of 4 people have a problem with fractions.
- What happened to the fraction when it was convicted? It was drawn and quartered.
- What makes you irrationaly angery? When I can't express my anger in fraction.
- I like math as much as the next guy... ...But I draw the line at fractions!
- I try making jokes about fractions... But end up doing it the improper way 5/4 times.
- Jokes about fractions are not easy to make. 5 out of 4 people just overshoot at it.
Fractions Maths Jokes
Here is a list of funny fractions maths jokes and even better fractions maths puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My math teacher told me that 3/5 of the kids in my class don't understand fractions Thankfully I'm a part of the other 3/5.
- Why did the rock star fail his depressing math exam? He couldn't get the saddest fraction.
- My math teacher says Fractions are a little difficult But honestly figuring out where the Numerator goes is over the top
- I strongly dislike the subject of math However, I am partial to fractions.
- I failed my interview to be a math teacher yesterday ...for oversimplifying fractions.
Oh well, hindsight is 1... - Math is hard 4/3 people in the US don't understand fractions
- Whats a feminists favorite part about math? Irrational fractions.
- Did you hear about the parolee who had to do the same math class three times? He had repeat in fractions
- 9/8 of common core teaches bad math That's why 10/3 Americans cannot do fractions right
- Just another day in math class Teacher - what is 0.1 as a fraction
Student - 1/10th
Teacher - good, now what does 10% mean?
Student - low battery plug in your phone

Uproarious Fractions Jokes to Share with Friends
What funny jokes about fractions you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean numerator jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fractions pranks.
I was cooking last night and made a joke about being able to figure out the fractions in my head without cutting one of my fingers off. No one laughed.
Guess I wasn't appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Fractions are like s**......
It's improper when the bigger one's on top.
A 2007 study showed that for high school students graduating in the US, 4/3 did not know how to properly use fractions.
It might be an outdated study though.
What's it called when the bottom half of a fraction has loads of cake in it?
A denom-nom-nominator!
The improper fraction help line is now open
Did you know...
3/2 of the world's population s**... at fractions?
I was talking to a mathematician the other day about fractions
it was fair to say, our opinions were divided
They say that 5 in 3 people are bad at fractions.
Don't even get me started on the other half.
Why did the mathematician celebrate 4/20 on January 5?
Because he knows how to reduce fractions.
For those who struggle with fractions:
6/5=Improper fraction,
5/5=Whole number,
4/5=Proper fraction,
Did you know that in ancient Greece, Hippasus was exiled for discovering that some numbers could not be described with simple whole numbers or fractions?
How irrational.
I would never get a dog from a breeder.
Rescue dogs taste just as good and can be had for a fraction of the price.
I want to Express my daughter's age as a fraction 6/12, 9/12, 16/12 etc.. my wife is really upset about it.
In our house it's really causing division
There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.
But only a fraction would understand.
There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator
Only a fraction of you will understand
There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator
Only a fraction of people will find this funny.
I don't see why some people use fractions instead of decimals
It's pointless, but anyway you gotta draw the line somewhere or else people will think you're being irrational. But that's beside the point
There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.
But only a Fraction of the people will understand what it is :)
There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.
And probably only a fraction of people will find this funny.
There is a fine line between...
There is a fine line between the numerator and the denominator.
Only a fraction of people will find this funny
I left my car between the numerator and denominator.
I got a ticket for parking in fraction.
There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator….
… only a fraction of people will get this clean joke.
Chuck Norris's password is the last 9 digits of pi.
Chuck Norris can divide by 0.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice
Chuck Norris can cross a vector with a scalar
Chuck Norris is so tough he can draw a circle with exactly 100 degrees.
Chuck Norris is so badass he can find value of a variable in an expansion without factoring the coefficient within the expansion.
Chuck Norris is so tough he can draw an isosceles triangle with four perfectly identical vertices
Chuck Norris is so tough he can simplify an improper fraction without first dividing the denominator and using it to multiple the numerator.
A wife says to her husband, "Have a gained to much weight since we met?"
The husband honestly answers, "Oh, maybe just a fraction more than I'd like." The wife asks, "I thought so too. How *much* of a fraction?" The husband again answers honestly, "I'd rather not say. It would be improper."
I now weigh a fraction of what I did in high school.
An improper fraction, but still, a fraction.