
Fozzie Bear Jokes

33 fozzie bear jokes and hilarious fozzie bear puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fozzie bear that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fozzie Bear Short Jokes

Short fozzie bear jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fozzie bear humour may include short smokey the bear jokes also.

  1. Did you hear Fozzie Bear got hit by a car? Doctors don't know of he'll be able to Wokka Wokka ever again.
  2. What does Fozzie Bear have to say about a particular city in southwestern Mexico? Oaxaca waka!
  3. heard on The View this morning (courtesy of Fozzie Bear) What do you get when you cross the Atlantic Ocean with the Titanic?......Half-way.
  4. Have you tried Fozzie Bear's new Mexican restaurant? The Waka Waka Wakamole is delicious.
  5. What is Fozzy the Bear's favourite food? Guaca Guaca.

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Fozzie Bear One Liners

Which fozzie bear one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fozzie bear? I can suggest the ones about pooh bear and stuffed bear.

  1. Why does Fozzie Bear make lots of Chinese food ? He loves to use his wokka wokka!
  2. Who is Fozzie Bear's favorite Star Wars character? Luke SkyWaka Waka
  3. What's Fozzie Bear's favorite chip dip? Guaca-wocka-mole
  4. What did Mexican Fozzie Bear say? "Oaxaca, oaxaca, oaxaca!"
  5. What's Fozzy Bear's favorite city? Mil-wocka-wocka-waukee
  6. Why was Fozzie Bear acting so aggressively? Muppet rabies.
  7. What's Mexican Fozzie Bear's catch phrase? "Guaca Guaca!"
  8. If Fozzy the Bear was middle-eastern, what would his country be? IRAQQA-RAQQA-RAQQA!
  9. What does Fozzie Bear put on his tortilla chips? Wakamoli
    Waka Waka waka
  10. What is Fozzie Bear's favorite kind of cookware? A Wok a Wok a Wok-a!
  11. For Halloween, Chewbacca dressed up as Fozzie bear. Waka wookie!
  12. How did Fozzie Bear cross the street? He waka, waka, waka!
  13. What does Fozzie the Bear do when he can't find a ride? Walk-a Walk-a
  14. What is Fozzie Bear's favorite cooking utensil? Wok a wok a.
  15. Fozzie Bear became a rapper His rap name is Waka Waka Flame.

Cheeky Fozzie Bear Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity

What funny jokes about fozzie bear you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fuzz jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fozzie bear pranks.