
Fox News Jokes

82 fox news jokes and hilarious fox news puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fox news that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fox News Short Jokes

Short fox news jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fox news humour may include short news reports jokes also.

  1. Antiwork did an interview on fox News to try to create a good public image of their sub It didn't work.
  2. It turns out, 'Fox News' has no actual coverage of foxes. I was also disappointed by BBC news.
  3. Fox News actually saved my life. I was in a coma for 7 years, but one day one of the nurses changed the channel on my TV to Fox and I had to get up to turn it off.
  4. How many American conservatives do you need to screw in a lightbulb? Ten.
    One holds the bulb, the other nine wait for Fox News to spin it.
  5. A black man, a Muslim, and a Communist walk into a bar... The bartender says, "Hello, Mr. President!"
    Courtesy of my Fox News-watching mom...
  6. Dear Fox News..... I have yet to see any news about foxes.
    Sincerely, Disappointed viewer.....
  7. What's the difference between a shakespeare comedy and Fox News? One's The Taming of the Shrew, the other is the shaming of the true.
  8. I needed to have some white noise on in the background to help me fall asleep Fox News seemed to do the trick.
  9. They held a beauty pageant for all those Fox News blondes... And named the winner "Miss Information".
  10. Facebook and basic cable Reading Facebook feels like I'm watching basic cable in a hotel: All I want is Comedy Central, but all I can find is the Food Network, workout infomercials and Fox News.

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Fox News One Liners

Which fox news one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fox news? I can suggest the ones about news report and michael j fox.

  1. Why did the Fox News Christmas tree catch fire? They left it too close to the gaslight.
  2. "Mom, turn on FOX. I want to hear the news." You'll have to pick one or the other.
  3. What does the Fox say? not the news
  4. My daughters fall asleep to white noise. So in the evenings, we turn on Fox News.
  5. So I was watching Fox News the other day
  6. Wizard: A fox prophesied doom! King: Foxes lie. Why'd you listen to a Fox for news?
  7. Why do Fox News and CNN journalists go to the same gym? It has a really great spin class.
  8. Fox news in four words: "I'm not racist, but..."
  9. Whats a furries favorite news channel? Fox News
  10. Breaking News: Struggling Chicago Bears Fire John Fox One can dream. ^(AND CRY)
  11. What kind of beer do Fox News analysts drink? Roger Ales.
  12. I hate giving good people bad news But I'm a reporter at Fox so all I got is bad news.
  13. What is the hare's favorite horror show on TV? Fox News.
  14. What do kids' birthday parties and Fox News have in common? Kool-Aid
  15. Global Warming is Melting Human Brains For details tune to Fox News

Cheerful Fun Fox News Jokes for Lovely Laughter

What funny jokes about fox news you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean breaking news jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fox news pranks.

What do you call the host of a Fox News show on ornithology?

Glenn p**....

"Do you want to watch a comedy show?"

"What show?"
"Fox News"

There are three types of news: objective, subjective...

and Fox News.

Comedy central will be airing a new COMEDY series

Fox News

Fox News has determined the cause of the recent plane c**....

It was the left wing.

Why is Fox News called Fox News?

Because it does.

What does Fox News call a food fight?

Class Warfare

George HW Bush fell and broke his neck today

It's in the news. Today George HW Bush fell and broke his neck at home in Maine. Fox news is blaming it on Hillary. Donald Trump said his Mexican Maid pushed him down the stairs.

The cable news networks tend to cater to different groups

Fox News is for right wings, MSNBC is for left wings, and CNN is for plane wings.

Islamic joke I saw somewhere

A man walking in New York's Central Park sees a Rottweiler attacking a little girl. He subdues the dog and saves her life.
A passing Fox News reporter says: You're a hero. Tonight's TV news bulletin will say: 'Brave New Yorker Saves Child.
The man replies: I'm a tourist from Saudi Arabia.
That night the news on Fox TV says: Islamic extremist kills New York dog.

English Teacher: So class we're going to be talking about Biased today

"So Fox News?"

I just got to my Grandpa's house, we have a little talk about politics, and then he says we should watch something intelligent...

And then He put on Fox News.

What do you call a polar bear who works for Fox News?

A bad news bear

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump race around the White House

The slightly younger and less overweight Hillary managed to win this one, and this is the response from major news networks:
NBC: "Hillary Clinton wins the race, while Donald Trump comes in last!"
FOX: "Donald Trump takes second place in the race, while Hillary Clinton only manages to beat one contestant!"

FOX new has saved my legs!

I got into a terridle car c**... and and lost the use of my legs. When I was in the hospital, FOX news came on the TV. I got up to change the channel.

People are mad because MTV doesn't show music videos. What about Fox News?

They haven't shown a fox in months.
(Craig Ferguson)

There's a new The President show on Comedy Central starting the 27th about Donald Trump

We can just watch Fox News until then.

Pepsi: Well THAT was the PR nightmare of the century.

Fox News: Hold my beer.
United Airlines: Jinx, owe me a Coke?
Pepsi: For reals?
Sean Spicer: Make it a double.

You know you've *really* messed up when:

Even Fox News doesn't want you around

What did the Fox News executives say to Bill O'Reilly after he was fired?

The spin stops here.

Did you hear about Bill O'Reilly?

"He got fired from Fox News today"
"Oh really?"
"No, O'Reilly".

Roger Ailes passing is another attempt by Fox news to distract from trump/russia

Now that's *deadication*

Fox News?

More like Faux News.

Fox News is inciting violence.

They are making me want to punch their reporters.

Disney is buying Fox. So Americans now have two choices for news:

My girlfriend warned me the first time I stayed over that, she likes to fall asleep to white noise

Turns out she meant leaving the TV on Fox News

I just saw a "Breaking News" link from Fox News come across my Facebook feed

Fully thought it was their new slogan

Fox News is the media equivalent of Islamic Extremism

What do you call a news channel pushing the same agenda for several years?

Fox News

Turn on Fox. I want to watch the news.

You can have one or the other.

"Hey honey, I didn't know they were making an Idiocracy 2." The man said to his wife...

"Oh," she said, glancing at the TV. " You are just on Fox news."

Why do anti-vaxers not believe Fox News nor Trump?

Because they can see when lies are being fed to them- and they know it's not good for their children.

Fox News update request

I sent Fox News an update request for their app. I asked them to please add facts and delete white nationalism.

The new Fox News Fox Nation streaming service is for people who...

Want to Binge Racism.. Having to watch commercials in between racist segments is just so annoying.

The Real Housewives of Fox News

It is what it sounds like but the producers are all liberals

Why wasn't Trump upset when he found out that his favorite Fox News TV hosts were Mexican-American?

Because he couldn't quite take a fence to them.

A Banker, a Fox News fan and a welfare recipient are at a table sharing 12 cookies...

The banker takes 11 cookies and says to the Fox News fan: "Watch out for the welfare guy, he wants your cookie!".

Fox News is reporting President Trump's polling at an all-time low....

...with only a 108% approval rating.

Daring the hottest girl in the city reminds me of Fox News...

...when she tries to tell me stories, all I can see is holes.

How does Fox News greet it's watchers?

Good afternoon folks, I hope you've been doing alt-right!

Top news stories for yesterday

CNN: Trump phone call
MSNBC: Trump phone call
Fox news: Does walking a dog make you happier?

A cold snap across the United States has seen Texas dealing with temperatures as low as -18

The demand for electricity has led to blackouts across the state, causing some people to go without Fox News for so long, they've stopped blaming the weather on Joe Biden.

jokes about fox news