
Fourth Grade Jokes

10 fourth grade jokes and hilarious fourth grade puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fourth grade that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Fourth Grade Jokes

What is a good fourth grade joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Sister Catherine is asking all the Catholic school children in fourth grade what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Sheila says:
"When I grow up, I want to be a p**...!" Sister Catherine's eyes grow wide and she barks: "What the **** did you say?"
"A p**...!" Sheila repeats. Sister Catherine breathes a sight of relief and says: "Thank God! I thought you said a Protestant"

My fourth grade teacher told the class to go outside and sit Indian style...

so I drank a bottle of v**... and passed out in the street.

What does a dropout and an unvaccinated child have in common?

They never get past the fourth grade.

Fourth Grade Logic

A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic.
"Here is the situation," she said. "A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?"
A girl raised her hand and asked,
"To draw out all his savings?"

My fourth grade teacher told me I would use cursive at least once a week, but she was wrong.

I use it every day when food is delivered to my house.

Studies show that on average 2 students in every fourth grade class can't count properly.

It's usually one to three.

In fourth grade, a teacher edited Chuck Norris's essay.

Big mistake.
You don't edit Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris edits you... with his fist.

Q: What is long and hard to a blonde?
A: Fourth grade.

A fourth grade teacher asks the class, "Have any of you ever saved somebody's life?" A little boy raises his hand, "Yes, my little nephew's."
"Wow, what a little hero you are! How did you do that, sweetie?" asks the teacher. The little guy replies, "I hid my sister's birth control pills!"

My Mommy, the Dancer

One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children in her class what their mothers did for a living.
All the typical answers came up -- teacher, nurse, businesswoman, saleswoman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth.
However, little Johnny was being uncharacteristically quiet, So when the teacher gently prodded him about his mother, He replied, "Well my mother's an exotic dancer in a club and takes off all her clothes in front of men, and they put money in her underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, she will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money."
The teacher, obviously shaken by this bold statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Johnny aside to quietly ask him, "Is that really true about your mother, dear?"
Nope," the boy said, "She works for the Democratic National Committee and is helping to get Hillary Clinton to be our next President, but I was too embarrassed to say that In front of the other kids."

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