
Forgo Jokes

49 forgo jokes and hilarious forgo puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about forgo that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Forgo Short Jokes

Short forgo jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The forgo humour may include short forte jokes also.

  1. I've decided to completely forgo Thanksgiving leftovers this year. I'm quitting cold turkey.
  2. Why did the Venezuelan p**... forgo accepting payment up front? Because it was worth more by the end of the session.

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Forgo One Liners

Which forgo one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with forgo? I can suggest the ones about foster and forks.

  1. You'll lose your bank deposit at ... Wells Forgo

Forgo joke, You'll lose your bank deposit at ...

Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Forgo Jokes

What funny jokes about forgo you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean forgive jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make forgo pranks.

I can't believe I forgot to bring sunscreen to the beach....

...boy was my face red.

I forgot who Rihanna used to date...

...but then it hit me.

I forgot to pluck my eyebrows while getting ready this morning.

It was an oversight.

I forgot my hard hat when I went to the building site...

Health and safety came down on me like a tonne of bricks.

I forgot to buy baking paper

Looks like my cooking will be foiled again...

Forgot it's April fool's!

What's the simplest way to really quickly get some friends so I can prank them?

Forgot to bring my protein powder to the gym today

Guess I should've prepared whey in advance

I forgot my phone when I went to the toilet today.

We have 245 tiles.

Once again, I've forgotten what time class starts...

When will I ever learn?

I forgot a bag of groceries in my taxi.

It's been driving me bananas.

I forgot my wife's anniversary again this year

So she told me to make up for it she expects to see something in the driveway that goes 0 to 200 in two seconds the next morning. The next morning she goes into the driveway and sees a small package wrapped up. She opens it up and find a scale inside.

I forgot to go to the gym today

That makes it 8 years in a row.

I forgot what direction I threw my boomerang.

Then it hit me.

I think I forgot my gmail password.

Yo CIA could you DM it to me?

I forgot how to write "1, 1000, 51 5 1 500" in Roman numerals.


I forgot how my boomerang worked so I just threw it

And then it hit me...

Ever forgotten a password?

Just call your local NSA agent and ask!

I can't believe I forgot to go to the gym today

That's 7 years in a row now

I forgot to pay the bill for my exorsist

Now I've been re-possessed.

I forgot to bring the drinks to my senior prom. But hey, look at the bright side.

No punch line.

I forgot to pack a fork with my lunch today.

It was a pointless lunch.

I can't remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 in roman numeral


I forgot my phone when I went to the toilet this morning.

We have 368 tiles.

I forgot to pay for my exorcism

So I got repossessed.

I forgot to pay my colonoscopy bill.

Now I'm in arrears.

Forgot to read the instructions on my new eyeliner

Guess I'll have to make it up

I forgot how to wite 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 in roman numerals.


I forgot who Rihanna's boyfriend was

But then it hit me

I had forgotten how to throw a boomerang

but then it came back to me

I forgot where i threw my boomerang.

No, wait, it's coming back to me.

How come everyone's forgotten about internet explorer?

Because chrome takes up your memory.

I forgot to do the dishes again, and as punishment my wife read me the collected works of Kafka

I never did hear the end of it

I forgot one of my daughter's birthday presents in the closet....

After six weeks, that pony really began to reek....

I forgot to take my phone to the toilet

There are 1325 vertical and 975 horizontal lines on the tiles.

I forgot how much I hated Nickelback until you blasted their song on the radio...

And this is how you remind me?!!!

I forgot to save my new book, 1000 Ways to Cure an Itch before my computer died.

Guess I'm starting again from scratch.

I forgot how to use a boomerang

But then it came back to me

Forgot the tree this year, so I'm putting up a 6 foot, tinsel covered t**....

Just for the festive period.

I forgot - what's the name of that two-faced villain, something "dent"?

Never mind, I was able to remember. It is President.

I forgot to renew the fee for my Scrabble membership

Now they're sending me threatening letters!

I forgot where my boomerang was

Then it hit me.

Ah yes, I forgot it!

Sometimes I experience both amnesia and dejà vu at the same time, and I'm like:"Yep, I've forgotten this before ".

I have forgotten the names of all the characters in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

But Quasimodo rings a bell.

At first, I forgot how to tie my shoe

Then I did knot.

I had forgotten what I did with my boomerang

But it's coming back to me now

I forgot to shave my sundial yesterday...

..hence the five o'clock shadow

I forgot to wear a mask in the local supermarket.

The manager told me to never show my face there again.

I forgot to check if my ketchup bottle's cap was tightened…spilled everywhere.

Ah well, Heinz sight is 20/20.

Forgo joke, I forgot to check if my <a href="/ketchup-jokes.html" title="Ketchup jokes">ketchup bottle</a>'s cap