Footprints Jokes
21 footprints jokes and hilarious footprints puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about footprints that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Footprints Short Jokes
Short footprints jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The footprints humour may include short footsteps jokes also.
- I came up with a science joke... Why are people with diamond shoes so bad for the environment?
They have a big carbon footprint... - I saw a single set of footprints in the sand... "Lord," I asked, "why is there but one set of footprints in the sand?"
"My child," he tenderly replied, "Those are Chris Christie's." - This sub really likes to watch its carbon footprint I know because it keeps on recycling the same jokes
- If Jesus is always walking with me in my life, then when I look back, why do I only see one set of footprints? Sandpeople always travel single file to hide their numbers.
- These climate change activists need to relax, i don't have a carbon footprint I Just drive everywhere instead
- Tonight I dreamt of a beautiful walk on the beach That explains the footprints in my cat's litter box
- thought I dreamt of a walk on a sandy beach at least that explains the footprints I found in the cats litter box this morning.
- Be aware of your carbon footprint Next time you have a lightbulb moment, think of a energy efficient led bulb
- My new years resolution is to increase my CO2 emissions in an attempt to get more girls You know what they say about a guy with a big footprint.
- Last night, I dreamt of a nice walk on a beautiful sandy beach I guess that's why I found footprints in my cat's litterbox the next morning.
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Footprints One Liners
Which footprints one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with footprints? I can suggest the ones about bare feet and happy feet.
- Yo mama so fat... her carbon footprint turned to diamond.
- Robinson Crusoe finds footprint in sand..... ...must of been *black Friday*!
- I don't have carbon footprints bc I drive everywhere.
- How do you find your escaped barbeque? By the carbon footprint
- People always talk about their green footprint. I don't have one cos i drive everywhere
- Why was the muddy footprint sad? It was depressed
- Chuck Norris' jokes don't have punchlines.
They have footprints.
Entertaining Footprints Jokes to Laugh Out Loud Fun with Everyone
What funny jokes about footprints you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean feet jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make footprints pranks.
New evidence has been found outside the Pistorius home that completely acquits him of his girlfriend's m**....
Three blondes are on a walk
While on this walk, they come across an interesting set of tracks. Taking interest in it, each of the girls have a guess as to what animal it could be.
The first blond said "I bet those are bear tracks", to which the other two scoff and say there were no bears around.
The second blond says "they might be raccoon tracks", but the others point out they have never seen raccoon tracks that big before.
The third one, joking, says "I bet those are elephant footprints" and they have a good laugh about it.
Then the train hit them.
Elephant jokes, because it's what 2021 needs
Why do ducks have webbed feet? To stamp out forest fires. Why do elephants have flat feet? To stamp out burning ducks.
Bonus #1: How can you tell an elephant has been in your refrigerator? Footprints in the cheesecake.
Bonus #2: What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? Time to get a new fence!
Bonus #3: No more elephant jokes.
There's a single line of footprints in the desert
There's a single line of footprints in the desert. A man asks Jesus why there is only one set of footprints. Jesus replies "because sand people walk in single file to conceal their numbers"
I'm OCD about cleaning up.
There's never any dirty dishes in the sink, the floors are spotless, all the surfaces are wiped down. I even do this if I'm visiting somewhere. If I see a fingerprint or a footprint I just have to take care of it. It makes me a GREAT roommate... but a TERRIBLE crime scene investigator.
Searching for Sasquatch
Two men are on a hunt through the forest looking for Sasquatch.
After days and days of searching and not even finding a footprint, they happen to run into an old native man.
They ask the man "Have you by any chance seen a Sasquatch around here?"
Confused, he replies "Sasquatch?"
They answer him " know; big, hairy, smells bad.."
"Oh!" he replies. "You mean squawsnatch!"
Terrible jokes my Dad told me as a kid
Joke 1: How do you know if an elephant has been in your refrigerator? The peanut butter has footprints
Joke 2: How do you know if an elephant is in your cherry tree? Elephants have blue eyes
I don't know if this has anything to do with how awful the jokes are, but my Dad immigrated from Germany in the 1960's