
Fooled Jokes

35 fooled jokes and hilarious fooled puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fooled that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fooled Short Jokes

Short fooled jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fooled humour may include short fooling jokes also.

  1. "Hey son, what has 4 legs and doesn't breathe?" "Haha you can't fool me again, dad. A chair!"
    "Not this time. Our dog died."
  2. Elon Musk has come up with a fool proof plan of destroying Apple because they refuse to advertise on Twitter. He plan to buy it.
  3. I felt like a fool when I bought David Bowie tickets for my son and then remembered that he died last year... Even more so when I remembered that David Bowie died too.
  4. Dad: What has 4 legs and isn't alive? Me: You can't fool me dad! Its a chair!
    Dad: Not this time son. Get a shovel, the dog's dead
  5. To make a fool love you, praise their intelligence... ...but you already knew that, because you're so intelligent.
  6. What is the difference between priest and con-artist? Priest are so good they fooled themselves.
  7. A fool proof way to never feel lonely. If you're ever feeling lonely, watch a horror movie. You won't feel alone anymore.
  8. "Sir, I'm gonna' let you off with a warning..." "THANK YOU SO MUCH OFFIC----"
    "April Fools....sign here."
  9. I took a girl home last night. We were fooling around, and she sighed and said, You don't have much experience removing bras, do you? Me: What gave me away?
    Her: The scissors, mostly.
  10. You can't fool me. I know chicken fried rice isn't real. You expect me to believe a chicken fried this rice?

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Fooled One Liners

Which fooled one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fooled? I can suggest the ones about fools and foiled.

  1. What is Mr. T's favorite month? April, fools
  2. What's the name of Mr. T's girlfriend? April, fools
  3. Why can't you fool an aborted baby? Because he wasn't born yesterday
  4. I just ran over my dog. April fools! I don't know whose dog it was.
  5. Girlfriend said "I think I'm pregnant, I'm two weeks late.. ..April fools!"
  6. Hey, Gandalf! What's your favourite kind of insect? FLY, YOU FOOLS!
  7. I'm so happy and I don't want to die ^^April ^^fools
  8. My mom told me she hated me today She forgot to say April Fools
  9. What did the first person to get "April Fooled" say? Jesus! I thought you were dead!
  10. TIFU by delivering a punch line in the wrong place at the wrong time April Fools!
  11. What's Mr T's favourite month? April, Fools.
  12. How do you keep a fool waiting? I'll tell you tomorrow.
  13. What is 3.14 grams of fool's gold? It's pyrite.
  14. RIP to all the vampires who got fooled by the solar eclipse.
  15. If Gandalf wanted to go on an overseas holiday, what would he do? Fly, *you fools*.

Fooled joke, If Gandalf wanted to go on an overseas holiday, what would he do?

The Funniest Fooled Jokes for a Bone-Shaking Laugh

What funny jokes about fooled you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean scammed jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fooled pranks.

A boy selling newspapers on the street

Keeps walking around the streets with newspapers while waving one around and shouting: Mass fraud! Mass fraud! One hundred people have been fooled! Mass fraud! One hundred people have been fooled!
o**... quickly runs to the boy and buys a newspaper. as soon as he has it in his hand he starts flicking through the pages.
The boy continues walking while waving another newspaper: Mass fraud! Mass fraud! One hundred one people have been fooled!

A young girl accepts a dare, and wins a dollar

she tells her mom about it, saying how the boys dared her to climb a post.
"Silly girl, that's so they could look up your skirt."
So the next day, the girl comes back and says "They tried to make me climb that post again, but I outsmarted them this time!"
"Really? What did you do?"
"I told them 'I'm not going to be fooled into reposting!"

"I bet you 20 bucks I can bite my eye."

An old man is sitting quietly at a bar drinking whisky. After an hour of steady drinking, he leans over and says to the young man next to him, "I bet you 20 bucks I can bite my eye."
Obviously this is impossible, and seeing an opportunity to take an easy 20 off a drunk, the young man says, "Okay. You're on."
The old man, whips his artificial eye out and bites it.
The young man sighs at being so easily fooled and hands over $20.
The old man finishes another drink and then leans over again and say, "I bet you 100 bucks I can bite the other eye."
Now the young man knows the man can see him and doesn't have two artificial eyes. So again he says. "You're on."
The old man then whips off his dentures and bites the other eye.

A man with a dog and a cat walks into a bar...

The man, the dog, and the cat all sit down at the bar and the bartender says "What can I get you?" The dog looks squarely at the bartender and says I'll take a v**..., the guy will take a water, and the cat will take a scotch." The bartender looks absolutely shocked at the dog and says "This is AMAZING! You're a dog that can talk..." The guy looks at the bartender, and says "Don't be fooled, the cat is a ventriloquist."

If you can't tell the difference between delivery and DiGiorno...

...there is a good chance you've been fooled by a t**... once or twice in your life too.

I've once fooled an entire class filled with future Doctors, Lawyers, and scientists...

Of course they were all in Kindergarten so it wasn't hard

I was duped into buying counterfeit The Who merchandise.

Won't get fooled again!

My house is haunted by Nintendo characters.

I knew I shouldn't have fooled around with that Luigi board.

A man was walking along the street with a brick on a leash, when ...

A man was walking along the street with a brick on a leash, when a lady came up to him and said: "What's your dog's name?". The man replied: "It's not a dog lady, it's a brick on a leash!". The woman walked away shaking her head. When she was gone, the man turned to the brick and said: "We sure fooled her, didn't we rover?"

A man walks into a bar with his dog and cat.

Bartender asks, "What can I get you?"
The dog looks squarely at the bartender and says, "I'll have a v**..., the man will have a water, and the cat will have a scotch."
The bewildered bartender looks at the dog and says, "This is AMAZING! You're a talking dog..."
The man looks at the bartender and says, "Don't be fooled, the cat is a ventriloquist."

Grown-ups fooled us by making us think we would be superheroes on adulthood

Firefighter, Broker, Waterboy, Machinist, Driller, Embalmer, Goldsmith, Hydrologist, Lifeguard, Naturopath

Apple is a joke.

Apple was founded on the first of April 1976, That, if you don't know, is April Fools day. I have been fooled all my life.

Here's the secert to avoiding click-bait!

Fooled again I see you're not a quick learner.

Fooled you Alexa

I've been saying delights this whole time. Naughty girl.

If someone tells you there are 2 Ayers Rock...

Don't be fooled it's uluru's.

Mother is shocked when her daughter comes back from school with five dollars worth of quarters.

Daughter: the boys at school kept dropping these quarters in front of me and I kept picking them up.
Mother: no honey, don't. The boys at school are probably looking at your underwear when you reach down for the quarters....
So the daughter goes back to school the next day comes back home again with ten dollars in quarters.
Mother: Honey. What did I tell you...? Were you picking up quarters again?
Daughter: it's ok mommy. I fooled them because I didn't wear any underwear under my skirt today.

So Penn & Teller recently died on their show...

I guess they won't get fooled again!

Fooled joke, So Penn & Teller recently died on their show...