
Flying Pig Jokes

73 flying pig jokes and hilarious flying pig puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about flying pig that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Flying Pig Short Jokes

Short flying pig jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The flying pig humour may include short flying cow jokes also.

  1. What's the difference between a warm sweet potato, and a Pig flying through the air? One's a heated yam, while the other's a yeeted ham.
  2. You know, people in the 1970s thought there would be a black president when pigs fly... Then barack obama was elected. And after a year, swine flu.
  3. She said she'll go out with me when pigs can fly But she also said men were pigs, so I don't know what she's waiting for.
  4. What's the difference between a baked sweet potato and a flying pig? One's a heated yam...
  5. Whats the difference between a cooked sweet potato and a flying pig One is a heated yam and the other is a yeeted ham
  6. What is the difference between hot potato and a flying pig? One's a heated yam, and one's a yeeted ham.
  7. My dad told me that I would only be successful when pigs fly. WELL GUESS WHAT DAD?! Swine Flu.
  8. Whoever invented police helicopters doomed us all Everything's gonna happen now that pigs can fly
  9. What's the difference between Trump and a flying pig? The letter 'F' The letter 'F'

    \*stolen from quora
  10. What's the difference between an honest politician and a flying pig? There actually was a time when swine flu.

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Flying Pig One Liners

Which flying pig one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with flying pig? I can suggest the ones about flying dog and pigs.

  1. What's the difference between a politician and a flying pig? The letter F.
  2. This person told me "When pigs fly I'll get my kid vaccinated!" Alas, swine flu.
  3. They said when pigs fly.. But the swine already flu
  4. When pigs fly, where do they take off and land? The airpork.
  5. A lot of people talk about when pigs fly but swine flu.
  6. what do would happen if pigs could fly? idk but the price of bacon would Skyrocket
  7. What would happen if pigs could fly??? The price of bacon would go up!!!
  8. I thought I understood the meaning of when pigs fly, But then the swine flew.
  9. If someone tries to convince you pigs can't fly
  10. Dad Joke: People said the USA would have a black president when pigs fly. Swine Flu.
  11. Where do flying pigs land? the airpork!
  12. They always say "when pigs fly"... but cops have had helicopters for years!
  13. Pigs CAN fly... They just gotta pay for two seats.
  14. When will pigs fly? When we launch them to mars for the astronauts to have bacon!
  15. How do we know pigs fly? Swine flu.

Flying Pig Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about flying pig you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean flying fish jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make flying pig pranks.

With sufficient t**..., pigs fly just fine.

If pigs could fly, your mom would have wings.

George washington said "We would have a black president when pigs fly!" ... well, swine flu.

Using the phrase "when pigs fly" to suggest an impossibility is surely out of date.

The police have had helicopters for years now.

I saw a police helicopter last night...

"Hey look, a flying pig".

What happened when pigs started flying?

Everyone got swine flu

Want to know how to make pigs fly?

You don't. Gullible idiot.

''Daddy, i'm gonna shoot Bacon out of the sky''

''Yeah, when pigs fly''

Can cops learn to pilot an airplane?

When pigs fly!

What is the difference

What's the difference between a Hillary Clinton and a flying pig ?
The letter F

Some said Trump would be elected when pigs fly...

Of course the irony now is, they're not only flying, they're being flown by Air Force One.

I don't believe in genetic engineering...

At least not until I see pigs fly

We have all heard the say, When pigs fly, but how do you make them fly?

You put them on a airplane !


Swine flu

Why doesnt Amy Schumer move to Canada?

Because then pigs would fly

They said a Black man would be president of the U.S. when pigs fly

Then Swine Flu

A patient tells his doctor he thinks he contracted Swine Flu and Avian Flu at the same time.

The doctor tells him "I'll believe that when pigs fly."

When pigs fly, the price of bacon will rise.

And so will the pigs.

This girl told me she'd date me when pigs fly.

Right now this challenge is on hold the local farmer isn't letting me buy a fourth pig after the other three accidents.

Them: When pigs fly!

Me: Swine flu!

I saw a flying pig! He was coughing and sneezing though, so I killed him.

After all, the swine flu!

My friend said she would date me when pigs fly

I'm in luck, Air Hogs are real!

Non-kosher Rabbi

One day, an old rabbi decides that he wants to try pork, forbidden in the Torah. But, because he's the rabbi, he can't risk being seen by anyone in his congregation. So he decides to take a vacation. He buys his tickets, flies out to Brazil, finds an expensive restauraunt and orders the roast pork. As he's waiting, however, a couple from his congregation walks into the same restauraunt. They instantly recognize him, come up to him, and just as they're saying hello, the Rabbi's pork is brought out: a giant pig on massive platter with a big red apple in it's mouth. As it's placed in front of him, to the shock of the couple, the Rabbi exclaims: My this is how they serve apples here!

It was always said that a black man would be the POTUS only when pigs fly

Then in 2009, swine flu.

Why to pigs fly?

Because they are on rey and I am in the sky!

An angry mom once told me that she'd get her kid vaccinated when pigs fly.

Alas, swine flu.

I asked my boss for a raise, and he said Ha! When pigs fly!

I hope the airport security doesn't notice I smuggled a pig onboard...

I bought a plane ticket for yo mama

Just to prove I can make pigs fly

What do you call a person who enjoys watching for flying pigs?

A hambirder.


Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Oink oink.
Oink oink who?
Make up your mind—are you a pig, or an owl?!

A man gets on a plane and sits next to a uniform cop

The man has the biggest s**... eating grin on his face.
Half way though the flight, the cop has had enough of the grinning man and says "what's the big deal buddy? Never seen a cop on a plane before?"
"No sir, it's not that. You're the reason my wife will finally let me do that ONE thing in bed."
Puzzled, the cop asks why.
"Well, my wife said we could do that only when pigs fly"

My physics teacher in rural Iowa said I'd pass his class when pigs fly, because I wasn't applying myself.

Well, I tried harder but ended up getting expelled, even though he never specified that the pig had to sustain flight on its own.

My Engineering Physics Professor told me that I would pass my class "When pigs fly"

I studied hard and applied this wisdom to my senior project.
He never specified that the pig was required to ***sustain*** flight, but I'm assuming that's the reason why I was expelled.