
Flyer Jokes

20 flyer jokes and hilarious flyer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about flyer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

What's the funniest joke you've heard from a frequent flyer? Read this article to find out! We look at the best jokes from the air and the funniest thoughts about Philadelphia Flyers, advertisements, rope, and brochures. Laugh out loud and lighten up your day with these hilarious jokes!

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Funniest Flyer Short Jokes

Short flyer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The flyer humour may include short brochure jokes also.

  1. People need to stop putting flyers on my car. I don't want to see a band called "Parking Violation" at the "Courthouse."
  2. A flyer says to another flyer: "Yo, wanna hang out tonight?"
    The other one replies: "Brochure!"
  3. I put a " No Flyers" sign on my front door The next day I was sent Two Emus and an ostrich
  4. People need to stop putting flyers on my car windshield, I have no interest in seeing some band called Parking Violation at the City Courthouse venue.
  5. I just flew into town, and boy are my arms tired ...I'm a real nervous flyer, so I spent the whole flight just jerking it in the bathroom.
  6. How did the semi-literate blonde drown? After years of seeing the billboards and flyers, she decided it was time to do her part to help shave the whales.
  7. I saw a flyer on a pole saying, have you seen my cat? I called the number on it and said NO. I try to be helpful whenever possible.
  8. I saw a flyer for a lost dog Which was kind of odd, because the dog didn't have any legs
    Credit goes to Bo Burnham
  9. A man walked up to me on the street and handed me a flyer that said "Free car-battery check, no charge." I couldn't believe he was able to check my battery so quickly...
  10. When someone tries to hand me a flyer...'s kind of like saying "Here, you throw this away."

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Flyer One Liners

Which flyer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with flyer? I can suggest the ones about pamphlet and trailer.

  1. Why were kamikaze flyers a bad weapon? Because all the good ones died in practice.
  2. I like my women like I like my flyers. Passed out
  3. What do you call Bruce Lee pulling a Radio Flyer? Enter the wagon.
  4. I've been waiting for the bus so long, someone just stapled a lost cat flyer to my chest.

Flyer joke

Howlingly Hilarious Flyer Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy

What funny jokes about flyer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean foil jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make flyer pranks.

A worried flyer asks a statistician...

"What are my chances of getting on a plane that has a bomb on it?" to which the statistician replies, "very, very low". But I fly a lot, said the businessman. Then, said the statistician, Take your own bomb with you. The odds against being on a plane with two bombs on it are 50 billion to one.

Feminists need to learn spelling

So yesterday, I was walking down the street when a girl claiming to be a feminist handed me this flyer. It said, "PUT A WOMEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE".
I looked up at her confused and walked away.
That was an odd way to spell kitchen...

A man went to the doctor's, concerned about his liver...

The doctor asked: "When do you typically drink?"
The man replied: "i drink when flying. Calms the nerves."
The doctor sat back. "I see. Would you describe yourself as an alcoholic? Perhaps alcohol isn't the issue after all."
The man thought for a moment, and shrugged. "No, but I *am* a frequent flyer."

My mom asked me take out the pizza box

So we went to the bar. Cool guy. Wants to be a flyer.

How do you get a bunch of grammar n**... in one location?

Tile the flyer with " Your invited"

Why did the kite flyer rename his girlfriend "wind" ?

Because he likes when the wind blows hard.

I bumped into a local model yesterday.

I couldn't recall where I knew her from. Then I remembered I came across her face in a local flyer.

A young man becomes a born again Christian after reading a religious flyer at his college.

He doesn't initially tell his girlfriend, justifying the embarrassment as natural to any young infant in the faith. But in the following weeks his commitment escalates dramatically, and he takes up a position as a Christian m**... to Uganda.
One day the dreaded phone call wakes him up. Observing the name a few moments as the device vibrates with a strangely irritated tone, he hastily prepares what he will say to his girlfriend.
Hi Susie, he blurts. I can't see you anymore. I'm in a m**....

r**... Birth Control

A r**... in the deep south calls a number he found on a flyer for cheap home vasectomies.
A man on the other side of the line informs him that the procedure is very simple. So simple in fact he can do it on his own.
All he needs is a beer can, a cherry bomb (little firecracker) and to count to 10 whilst standing in the garden.
So the r**... empties the can, lights the cherry bomb and drops it in.
Holding the can in his left hand he starts counting on his fingers.
And then placing the can between his thighs he continues to count on the other hand.

Flyer joke, r**... Birth Control