
Fluffy Jokes

40 fluffy jokes and hilarious fluffy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fluffy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Make sure to bring your sense of humor along and get ready to laugh - it's time to enjoy some of the best fluffy jokes! From fluffy bunnies stealing our hearts and fat fluffy dogs, to fluffy pillows and hair, you'll find something in this collection that will have you and your friends laughing out loud. Do your best to make sure you get to the punchline quickly, because these laughs won't last forever!

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Funniest Fluffy Short Jokes

Short fluffy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fluffy humour may include short furry jokes also.

  1. My cat passed. RIP Fluffy McMittens
    2002-2003 2003-2005 2005-2007 2007-2008 2008-2011 2011-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
  2. My cat peed on my brand new expensive backpack so I had to throw it away. I'll miss you, Fluffy.
  3. Pink Fluff... What's pink and fluffy?
    Pink Fluff
    What's Blue and Fluffy?
    Pink Fluff holding it's breath.
    (My niece told me this)
  4. A meeting with my therapist Therapist: How do you feel?
    Me: With my hands.
    Therapist: Do you deflect a lot?
    Me: Only sharp objects. If it's fluffy, I just let it hit me...
  5. Was in the local bakery and saw this white fluffy thing flying around I suspect it was a meringue-utan
  6. I made scrambled huevos today that are so light and fluffy an insect could use them as a boat. In other words, egg-sail-ant.
  7. Did yiu hear about the new controversial show on animal planet? It shows these fluffy, cute puppies and kittens after they're dead. It's called awww-topsy.
  8. Q: What is pink and fluffy?
    A: Pink fluff.
  9. What's pink and fluffy? Pink fluff obviously
  10. I like my women like my bread White, fluffy, and freshly baked.

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Fluffy One Liners

Which fluffy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fluffy? I can suggest the ones about fuzzy and hairy.

  1. I hate hotel towels....So thick and fluffy. I can't even close my suitcase.
  2. How did Pavlov keep his dogs so fluffy? He used conditioner on them.
  3. What is White, Fluffy and swings through a cake shop? A Merangue-utang :-D
  4. What kind of bird becomes fluffy and absorbent if you put tea in front of it? An owl.
  5. Whats pink and fluffy? Pink fluff. Whats blue and fluffy? Pink fluff holding its breath
  6. What's angry, fluffy and destructive and gathers inside stringed instruments? Violint
  7. What's green and fluffy? Red fluff, if you're color blind.
  8. What kind of story does a rabbit tell? A fluffy tale.
  9. I love my neighbor's asian food She pays me to walk him, and he's so fluffy and adorable
  10. Whats white, fluffy and beats it's chest? A Meringue-utang
  11. What is white, fluffy and naps idly on the field? A sleep.
  12. What is blue and fluffy? Blue fluff
  13. Whats pink and fluffy? Pink fluff.
  14. What's pink, fluffy and hasn't moved in years. Freddy Mercury's slippers.
  15. What is yellow, fluffy, and hides your slippers? A Labrador Deceiver.

Fluffy joke, What is yellow, fluffy, and hides your slippers?

Great Fluffy Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What funny jokes about fluffy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean frisky jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fluffy pranks.

A first grade teacher was trying to teach her students about animals

She said "What does the fat Cow give us?"
Her students shouted out "Milk!" Unanimously.
She then said "Well done! Now, what does the fluffy chicken give us?"
Her students responded with "Eggs!"
She then said "Good work! Now for the last question. What does the big pig give us?"
Her students paused for a moment and they all shouted "Homework!"

A little girl goes to the pet store

She ask the owner of the store if he has any bunnies.
Well sure sweetie! He says and takes her to where the bunnies are, I have a few different bunnies I have this white one with floppy ears, or this fluffy little brown one, or I even have this cute one with black spots! What kind of bunny did you have in mind?
So the little girl looks over the bunnies and then back to the pet store owner and replies, quite frankly mister I don't think my snake gives a d**....

A little girl walk into a pet shop...

A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks for a bunny. The worker says the fluffy white one or the fluffy brown one ? The girl then says, I don't think my python really cares.

A blind rabbit and a blind slug

A blind rabbit and a blind slug are moving through the woods until the two of them bump into each other.
The slug reaches out, touches the rabbit, and says "You're soft and fluffy. You must be a rabbit."
The rabbit reaches out, touches the slug, and says "You're cold and slimy. You must be a politician."

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were taking the train one day when they passed a huge flock of sheep in a field.

As quickly as they had observed the fluffy cloud it had passed out of view.
"So many sheep!" Watson exclaimed. "I wonder how many there were?"
"Elementary, Dear Watson. There were 167 sheep." Sherlock calmly stated.
"Holmes, are you really telling me you managed to count them all in that brief moment?" Watson inquired.
"Don't be silly, Watson. I counted the legs and divided them by four."

A new mutant is trying to join the X-Men.

To join, he must complete an interview with Professor X.
"What's your superpower?" asks Professor X.
"I can pull a rabbit out of my hat!" says the young man. He takes off his hat, and pulls out a fluffy white rabbit.
Professor X gets up, walks over, and examines the rabbit carefully. It's an ordinary bunny.
"That's not a superpower, that's just a s**... magic trick!" says Professor X. "Stop wasting my time!"
"Ah, but that's not my real power!" says the man. "My real power is curing disabilities!"

Bear and Rabbit

A bear and a rabbit were taking a dump in the forest, and the bear turned to the rabbit and said, we eat a lot of the same things, I'm curious, does s**... stick to your fur? The rabbit replied, the one good thing about being so fluffy is s**... never sticks to my fur. With that the bear promptly picked up the rabbit and wiped his a**... with him.

Fluffy joke, What's pink, fluffy and hasn't moved in years.