Floyd Mayweather Jokes
63 floyd mayweather jokes and hilarious floyd mayweather puns to laugh out loud. Read celebrity jokes about floyd mayweather that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Floyd Mayweather Short Jokes
Short floyd mayweather jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The floyd mayweather humour may include short mayweather jokes also.
- Floyd Mayweather won because of an unfair advantage. He gets to practice in the gym all day and then goes home and practices on his family.
- Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, and Floyd Mayweather are waiting patiently for a glass of sangria. If that's not a good punchline, I don't know what is.
- I've heard the crime rate in the Philippines drops when Manny Pacquiao fights... The crime rate also drops in Floyd Mayweather's home when Floyd Mayweather fights.
- Did you hear the one about Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, George Foreman and Floyd Mayweather Jr in queue at the bank? Punchline
- Why does Floyd Mayweather have "TGIF" written on his boxing shoes? To remind him that "Toes Go in First."
- Muhammad Ali in 1974: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee Floyd Mayweather in 2015: Run like a chicken, hug like a bear
- Ronda Rousey says she'd beat Floyd Mayweather in a 'no rules fight'. Mayweather says he'd beat Rousey if they were married
- "Have you ever seen a mailbox before?" asked my postman sarcastically. I said, "Yes. Floyd Mayweather."
- Floyd Mayweather's favourite game... What's Floyd Mayweather's favourite game?
Duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck... - What was the cause for Floyd Mayweather's first loss? He couldn't read his opponent's moves.
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Floyd Mayweather One Liners
Which floyd mayweather one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with floyd mayweather? I can suggest the ones about professional boxer and mike tyson.
- Say what you want about Floyd Mayweather He can't read it anyway
- Jimmy Kimmel should have Floyd Mayweather read mean tweets after the fight Oh wait
- Floyd Mayweather, Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury were waiting in a queue. (Punchline)
- What do you call Floyd Mayweather a month before his fight? Floyd Aprilweather
- How do we know Floyd Mayweather isn't a bomb? Because he can't tell the time.
- What did Floyd Mayweather's wife say about his recent victory? Beats me.
- AMA request: Floyd Mayweather I wonder if he'll see this
- What do you call a Floyd Mayweather with no job? Unemfloyd Mayweather.
- What does Floyd Mayweather do when he's not boxing? Unboxing
- Why can't Floyd Mayweather Jr drink pints quickly? Because he's only a lightweight.
- The only loss Floyd Mayweather ever suffered Is to the IRS
- Who's faster, The Flash? or Quicksilver? A: Floyd Mayweather
- I haven't read a single good Floyd Mayweather joke... then again neither has Mayweather
- Floyd Mayweather suffers from dyslexia. He hugs his opponents and hits his wife.
- What does all the women in Floyd Mayweather's life have in common? THEY DON'T LISTEN!!!
Floyd Mayweather Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about floyd mayweather you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean boxing match jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make floyd mayweather pranks.
Floyd Mayweather Jr must listen to his opponents to win ...
Because he definitely can't read them
what do you call someone who beats up their wife
floyd mayweather haha
You know what George Bush and Floyd Mayweather have in common?
Floyd Mayweather is unbeaten
Can't say the same about the women in his life
Why Floyd Mayweather can't get his daughter to go to bed
Floyd's daughter: Hey Daddy, can i stay up and watch TV?
Floyd Mayweather: No it's past your bedtime and you're suppose to go to sleep
Floyd's daughter: Well can you at least read me a bedtime story until i fall asleep?
Floyd Mayweather: Fine you can watch TV as long as you want
Floyd Mayweather had an unfair advantage over Manny Pacquiao.
Manny can't practice at home.
COMEDY Floyd Mayweather VS Manny Pacquiao
What do you say to Floyd Mayweather after his arms have been cut off?
Whatever you like.
Floyd Mayweather was asked about remarks made by critics on last night's fight.
He said "I don't tend to read into things"
AMA Request Floyd Mayweather
never mind, it would take him a year to finish the first comment.
I am professional boxer Floyd Mayweather. AMA
How did Floyd Mayweathers wife find out that he was cheating?
She found another woman's lipstick on his knuckles
Floyd Mayweather's true record is 51-0...
They forgot to count the 3 times he beat his wife.
[AMA Request] Floyd Mayweather
JK, I forgot that he is illiterate
Why did Floyd Mayweather cross the road?
Because Manny Pacquiao was on the same side as him.
Floyd Mayweather sure knows how to box!
As long as there's isn't any text in the box
Why does Floyd Mayweather, Jr. like comedies?
For the punchlines.
What do Bruce Jenner and Floyd Mayweather, have in common?
They have both been punched in the ring a lot.
I think Ronda Rousey would be at a disadvantage if she fought Floyd Mayweather.
Mayweather has had practice beating women
So in this upcoming boxing match, Soulja Boy is being trained by Floyd Mayweather
Where as Chris Brown is just getting another girlfriend to train on
What are Floyd Mayweather's wife's favorite headphones?
What would Floyd mayweathers name be if he were a DJ?
DJ ill-iterate
A man was at a boxing convention ...
He walked around for a while and managed to see some screenings of his favourite boxing matches of history. He also managed to win a new pair of gloves in a raffle. However, he still couldn't find what he was looking for, the one thing he had been waiting for all this time. After hours of searching he stumbled across a queue of people. He asked one of the people in the queue, "Hey, what's this queue for?" The man in the queue replied, "this is the queue to take a shot at Floyd Mayweather." The man was ecstatic. He had finally found it. He explained to the man in the queue, "I'm so happy I found this. I've been searching ages for this punchline."