
Fleetwood Mac Jokes

15 fleetwood mac jokes and hilarious fleetwood mac puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fleetwood mac that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fleetwood Mac Short Jokes

Short fleetwood mac jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fleetwood mac humour may include short mac fleetwood jokes also.

  1. I bought a GPS and one of the voices on it is "fleetwood Mac". So I started using it, but it just keeps telling me to go my own way.
  2. My new Fleetwood Mac satnav is useless. It just keeps telling me I can go my own way.

    >!(Also, you can enjoy the earworm)!<
  3. Fleetwood Mac Money has gone missing from Fleetwood Mac's dressing room again.
    They're starting to suspect Stevie Nicks.
  4. Fleetwood Mac are releasing a new album I don't pay much attention to them, but I've heard rumours
  5. I bought a Fleetwood Mac GPS for my car. It's useless though. It just keeps telling me to go my own way.
  6. I once saw the guy from Fleetwood Mac pre-ordering his Christmas dinner It was Lindsey booking ham
  7. So sad to hear the former lead singer of Fleetwood Mac has emphysema. Wheezy Nicks was always one of my favorite singers.
    /disclaimer: I have no idea what her real medical condition is.
  8. What did Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac call his workout supplement store? "You can go your own whey, go your own whey"
  9. I used to speak in Fleetwood Mac quotes, but I stopped... ...and I'm never going back again.

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Fleetwood Mac One Liners

Which fleetwood mac one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fleetwood mac? I can suggest the ones about led zeppelin and flock of seagulls.

  1. What is Ronald McDonalds favorite band? Fleetwood Big Mac
  2. Why doesn't Fleetwood Mac shave? Because Stevie Nicks.
  3. What does m**... Fleetwood always order from McDonald's? A Fleetwood Mac.

Fleetwood Mac joke, What does m**... Fleetwood always order from McDonald's?

Heartwarming Fleetwood Mac Jokes that Make You Laugh

What funny jokes about fleetwood mac you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean pink floyd jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fleetwood mac pranks.

Fleetwood Mac joke, Why doesn't Fleetwood Mac shave?