
Filed Bankruptcy Jokes

21 filed bankruptcy jokes and hilarious filed bankruptcy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about filed bankruptcy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Filed Bankruptcy Short Jokes

Short filed bankruptcy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The filed bankruptcy humour may include short bankruptcy jokes also.

  1. Brooks Brothers just filed for bankruptcy so now I might never be able to use this $50 gift card on one sock.
  2. This morning, 50 Cent announced he's filing for bankruptcy. He also announced he'll be touring with Nickelback to recoup 10% of his losses.
  3. With our national debt... As he has first hand experience, we just elected the best person to the job to file bankruptcy for the US.
  4. Did you hear about the contortionist who filed for bankruptcy? He couldn't make ends meet.

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Filed Bankruptcy One Liners

Which filed bankruptcy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with filed bankruptcy? I can suggest the ones about filed divorce and filed.

  1. Why is the National Rifle Association filing for bankruptcy? Because schools are closed.
  2. The Kodak Film company filed for bankruptcy.. More details to come as the story develops
  3. NRA filing for bankruptcy? I thought they were loaded!
  4. Why did the NRA file for bankruptcy? Because classes are being taught virtually
  5. Today I heard 24-hour Fitness filed for bankruptcy. I guess they ran out of time.
  6. A professional ice-sculptor files for bankruptcy... Time for him to liquidate his assets
  7. 50 cent filed for bankruptcy... That makes no cents.

Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Filed Bankruptcy Jokes and Friends

What funny jokes about filed bankruptcy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean filing jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make filed bankruptcy pranks.

Three businessmen were having dinner at a club...

When it came time to pay the check, each grabbed for it.
"It's a business expense," said one.
"I'll pay," said the second. "I'm on cost plus."
"Let me have it," argued the third. "I'm filing for bankruptcy next week."

A businessman wakes up from a coma

"What happened?" The businessman asks the nurse who was in his room.
"Sir, you have been in a coma ever since the September 1, 1939. Your whole family has been dead for many years, your company has filed for bankruptcy and now you have no money left in the bank"
"Ah, that's okay as long as I can still see my favorite 6 million jews!"

Topical Jokes for 1/24

SkyMall Magazine has filed for bankruptcy. SkyMall blamed the decline in sales on the fact that s**... people have run out of money.
Scientists have proved that hearing jokes and the voices of family members helps coma patients wake up faster. One family started doing a comedy show, and the coma patient sprinted out of the hospital.
In New Hampshire, four bears died after they overdosed on chocolate bait. Even more tragic, one of the bear's New Year's Resolutions was to eat better.
A study has revealed that sitting for long periods increases your risk of death. It's especially lethal if you sit for a period longer than 100 years.
Cubans hope that improved relations with the US will also bring better internet access. To give you an idea of how slow Cuba's internet is, they're still waiting for Gangnam Style to load.