File Jokes
142 file jokes and hilarious file puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about file that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Dig into your file cabinet and laugh out loud with some of the best file jokes around! Get your creativity flowing with all types of file jokes, from funny PDF files to silly jokes about desktop files, file cabinets, and more. Don't forget the unauthorized RAR files... you'll need those to get the joke!
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Funniest File Short Jokes
Short file jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The file humour may include short folder jokes also.
- A man filed a report to the police that his bag was stolen. Upon leaving the man's apartment, the officer found the man's bag at the bottom of the stairwell.
It was a brief case. - if you added the letters S and E to the X files it would be the X-ES Files. haha excess files. way too many files lol
- So I broke my waterproof speaker, by throwing it into a pool. I filed a request for a new speaker, but the company responded "it's not our fault the pool was empty".
- Asiana Airlines will be filing a lawsuit against KTVU for its inappropriate and racist names that were falsely broadcasted mid day Friday 7/12... ....said Asiana's attorney Wi Su Yu
- Nowadays with internet in some prisons.. ..How do they prevent the emails from having attached files?
- Went to the gym earlier, and while working out I noticed a hole in my trainer... just big enough to get my finger in. Anyway....she filed a formal complaint and I'm banned for life
- Sitting down at my work desk, all my files are gone... ... and I'm asking myself : Who let the .docx out?
- Me: You know, since it doesn't have a tail, I'm pretty sure it is actually a hamster. IT: Okay sir. Please right-click your hamster, and save the file.
- How many Sand People does it take to screw in a lightbulb? No one knows. They ride single file to hide their numbers.
- What do you get if you cross an insomniac with an atheist and a dyslexic? Someone who stays up all night, wondering if there is a file after death.
Share These File Jokes With Friends
File One Liners
Which file one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with file? I can suggest the ones about documents and filing.
- Why is the National Rifle Association filing for bankruptcy? Because schools are closed.
- What is a pdf file And why is my uncle under arrest for being one
- I like my girls like my file system... FAT and 16.
- What do you call a divorce lawyer's file cabinet? The Ex Files
- What is a microwave's beep sound file called? Micro.wav
- Which program do Jedi use to open PDF-files? Adobe Wan Kenobi
- What does a Jedi use to open files? Adobe-wan Kenobi
- How do Frenchmen share files? Pierre to Pierre.
- Dating a girl that has a child... ... it's like "Continuing" another dude's "Save File".
- If R. Kelly was a computer file... He'd be a .pdf file
- Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged.
- What do Hogwarts students use to read PDF files? They use Adobby
- FYI: The .gif file format is pronounced "jiff" I know because I joogled it.
- Back in the DOS days, I wrote a single file program that was a hit. baseball.bat
- Baby, I hope you are an ISO file cuz I wanna mount you.
Pdf File Jokes
Here is a list of funny pdf file jokes and even better pdf file puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you hear about the virus that only infected children's computers? Yeah I thought it was just a pdf-file.
- Why did the adobe acrobat document go to jail? Because it was a pdf file.
- What kind of computer virus attacks kids A PDF file
- Why was the document arrested? Because he was a PDF-file
- What does Roy Moore and an e-book have in common? They're both pdf files.
- Which Jedi can save PDF files? Adobe Wan Kenobi
- Why was the Adobe Acrobat document arrested? It was a PDF file.
- Why was the pdf afraid of the folder? It had a .rar file in it.
I know it's horrible, but I came up with it when I was twelve.
My parents nearly took my computer away. - I don't let my kids go online. There's too many PDF files on there!
- What do you call... What do you call an IT teacher who touches his students?
a PDF file.
File Cabinet Jokes
Here is a list of funny file cabinet jokes and even better file cabinet puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why do police have file cabinets? For organized crime.
- What do you find in the filing cabinets of a law firm? Organised crime.
- Why don't you ask about the home life of a filing cabinet? It's usually a sorted affair.
- What does the Pope use his filing cabinet for? Storing his Papalwork.
- I used to sell office supplies to the mafia, file cabinets and label makers and such I was involved in very organized crime
- Joker filed charges against Batman. They were in cabinet D3.
File Taxes Jokes
Here is a list of funny file taxes jokes and even better file taxes puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Only 10% of Americans file their taxes correctly. It's hard to believe that 95% of us can't do simple math.
- I never use TurboTax to file my taxes. I'm just not Intuit.
- What tax filing service does a pirate use? H&ARGH Block
- I just filed my taxes and am getting a return of $500. Looks like I'll be able to afford to buy some eggs.
- Feeling alone? Feeling unwanted, like no one gives a hoot? Do what I did... don't file your tax returns.
- What service did Michael Jackson use to do his taxes? Pay-To-File
- What do you call an Indian bread maker that files for Tax Exempt Status? Naan Profit!
- Did you know that the IRS is now offering a tax credit for those who purchase m**...? Yeah, all you need to do is file a joint return.
Nail File Jokes
Here is a list of funny nail file jokes and even better nail file puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I used to file my nails Now I just chuck them away
- I HATE cutting my nails. Wife: Why?
Husband: Because then it takes even longer to file them.
Wife: I just put mine in a pile. - My wife says I should file my nails... F for finger? N for nail? T for for toe?
- Do you file your nails? Because I throw mine away
- Why aren't little kids able to get there nails done? Because then they'd be near pedi files.
- What did the little girl use to polish her finger nails? A p**...-file
Share Hilarious File Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter
What funny jokes about file you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean stream jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make file pranks.
Where do you file uncategorized rocket items?
Under missile-enious.
I can't describe how disappointed I am...
...that the Congo weren't in single file in the Olympic Opening Ceremony
What's the most dangerous place in an Excel file?
Apple will be unveiling a larger iPad.
Proctor & Gamble is set to file suit over trademark infringements over Apple's new Max iPad.
2 hearses.
One fall day Dave was out raking leaves when he noticed a hearse slowly drive by. Following the first hearse was a second hearse, which was followed by a man walking solemnly along, followed by a dog, and then about 200 men walking in single file. Intrigued, Dave went up to the man following the second hearse and asked him who was in the first hearse. "My wife," the man replied. "I'm sorry," said Dave. "What happened to her?" "My dog bit her and she died." Dave then asked who was in the second hearse. The man replied, "My mother-in-law. My dog bit her and she died as well." "Can I borrow your dog?" "Get in line." replied the man.
s**... harassment
The supervisor of a local firm is startled when his secretary bursts into his office to file a complaint of s**... harassment against a man working in the same department. "What on earth did he do?", asks the boss. "It's not what he did but what he said!", the secretary shrieks. "He said my hair smelt nice!". "And what is so wrong with him telling you that?", asks the boss. "He's a midget" ,huffs the woman.
why did the wife of the fish and chips fetishist file for divorce?
she was sick of being a battered woman
I like my women like I like my file systems.....
FAT & 32.
A 95 year old man and a 93 year old woman file for divorce.
Lawyer: Why divorce now after all this time together?
Woman: We wanted to wait until the kids were dead.
At my high school graduation I saw a bowl of fruit punch...
So I told a bunch of my friends "I want to make a joke which requires some audience participation."
Then, I proceeded to instruct them to stand, single file, in front of the bowl. Once they had, I told them "Here's the punch line."
This is a completely true story, so I do not regret it.
Good Sound
An mp3 file was relaxing on his couch at home, when his wife comes up to him.
Wife: "Honey, could you explain this charge for $600?"
Mp3: "Oh, thats for a new set of headphones."
Wife: "For $600??? How could you spend that much?"
Mp3: "But the sound quality is really good!"
Mp3 shrugs his shoulders. "What can I say? I'm an audiophile"
If Jesus is always walking with me in my life, then when I look back, why do I only see one set of footprints?
Sandpeople always travel single file to hide their numbers.
What file archiver do Tigers use?
What's another name for the child s**... offender registry?
The p**... file.
Why did Thor file a police report?
Because someone stole his thunder
How many Sandpeople does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
You never can tell. The Sandpeople always ride in single file to hide their numbers.
If I kept a record of how many steps I walk every day in a file...
Would it be called a Pedofile?
In honor of Throwback Thursday, here's a joke from 2008.
What will happen if Hillary Clinton becomes president?
She will file for divorce.
And what will happen if Barack Obama becomes president?
He'll have the White House repainted.
My girlfriend just emailed me a photo of us on our first date together. It's a very treasured memory for me. Problem is, the file wont open on my computer.
I guess I have emotional attachment issues.
What do you call a folder on FBI's servers that contains all the intel on known child molesters?
A p**... File.
I had to file a s**... harassment claim against a squirrel in the park yesterday...
...he wouldn't stop trying to grab my n**....
Nerdy pickup line
Hey baby, are you a compressed file format, because rar.
^^^^^now ^^^^^where ^^^^^did ^^^^^I ^^^^^put ^^^^^the ^^^^^bleach...
A man calls his mom to let her know that he planned to file for divorce from his wife:
"Well that's terrible!", his mom says. "You've only been together a few years. What happened?"
"It didn't work out, Ma."
"Oh, c'mon! There has to be more to it than that!"
"No, that's pretty much it. She just stopped going to the gym."
What do you call an IT teacher who has s**... with his students?
A PDF File
My english teacher told me that the file I sent her was corrupt, and that she couldn't open it
I suggested bribing it
If you're going to file a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve what medicine should you take?
My son's teacher keeps sending these weird looking documents
I better have a word with him, but he might be a PDF file
I found an archived file of pornographic images today.
A guy starts his first day at a bakery...
The boss says, "We're a healthy, whole-food bakery, so we put vegetables in every type of bread that we make." He shows the new guy to the back room, where there are rows of file cabinets with pictures of vegetables on them.
"Here's where we keep the carrot dough," the boss says, opening a file drawer with a picture of a carrot on it. "And here's the zucchini dough."
"But what's this one with the picture of Kevin Spacey on it?" The new guy asks.
"Oh," the boss responds, "That's the pea dough file."
My boss is a doctor...
and the other day he came down on me for leaving a patients file on my desk while i went to the restroom. This was only days after he accidentally used unencrypted email to send other patients' records through our office.
So I called him a HIPAA-crit
Yo momma is so big that...
I had to format my NTFS drive to a different file system to support her pictures
A woman filed a s**... harassment to the HR Department.
Hot employee: Sir I would like to file a complaint for s**... harrassment to my boss.
HR employee: So what did he do or say to you ?
Hot employee: He said my hair smells sweet and lovely today.
HR employees : I don't see a problem there. Aren't you just overreacting a bit he just complimented that your hair smells good.
Hot employee: SIR!! You don't understand my boss is a midget!!!
How do you move a computer file?
What's a furry's favorite file storage format?
Found a weird .exe file on your computer? Beware!
Could be a set up.
Man, it's gonna take FOREVER to decompress this file
Sigh. *unzips*
Yo momma so FAT,
She has a 4GB file size limit.
Little old lady goes to see the doctor..
.. Doctor, last time I was here you gave me 6 months to live, and that was almost 6 months ago!
Doctor looks at her file and says:
..and I can see you haven't settled your last bill - I'm giving you another 6 months!
I got sent a 50gb .zip file from my friend. I don't know what's it's for but
sigh *unzips*
What do you call a computer file that likes children?
Judge going through the file of an accused
Judge: So what's your Name?
Accused: Mr. Fallchurges, your Honor. First name is Freo.
Judge: So you're Freo Fallchurges.
Accused: *standing up* Thank you, Your Honor.
Attorney: Heck, we almost got him this time
The j**...
Bob was working with John and Dave. John shouts over to Bob, "Hey j**..., fill out that paperwork". A bit later, John shouts at Bob again, "Hey j**..., bring me that file folder". Dave seeing that Bob was down at all the shouting went over to him and said "Why do you let John call you j**...?". Bob said "He-aww, He-aww, He always calls me that".
If Rolex had an app on PC what would be Its file name?
Sorry for the trash pun, thought about it while walking in front of rolex
There's a single line of footprints in the desert
There's a single line of footprints in the desert. A man asks Jesus why there is only one set of footprints. Jesus replies "because sand people walk in single file to conceal their numbers"
My wife said if I don't lose weight then she'll file for a divorce.
Who wants to come over for a pizza tonight?
Why are prisoners not allowed to have email?
Don't want to risk someone attaching a file.
What do you call an IT teacher who touches up his students?
A PDF file
You can actually file a lawsuit against the federal government in the United States. It's a myth that you can't. All you have to do is simply take some specific medication.
And that medication, my friends, is Sudafed®
What do you call a creepy Computer Science teacher?
A PDF file
What do you call a package of documents sent via boat?
Pier to pier file transfer!
Why were older computers heavier?
Because they used a FAT file system!
You are allowed to send e-mails to people in prison
As long as you don't attach a file
Why can't the scanned document go 50 feet near a school?
Because it's a registered PDF file.
Why did the NRA file for bankruptcy?
Because classes are being taught virtually
If you keep following your dreams...
They're going to file a restraining order.
Got arrested today and the cops said they needed to take my fingerprints and put them on file. But when we got to the station, the sergeant said they'd run out of fingerprint ink.
So they just asked for 6 digit passcode instead.
I think they're trying to PIN something on me.
The co-founder of Adobe who developed the PDF file format has died.
The f**... viewing will be a closed casket since it's too much trouble trying to open it.
An elderly couple in their 90s go to a divorce lawyer.
They tell him they'd like to file for divorce. He looks at them and asks, "Why would you get a divorce at your age?" The husband replies, "Well, we wanted to wait until the kids were dead."
My friend wouldn't stop talking about file compression
So I told him to *zip it*
Why did the burglar file for unemployment?
Everyone was home last year.
what do you call a really small computer file full of pastry recipes?
Little bytes
Are you allowed to send an email to a friend in prison?
you can do that, but you are not allowed to attach a file.