
Fidel Castro Jokes

52 fidel castro jokes and hilarious fidel castro puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fidel castro that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fidel Castro Short Jokes

Short fidel castro jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fidel castro humour may include short cuban cigar jokes also.

  1. Fidel Castro was a cigar-smoking, repressive leader who hated free speech and a free press. Donald Trump, in comparison, doesn't smoke.
  2. Fidel Castro said he wouldn't die until America was destroyed. Well, looks like he died 17 days after.
  3. Fidel Castro is dead Looks like Keith Richards and the Queen of England are moving on to the finals.
  4. Fidel Castro just died, Cubans can be finally happy that their country will be ruled by the young generation led by a much younger leader. His 85 year old brother!
  5. Fidel Castro just passed away... ...I suppose Black Friday was too MUCH capitalism for him.
  6. People call me crazy for saying that Canada is ruled by the son of Fidel Castro ...but it's Trudeau.
  7. The US government has been trying to get rid of Fidel Castro for 50 years. Trump gets elected, and Castro is dead within 3 weeks.
  8. I just came second in a Fidel Castro lookalike contest. Judge said I was close, but no cigar.
  9. Fidel Castro survived assassination attempts, coups, plagues.... ....but was like, "Nah, I can't do a Trump world. Good luck y'all, I'm out."
  10. Today the world has lost a great leader who ruled with an iron fist. Mrs.Brady you will be missed... (some guy named Fidel Castro died too)

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Fidel Castro One Liners

Which fidel castro one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fidel castro? I can suggest the ones about joseph stalin and john kennedy.

  1. How would a Muslim describe Castro's gay, atheist lover? In Fidel.
  2. CIA finally succeeded in killing Fidel Castro Using the innovative 'Old age' technique
  3. Fidel Castro survived 638 assassination attempts But even he could not survive 2016
  4. I came 2nd in a Fidel Castro look-a-like competition.. close but no cigar
  5. What grades did Fidel Castro get at school? Full Marx
  6. Did you hear that Castro's body double retired? He was tired of playing second Fidel.
  7. Castro's proctologist had a nickname They called him 'The In Fidel'.
  8. What's Fuzzy, Smokes, and Comes in Cubes? Fidel Castro.
  9. I found a potato shaped like Fidel Castro It's a dictator.
  10. Q: What do Fidel Castro and Harambe have in common? A: They're both dead gorillas.
  11. Fidel Castro was a Muslim Otherwise he would have been called "Infidel".
  12. Why didn't rail Castro want to be President of Cuba? He didn't want to play second fidel
  13. Fidel Castro's last words Fidel Castro's final words were: "revive me I have the ray gun"
  14. What did terrorists used to call Fidel Castro? Infidel Castro
  15. Cross between a Holiday inn and Fidel Castro You get an infidel.

Fidel Castro Jokes to Giggle and Enjoy A Night of Unforgettable Laughter

What funny jokes about fidel castro you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean guantanamo bay jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fidel castro pranks.

Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro and the Oort Cloud are riding on a train..

Fidel Castro, Vladimir Putin, and the Oort Cloud are riding on a train. Fidel Castro pulls an expensive Cuban cigar out of his pocket, lights it, and then throws it out the window after only a few puffs. Vladimir Putin and the Oort Cloud are both surprised by this and ask "what are you doing, Fidel? That's an expensive cigar!" To which Castro responds, "in your country/post-heliopausal region perhaps, but in my country these are as cheap as dirt." Then Vladimir Putin pulls a bottle of expensive Russian v**... out of his pocket and, after a few sips, throws the bottle out the window. Fidel Castro and the Oort Cloud are both surprised and ask "what are you doing, Vladimir, that is expensive v**...!" To which Putin responds "Pah! In your country/post-heliopausal region perhaps, but in Russia this v**... is as plentiful as rainwater. The Oort Cloud considers this for a minute or two, and then throws a six-mile-wide comet out of the window which, on impact, incinerates everything within a thirty-mile radius, causes massive earthquakes and tsunamis for thousands of miles in each direction, and kicks up a cloud of dust and ash that eventually encircles the Earth wiping out nearly all forms of life in a matter of months.
I don't care if it's old. This is probably the best joke ever.

So Fidel Castro was once given a key to the City of Detroit...

That is not a joke. That actually happened.

I like my prostitutes like I like my Fidel Castro


Obama's gay lover dies

Fidel Castro dead at 90

Did you guys hear what caused Fidel's death?

Castro-intestinal issues.

RIP Fidel Castro

You will be Commu-missed.

When I die, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like Fidel Castro ...

... not screaming in t**..., like his victims.

Fidel Castro and 11 Presidents

Fidel Castro survived 11
Presidents of the United States
-GW Bush
But he couldn't take 15 days of Trump

One Last Humiliation: The CIA Just Bungled An Attempt To Drop A Piano On Fidel Castro's f**... Procession

Luckily, It only cost them a grand.

TIFU by being Cuban and attending Fidel Castro's f**....

Now the FBI lists me as "public enemy number Juan".

What dictator sounds the best while smoking w**...?

High Fidel-ity Castro

A Joke Cubans told in the Fidel Castro years

This was told/translated to me about 20 years ago when I was there on a visit.
A man is painting political graffiti on a wall when a policeman catches him. He has gotten as far as writing, Down with Fi
Policeman asks what he thinks he is doing. The man asks, How do you spell Clinton? Finton or Clinton?

jokes about fidel castro