Fetish Jokes
130 fetish jokes and hilarious fetish puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fetish that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Fetish Short Jokes
Short fetish jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fetish humour may include short obsession jokes also.
- I want to open a gym for people with fetishes. It's a great idea in theory, but I'm still trying to work out the kinks.
- Why don't people with foot fetishes mind being on the losing side of a battle? They like the taste of defeat
- Why do guys with foot fetishes have so many friends? Because they always get off on the right foot.
- Have you heard about this group of people with construction fetishes? If you build it, they will come.
- Why did Lieutenant Uhura tone down on the use of extreme fetishes in the bedroom? Because William Shatner.
- I knew my fetishes were getting out of hand, when I spanked a statue… I had hit rock bottom
- I can't stand people that have foot fetishes. You might even say I'm lick toes intolerant.
- Why do men with foot fetishes care so much about first impressions? So they don't get off on the wrong foot
- How many Russians with inexplicable fetishes does it take to screw in a light bulb? When you are Russian with inexplicable fetishes, you screw light bulbs!
- People with foot fetishes are always proud of not winning anything. They always admit their love for defeat.
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Fetish One Liners
Which fetish one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fetish? I can suggest the ones about hobby and kink.
- Why do people with foot fetishes never win? Because they like the taste of defeat
- Why are people with foot fetishes always losers? They love the smell of defeat.
- The thing about people with fruit fetishes... Is that they usually come in pears
- Why don't Europeans have foot fetishes? they use the metric system
- Where do Peeping Toms with foot fetishes hold their annual conference? Topeka, KS
- Yesterday my girlfriend asked me if i had any fetishes I told her I'm into wordplay.
- Have you ever heard of the couples with fruit fetishes? They come in pairs.
- I've found a nearly complete list of all human fetishes. It's called Webster's.
- I've developed a f**... for figuring things out. I just came to that realization.
- I've just discovered that I have a logic f**.... I can't stop coming to conclusions.
- Today I realized I have a bit of a logic f**....... I can't stop coming to conclusions.
- A pee f**... isn't something you do half-hearted. Either u**... or you're out.
- What kind of candy do you offer a woman with a f**...? Mentos
- What's the difference between necrophilia, and choke f**...'s? Eh, about 15 seconds.
- My girlfriend has a f**... for lego If you build it, she will come

Rib-Tickling Fetish Jokes that Bring Friends Together
What funny jokes about fetish you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fantasy jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fetish pranks.
Why Americans don't use metric?
What is 007's f**...?
A distant relative of mine died and I came into some money...
but my friends told me that I have a weird f**....
At the drop of a hat
I recently had s**... with my woman for the first time, and apparently she was impressed. She said, "You last so much longer than the last guy I was with! He would come at the drop of a hat!" I just smiled and said thanks but all I could think was "That's a really weird f**...."
Did you hear about the guy with a jurisprudence f**...?
He got off on a technicality.
How many people does it take to screw a lightbulb?
Just o**... with a really weird f**....
Just thought this when making a coffee, I'm sorry...
I've grown a f**... where I love to lick milk off white women's feet, I've been labelled a racist though... it's not my fault I'm black toes intolerant.
Thank you, thank you very much *hangs head in shame*
If someone has a f**......
...and they cheat, does that mean they got off on the wrong foot?
My wife left me because I couldn't control my pasta touching f**......
I'm feeling cannelloni right now
I used to be embarrassed by my geology f**....
I started off s**... gravel but now I'm feeling a little boulder.
Did you hear about the lawyer with a f**... for loopholes?
He got off on a technicality.
You know what they say about people with an architecture f**...?
If you build it, they will come.
I have a date this weekend with a girl who has a shoe f**......
But I'm a little worried about getting off on the wrong foot.
What was the statistician's f**...?
Let's just say he had the standard deviation.
I think my girlfriend has a trigonometry f**...
because every time I talk to her she gets off on a tangent.
What does someone with a f**... wish for?
To meet their solemate.
I have a rain f**....
It really gets me wet.
What's the difference between a necrophiliac and someone with a granny f**...?
A couple of weeks
My girlfriend left me today because I have developed a pasta touching f**....
I've been feeling Canneloni ever since. :'(
I hate talking to my boyfriend sometimes.
Every time I bring up his camping f**..., he pitches a huge tent.
What gets wetter the more you dry it?
A woman with a towel f**...
Where do you find a man with an aquatic mammal f**...?
In Wales.
What happened to the man with a legal f**... when he went to court for his parking ticket?
He got off on a technicality
Did you hear about the guy with a f**... for public transportation?
He got off at every stop.
My girlfriend has this really weird f**...
She likes to pretend she's 13 years old when we have s**....
I don't know why, she'll be 13 in a couple of years anyway.
My wife has a logic f**......
She's always coming to conclusions.
My new girlfriend says she has a water f**...
apparently it gets her wet
My ex-girlfriend used to have this strange f**......
She used to enjoy being strangled until she turned blue in the face.
It's too bad that I am colorblind.
A mother cleaning her 12 year old's bedroom
A mum is cleaning her 12year old son's bedroom and finds a load of b**... gears and f**... magazines.
She asks her husband, "What do I do?"
He says, "I'm not sure, but whatever you do, don't s**... him!"
A Mother is cleaning her kids room...
She finds a bunch of b**... gear and f**... mags. She shows her husband
Mom: What do we do?
Dad: I'm not sure, but whatever you do you better not s**... him!!
My Uncle has a coal f**....
Its why he likes to bang miners.
I think my wife has a blind f**......
Last night she said she doesn't think we should see each other anymore.
What was the romantic with a f**... looking for?
a sole mate
My girlfriend has a new f**......
To be treated like a United Airlines customer
I've got a f**... for geometry.
Sorry, I'm getting off on a tangent right now.
If a man with a f**... cheats on his wife...
Does that mean he got off on the wrong foot?
What do you call someone with a f**... for chickpeas?
A hummussexual.
I have an amputee f**... and finally decided to meet up with one.
Found her on StubHub.
I think I have a logic f**......
I keep coming to conclusions.
I have a f**... for indigenous girls. Wanted to have s**... with this girl in Alaska, but, unfortunately...
... She wasn't inuit.
Turns out my coworker and I share the same f**...
i quickly realized though we got off on the wrong foot
My shower has a f**... for me..
Because when I step in n**... it gets turned on.
I like incorporating my f**... into my job...
It keeps me working hard.
I met someone online who shares my f**... for urinating on dried fruit...
Next week we're going to go on a date
People with an abduction f**...
Demand to be taken, seriously.
I've heard so many theories about why America won't drop the imperial system
But we all know it's really just a f**...
My wife told me she's leaving me on account of my pasta f**....
I'm feeling cannelloni right now.
I told my girlfriend I have a f**......
She said, this is getting out of hand.
I used to have a secret f**... for used tampons, but it's not so secret anymore.
I was caught red handed.
Your fetishes are nothing to be ashamed about!
Unless your f**... is being humiliated, then you should feel ashamed you n**... little pervert.
I wanted to show appreciation to my new girlfriend's f**.... Little did I know the woman in the bed was her sister..
I got off on the wrong foot.
Never be ashamed of your f**....
Unless your f**... is humiliation. Then you *should* be ashamed, you dirty little pervert.
I recently found out my mom has a disturbing f**.... She has slept with several underage teenagers and I am really concerned about their well being.
The victims contacted me while playing CoD.
So I found out today that my partner has a f**...
Which is unlucky for me because I'm only 6 inches
Did you hear about the man with a legal f**...?
He got off on a technicality.
I was talking to some friends about my f**... for anything statistics related...
and apparently it's not a standard deviation.
A wife tells her husband that she's discovered his secret f**... via his search history...
"It was a weird one for sure," she says, "but I think I can make it work without being too embarrassed, as long as you don't film it." He accepts.
Later that night, he asks her if she wants to try it. She smiles, begins to undress, and goes "SKIPPITY BEE BOP BEE BOP DUP-A DUAAA"
All the girls in my town have a f**... for feet.
Any time I go near one, they add a few more to the restraining order.
What do you call women with a f**... for firefighters?
Fire h**....
Why did the fetishist come so quickly?
He had an appointment and was in a furry.
What do you call an Irishman with a h**... tongue f**...?
So I found out I have a f**... for finding things out.
I really came to that conclusion.
What do you call a goth with a f**...??
Edgar Allan Toes
Ever heard about the guy who had a f**... for broken b**... on video game controllers?
He got off to a bad start.
He: I have a f**......
She: An uncontrollable desire to return to the imperial measurement system??
When my girlfriend told me she has an abduction f**..., I thought she was kidding.
But she demands to be taken, seriously!
I've got a f**....
I only like 12 inch d**...
I have a f**... for bikes riding on top of me
I guess I'm a cycle path
Nearly every country in the world uses metric, except for America...
because America has a f**....
I think I have a f**... for figuring things out...
What makes you think that?
I just came to that realization.
I once knew a girl who only dated tall guys
I guess you could say she had a f**...
I know a guy with a f**... who just cheated on his wife
He got off on the wrong foot
I created a f**... exercise program, but I don't know how to end it.
We are still working out the kinks.
I think my girlfriend has a blind f**....
Last night she said we should stop seeing each other.
What's the difference between granny f**... and necrophilia?
A couple of weeks.
I think I have a f**... for the last paragraph in an essay
I just came to that conclusion
I have a f**... for doing algebra
I've come to terms with that
My husband kept telling me to lower my voice during s**...
I never understood his batman f**....