Fertile Jokes
27 fertile jokes and hilarious fertile puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fertile that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Jokes are a part of life, but when it comes to the Fertile Crescent, unproductive humor is all that's to be expected. Learn what it means to joke in a barren crescent, and why it's an important part of laughing in an area of the world that is known for its dryness.
Funniest Fertile Short Jokes
Short fertile jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fertile humour may include short fertility jokes also.
- The Planets 71% water + 29% land = Earth
100% land + 0% Chocolate = Mars
100% land + 0% Fertility = Venus
100% land and lava + 0% Freddy = Mercury
100% land + 0% Dog = Pluto
100% gas = Uranus - Did you hear about the communist couple that went to a fertility clinic? They wanted to seize the means of reproduction.
- I earned an Oscar for being the best producer. He was born and named yesterday after my long fight against fertility.
- A teacher is quizzing her class Teacher: you use forest for?
Students: getting wood
Teacher: fertile lands for?
Students: growing food
Teacher: sea for?
Quiet kid: explosions - Dude, I attended the fertilizer convention the other day... ...yeah, it was a real shitshow.
- Fertility clinic What did the perverted embryonic scientist say to the microscope?
"Are those my genes because I can definitely see myself in them." - Why did the place where two roads diverged in the yellow wood become overgrown quickly? Because Frost increases soil fertility!
- Why did the ancient Mesopotamian woman have a lot of kids? Every man in Egypt had seen her Fertile Crescent.
- They say Kim Jong Un attended the opening of a fertilizer factory ...it is unclear whether he was there as a spectator or as a fertilizer.
- How did the bag of fertilizer help the vegetable farmer pay his mortgage? It raised his celery...
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Fertile One Liners
Which fertile one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fertile? I can suggest the ones about fertilized eggs and pregnant.
- How do you marry a country girl? Step 1: A tractor
Step 2: Fertilizer - What are the two steps to marrying a country girl? First; a tractor.
Next; fertilizer. - They say revolution breeds revolution. Resistance is fertile.
- How do you get a farm girl to marry you? Fertilizer.
- A sign at the fertility clinic. Please wait to be seeded.
- I became rich by selling fertilizer. I have some very prosperous phosphorus.
- Manure isn't the best fertilizer ... but it's a solid number two.
- Best pickup line: How do you like your eggs in the morning... Fertilized?
- What do you call it when a salmon accidentally fertilizes his sisters eggs? Roe Tide
- We need to get into the fertilizer industry... I hear business is booming.
- Did you know fences make good neighbors And bad neighbors make good fertilizer.
- What do you call it when a fruit is fertilized without consent? Grape.
- What is the fertility doctor's favourite White Stripes song? Insemenation Army.
- What did the fertile spot in the desert with water tell it's sister? Oh, ey sis
- Hey girl are you the great American West? Because you're flat and fertile
Fertile Crescent Jokes
Here is a list of funny fertile crescent jokes and even better fertile crescent puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Are you today's date? Because you look like a delicious fruit indigenous to the fertile crescent region

Uplifting Fertile Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about fertile you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean reproductive jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fertile pranks.
Kurdish cunieform tablets
In ancient Kurdistan, they didn't have the material to make the cuneiform tablets they did down by the rivers in the Fertile Crescent, so they had to carve important documents into stone tablets.
That included contracts and treaties. There could be multiple signatories. For an invoice, for instance, it was possible to bill two Kurds with one stone.
I like my women like I like my fields.....
fertile and full of my seed
Why Vegetarian Eat Fruits?
To be fruitful (fertile)
So God's busy making the world...
and Angel Gabriel passes by.
God says, "Look angel Gabriel! Look! I am making a precious land called Israel. It will be full of oil, it shall be fertile, and it shall be the promised land. I am making a chosen people to inhabit it. They shall be called the Jews!"
Angel Gabriel looks at God and says, "God, don't you think you're giving one group of people, these Jews, too much prosperity?"
God replies, "Oh, don't worry. I'm going to cancel it out with the neighbors that I'll give them."
An attractive middle-aged woman sits at a bar...
... she orders a drink and a man sits beside her. They are both looking rather glum so she asks him what's the matter. He replies that he has a large chicken farm but none of the hens are laying fertile eggs, if this continues he will be out of business very soon. The man notices the woman is rather upset too, so he asks what her woes are. She says with a sigh 'I am just like one of your chickens' and continues to explain that for many years she and her ungrateful husband had tried to have a child, nothing had worked. They sit in silence for a short time, the woman looks at the man and asks if there is anything he can do to fix his chicken problem. He replies, 'I suppose I could try changing c**...' she winks at him, ' I suppose I could try that too'