
Ferdinand Jokes

7 ferdinand jokes and hilarious ferdinand puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ferdinand that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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The Funniest Ferdinand Jokes for a Bone-Shaking Laugh

What is a good ferdinand joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

When I get a dog, I am going to name him Franz Ferdinand

So I can take him out
(I tried)

TIL that Nikola Tesla threw the bomb that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, sparking WWI...

Whoops, wrong Serb.

Ferdinand the Bull was on one side of a fence

Elsie the cow was on the other. She winked at Ferdinand. Ferdinand snorted and jump over the fence.
"I'm Elsie the cow. You must be Ferdinand the Bull."
"Just call me Ferdinand. The fence was higher than I thought."

World War 1 could've been easily be prevented..

I mean, singing Take me out probably wasn't Franz Ferdinand's brightest idea.

I made a website full of s**... images of Archduke Ferdinand. It's called...


What happened when Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a serbian t**...?

Their countries had to Duke it out.


Ferdinand went to work in France for 2 years.
When he returned, he told his wife:
-I'm sorry Mary, France is full of hot chicks and I couldn't resist. But at the last minute, when I remembered you, I immediately got off the top of them.
She answered:
-I also remembered you a lot sweetheart, but you have to understand that it's easier to get off the top than to get off the bottom.

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