
Feminine Jokes

41 feminine jokes and hilarious feminine puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about feminine that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Want to hear some jokes that express the feminine side? From objectifying the female body to understanding the feminine urge and even feminine hygiene, this collection of jokes crafted by Quinta and Tor will make you laugh and think.

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Funniest Feminine Short Jokes

Short feminine jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The feminine humour may include short masculine jokes also.

  1. My wife, to our therapist: He always misunderstands simple questions. Therapist, to me: What does she mean?
    Me: It's a feminine pronoun,
  2. My Spanish teacher taught me the word for "Transgender" I asked him if the word is masculine or feminine
  3. Aerosmith According to fellow band members, Aerosmith's Steven Tyler handle a pen very femininely. Rumour has it he doodles like a lady.
  4. My wife told me that I should be more in touch with my feminine side… …so I went out and wrecked the car…then I got mad at her for the way she looked at me, 4 years ago.
  5. My wife said that I should get in touch with my feminine side. So I crashed the car.
    Then I ignored her all day for no reason.
  6. It appears international women's day was a HUGE success. Women from all over the US demonstrated their femininity by not making up their minds about whether they wanted to celebrate it or not.
  7. My wife told me to be more in touch with my feminine side So i crashed the car.
    Then ignored her the whole day for no reason.
  8. They said to get in touch with my feminine side. So I did, and my next paycheck was 22% less.
  9. My girlfriend told me to be more in touch with my feminine side. So I crashed the car. And ignored her all day for no reason.
  10. I want to get one of those LA hats everyone has nowadays When people go to ask me "hey man, are you from Los Angeles?"
    I'll be like "nah dude,I just really like the french feminine definite article"

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Feminine One Liners

Which feminine one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with feminine? I can suggest the ones about feminist and female.

  1. I decided to get in touch with my feminine side today I made myself a sandwich.
  2. My wife told me to be more in touch with my feminine side So I crashed the car
  3. My wife asked me to get more in touch with my feminine side. So I wrecked the car.
  4. Why does the feminine man float on fire? Because he is flamboyant!
  5. How does The Flash deal with feminine criminals? With flashbangs.
  6. When I tried to get in touch with my feminine side... she slapped me.
  7. I like my women like I like my beverages! Really feminine.
  8. What's the feminine name for the Internet Highway? e-Lane
  9. What do you get when you combine a feminine wig and a leather sandal? A Mirkinstock.
  10. People sometimes say "feminine wiles..." Is that like cooking "while" cleaning?
  11. Why is the universe feminine in nature? Because it's made up of galaxies.
  12. Order a pizza and we'll tell you which feminine hygiene product you should use. Nt
  13. The men's room was occupied I guess I feel a little feminine today
  14. What do you call a movie about feminine hygiene products? a period piece

Feminine Hygiene Jokes

Here is a list of funny feminine hygiene jokes and even better feminine hygiene puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • All feminine hygiene products now on sale for HALF PRICE But hurry - it's just for the Christmas period.
  • What's the difference between rick perry and Summers Eve? One is a feminine hygiene product, and the other is a disposable d**....
  • What do you do when a feminine hygiene product catches on fire? You throw it on the ground and t**... it.
Feminine joke, What do you do when a feminine hygiene product catches on fire?

Feminine joke, What do you do when a feminine hygiene product catches on fire?

Fun-Filled Feminine Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about feminine you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean male female jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make feminine pranks.

As a man i avoid wearing pink shirts or anything too feminine ..

thats why my bra and p**... are always black.

A Comparison of the Different Languages

**French**: This chair is feminine. "La Chaise"
**Italian**: This chair is feminine! "La Sedia"
**German**: This chair is masculine. "Der Stuhl"
**English**: This chair is an object, I don't see how it has a gender.
**Japanese**: If you don't pronounce chair exactly right, you'll end up calling your mother a pair of rotten t**... instead.

A blonde is about to solve a crossword...

... but still misses some answers.
She asks for a help her best friend,
"Jane, could you help me solving this pls. - the clue says 'Feminine i**... part' - with 4 letters.."
"Across or down?" asks her friend.
"It's across"
"Then it should be lips"

A tourist in Madrid

A tourist hires a guide to show him around Madrid. He tells the guide, "If you don't mind, I'm trying to learn Spanish, so if I say something wrong, please correct me." The guide agrees, and they set off walking.
A fly happens to buzz by, and the tourist says, "Look at the *mosco*!" The guide corrects him, "No, señor, the word you want is *mosca*, a feminine noun."
The tourist watches the fly carefully for a few moments. Then he turns back to the guide and says, "You must have fantastic eyesight!"

[My first ever submission!] A man is driving through a shady part of town...

...When he pulls up at a stop sign.
A woman of the night, about 3 inches tall, approaches his car and shouts to him in a voice that betrays any femininity; "Hey darl, you looking for a good time? I'm only 10 cents per hour."
The driver replies "Sorry, I don't want any micro-transactions."

A wife comes home from a long day at work

She goes to her room and she sees a pair of feminine feet in the bed with a pair of manly feet.
Assuming that her husband is cheating on her, she goes into a rage and starts beating their legs.
After about 20 seconds of punching, she hears her husband call from the kitchen Honey! Just wanted to let you know your parents are here

It seems that today you either have to dress like a masculine motor king or a feminine flower queen; I wish there was a middle ground.

A daisy duke if you will.

So i have this over the top gay friend..

He gets really screechy and table slappy when we watch hockey.
Slapping the table top and screeching in a high pitched feminine voice when his team scores a goal.
I wonder what in his past made him this way?
Was it caused by trauma?
Did he not get enough attention from his father?
Was he molested by his uncle?
Seriously people aren't just born Maple Leaf fans!

Feminine joke, So i have this over the top gay friend..