
Felon Jokes

30 felon jokes and hilarious felon puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about felon that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Felon Short Jokes

Short felon jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The felon humour may include short inmate jokes also.

  1. The average paid athlete weighs more than the average felon As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons.
  2. Did you hear about the Olympic gymnast that was a convicted felon? He was always known for some assaults
  3. What do you call a convicted felon on an escalator? I'm not sure, but I think it's con descending
  4. I was at the courthouse today and witnessed a 4 foot tall felon go down a flight of stairs.... It was a little condescending.
  5. What do recent college graduates and felons have in common? It takes three to five years before anyone will hire them.
  6. Been thinking about starting a program to rehabilitate felons through the power of writing So I've been considering all the prose and cons.
  7. What's the difference between a depressed criminal and a cat cutting down a gumtree with a chainsaw? One's a felon feeling glum, and the other is a feline felling gum.
  8. What do you call a felon climbing down a ladder saying he's better at it than you? A condescending con-descending.
  9. If you are a midget and convicted felon on the run disguised as a psychic... are a small medium at large.
  10. Why was Six afraid of Seven? Because Seven is a convicted felon and it is clear that prison life wasn't easy on him. It doesn't help that Six is, naturally, a little timid.

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Felon One Liners

Which felon one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with felon? I can suggest the ones about offender and fugitive.

  1. What do you call a billionaire who commits crimes after sunset? Felon Dusk.
  2. I'm compiling a book of poems by felons. I'm going to call it "Prose and Cons".
  3. What do you call someone who steals a Tesla? Felon Musk.
  4. Felons would be a really valuable voting base... After all, we know they have conviction.
  5. Why did the felon have so much energy? He was well arrested!
  6. How did the ex-convict get stuck in the sewer grate? He felon.
  7. What do you call a felon who enjoys getting zapped and has a go-to attitude? A con-do-it!
  8. The sitting POTUS is a felon. Yup. That's all.
  9. Why do paid athletes weigh more than felons? Because the pro's outweigh the cons.
  10. What did the felon's best friend feel when he got all of his stuff done? Accompliced!
  11. Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon? A: A fund raiser.
  12. What did the cop say to the cold felon? You're gonna want to layer up
  13. What's the name of that talk show host who's a former criminal? Jimmy Felon?
  14. TIL Elon Musk has an evil twin that commits crimes every evening. His name is Felon Dusk.
  15. Why are Juggalos obsessed with hatchets? Felons can't buy guns

Felon joke, Why are Juggalos obsessed with hatchets?

Hilarious Felon Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What funny jokes about felon you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean criminal bad jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make felon pranks.

The Felony laws are rediculous...

Three guys were talking about how they ended up in an Arizona prison.
Guy 1: what are you in for?
Guy 2: selling w**... to my 23 year old cousin with anxiety.
Guy 1: I can beat that, I was playing bioshock and the radio in game played some 1950s s**.... I got a copy right strike and here I am.
Guy 3: I got you both beat. I'm in here because my a**... fall asleep in the bathtub.

Felon joke, What do you call a felon who enjoys getting zapped and has a go-to attitude?