Fell Stairs Jokes
77 fell stairs jokes and hilarious fell stairs puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fell stairs that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Fell Stairs Short Jokes
Short fell stairs jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fell stairs humour may include short falling stairs jokes also.
- How many police officers does it take to push a black man down the stairs? None. "He fell".
- how many corrections officers does it take to throw an inmate down the stairs? none he fell
- How many prison guards does it take to throw an inmate down a flight of stairs? None, he fell.
- So I just fell down the stairs holding a guitar... and accidentally wrote a One Direction song.
- How many cops does it take to beat up a light bulb? None. That light bulb fell down the stairs.
- My Irish grandfather once fell down two flights of stairs with a pint of whiskey and didn't spill a drop. The man knew how to keep his mouth shut.
- How many deputies did it take to push the inmate down the stairs? None, he fell.
I work as a Detention Deputy, and that's one of my favorite jokes to tell the inmates. - I once fell down 2 flights of stairs and hit my head I quickly realized it was a dream when I woke up safely in my hospital bed.
- Did you heard about the Indian chef that fell down from the stairs? He was curryed away to the hospital.
- I once dreamed that I fell down a flight of stairs. I was so relieved when I woke up safely in the hospital.
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Fell Stairs One Liners
Which fell stairs one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fell stairs? I can suggest the ones about falling down stairs and climbing stairs.
- How many cops does it take to throw a black guy down the stairs? None. He fell.
- What do you call a wizard who fell down the stairs? Tumbledore
- How many cops does it take to push a minority down the stairs? None, "He fell"
- A couple of geese fell down from the stairs. They got multiple goose bumps.
- Did you hear about M.C. Escher? Poor guy tripped and fell up the stairs
- How many prison guards does it take to push an inmate down the stairs? None, he fell.
- How many cops does it take to push a black man down the stairs? None, reports say he fell
- So 3, 4, and 5 fell down a flight of stairs... Now they're a Pythagorean cripple.
- How many cops does it take to throw a prisoner down the stairs? None, he fell...
- what do you call 5 guys who fell down the stairs? an ambulance
- How did M.C. Escher die? He tripped and fell up the stairs
- My phone just fell down a flight of stairs... But it's ok, it was in my pocket.
- How many Chicago Policemen does it take to crack an egg? None. It fell down the stairs.
- There was that asian guy who fell down a bunch of stairs It was Wong on so many levels
- I thought Elton John fell down a flight of stairs. Turns out he's still standing.
Cheeky Fell Stairs Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity
What funny jokes about fell stairs you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean staircase jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fell stairs pranks.
Chuck Norris fell down the stairs and broke somebody elses leg.
There once was a baby born with no arms. His parents put him on the church's stairs and vanished.
The local priest took him in and raised him, eventually giving him the job of ringing the bell for evening mass. So, each day, the child lined up from across the room and ran as fast as he could to hit the bell with his head.
One day, the priest ate a banana and left the peel lying by the bell. As the child was running running running, he slipped on the banana peel and fell out the window to his death. When the cops came to investigate, the asked the priest for the child's name.
The priest said I don't know his name, but his face rings a bell.
The Pink Gorilla
An married couple are out driving home through the country one night when their car breaks down. There was a farm house nearby, so they decided to see if they could find some help. While the husband was talking to the farmer, the wife asked if she could use the man's restroom. The farmer said "Sure thing. Up the stairs, third door on the right. But whatever you do, do NOT touch the big pink gorilla through the door at the end of the hall."
The woman agreed that she wouldn't touch the gorilla and headed up the stairs. After she had finished her business, she started towards the stairs, but her curiosity got the best of her. She quietly went through the door at the end of the hall and found herself face to face with an enormous pink gorilla in a cage, fast asleep. She figured it couldn't hurt to poke him just once, so she slowly reached into the cage and touched his shoulder. Immediately, the gorilla's eyes snapped open, he ripped the door off of his cage, and began to chase the woman. She ran down the stairs, past her husband and the farmer, and out the front door. As she ran through the field outside, she stumbled and fell, and the gorilla closed in. He loomed over her and she watched, horrified, as he reached an enormous hand towards her and said
"Tag, you're it!"
There was once a man born with no arms...
So his family gave him to the local church. At first they had a hard time figuring out what to do with an armless guy, so they just had him teach choir. But one day, It was time for mass, and no one was there except the armless man. He knew the bell had to be rung to summon the people, so he walked up the stairs to the bell tower. After contemplating for a bit, he ran straight up to the bell and rung it with his face. When the minister and everyone else returned, they were so amazed with his performance that they designated him the official bell ringer. So he went on like that every day, slamming his face into the bell to ring it. One day, however, he slipped and fell off the bell tower to his death. Citizens crowded around him in horror. "does anyone know this armless guy?" a man called out. " I'm not sure," said another guy, " but his face sure rings a bell."
Gujarati needs plastic surgery
One gujarati 'fell down the stairs' and broke his face. Doctors said he needed to get plastic surgery. So he goes to plastic surgeon.
"How much?" he asks the doctor.
The doctor takes one look at his face and says "2 million"
"Oh no, that is too high. I have mouths to feed, sisters and mother depend on me."
Doctor reconsiders... say "Okay, for your families sake, lets say 1.75 million".
"What? You call that a reduction? Make it 1.25 million"
"I dont know why I am even doing this... but okay 1.5 million" Says the doctor.
"1.5 million for everything?" asks the gujarati.
"Yep all in." says the doctor.
"Okay then. Now tell me, how much will you go down if *i* bring the plastic?"
An old man was lying on his deathbed.
An old man was lying on his deathbed. His wife of forty years was holding his hand.
He looked at her and said Margaret, It seems like you have always been with me when I was in need. Remember that time I fell down the stairs? You stayed with me. And when I lost my job? You were right there. Now that I am dying, you are here. You know what, Margaret?
What, John?
I think you're a jinx.
A guy fell in stairs..
A guy fell in stairs & got hurt, his friend told him "put ice where you got hurt", he took ice & put it on the stairs.
A joke fit for Viking Fest
Ole was on his death bed. The doctor had told Lena that he wouldn't last the night and he might as well die at home on his own bed. After a while, Ole's eyes flickered open and he sniffed the air and muttered "Lefsa. Oh, Lefsa." He worked his way to the edge of the bed and slipped to the floor. Sniffing the air and muttering, "Lefsa," he crawled to the stairs and half climbed, half fell downstairs. "Oh, Lefsa..." He crawled to the kitchen door. There, he saw Lena standing at the stove cooking Lefsa, with a stack of finished ones on the table. He crawled to the table and painfully pulled himself up on a chair murmuring "Lefsa." He was reaching out for one when Lena turned and saw him. She smacked his hand with the spatula and said, "Now, Ole, stop that! Those are for after the f**...."
A man phones home from his business trip...
His 9yo son answers and says hey.
"Hey buddy, it's dad! Wheres youre mom?"
"I will check", replies the son as he walks to his parents' bedroom and sees his mom in bed with uncle Jim. "She is playing in bed with uncle Jim"
"What?! Uncle Jim?! Tell them I will be right over!" the man fumes.
"Mom, dad says he'll be right over", says the kid. His mom starts panicking and shouting, uncle Jim jumps quickly from the window and falls in the empty pool and cracks his head. The mom rolls in sheets, exits the room and falls down the stairs and cracks her head.
The kid looks around and starts crying.
"What happened son?"
"Mom fell down the stairs abd uncle Jim jumped into the empty pool and died" he squeals.
"The pool?" Asks the man. "Is this the Goldberg house??"
What did the Calvinist say after he fell down the stairs?
"Well, glad I got that over with."
How many white Police Officers does it take to beat up one black motorist?
None. He fell down some stairs.
A man lives on the 15th floor of an apartment.
One rainy Saturday afternoon he walks out onto his balcony and sticks his hand out over the edge to see if it's raining or not, and a glass eye falls into his hand. He looks up, and there is a gorgeous woman standing on the balcony above him, who apologises and says she was just leaning out to check the rain and her glass eye fell out. She asks him to bring it up the stairs to her, which he does immediately. To say thanks, she kisses him on the mouth. Mildly surprised, he asks, "Do you do that to every guy you meet?"
And she replies, "Only the ones that catch my eye."
A woman is complaining to her neighbor
Wife: My husband is 300% impotent.
Neighbor: A few days ago you told me 100%, not 300%.
Wife: Well, yesterday he fell down the stairs, broke his finger and bit his tongue.
What happened when the police officer pushed a man down the stairs?
Nothing. He fell.
How many confederate flag bearing husbands does it take to beat up their wives?
None, she fell down the stairs.
George HW Bush fell and broke his neck today
It's in the news. Today George HW Bush fell and broke his neck at home in Maine. Fox news is blaming it on Hillary. Donald Trump said his Mexican Maid pushed him down the stairs.
A story about a man with no arms.
One day, a man with no arms was low of money and decided he needed a job. So he went to the local church and talked to the priest. He told the pastor that he wanted to be the bell ringer, despite the fact that he had no arms.
The priest pondered this, and said "if you can go ring the bell at 3, you can have the job."
So right at three he went up the stairs to the massive Bell;m, rand and slammed his entire face into the bell, ringing it once. He backed up, and ran into the bell with his face again, ringing it once more.
He went back to the priest and the priest said "well I'm impressed, you got the job." So every hour he would go back up and ring the bell. At ten o'clock, as he was running towards the bell he tripped and fell off the tower and died. So while the cops were on the scene investigating the body, one cop asked the other "Do you know this man!"
"No, but his face sure rings a bell!"
Your mom fell down
A man tells his wife,
Honey, your mom fell down the stairs 20 minutes ago.
The wife yells at him, Why are you just telling me now?
He said, Because I couldn't stop laughing.
A martini fell down the stairs when it was about to be knighted.
It was shaken, not sirred.
I am a widower three times over.....
My first wife died when she ate some poisonous mushrooms from the yard.
My second wife died from eating the same mushrooms.
My third wife fell down the stairs because she wouldnt eat the mushrooms.
If my wife isn't careful she'll get hit by a drunk driver tonight.
But we'll just tell her dad she fell down the stairs.
What did the pig say after he fell down the stairs?
oh my aching bacon.
"What was that loud noise last night?"
"My shoes fell down the stairs."
"Shoes don't make that much noise."
"Well, I was still wearing them..."
What's black and white and red all over?
A penguin that just fell down the stairs.
What's black and white and laughing?
...the penguin that pushed him
*not original, heard it years ago from a friend still my fav*
Did anyone hear about the rapper that fell down some stairs?
He be trippin'.
What did Mozart say when he fell down the stairs?
Ow, my Bach!
I've been concerned about my Grandma, and wondered what would happen if she fell down the stairs and no one was around
Would she make a noise?
So my mom told me I fell down the stairs...
She was lying because I don't remember it happening!
'I'm gonna go for a trip' a man says
The man stumbled and fell down the stairs
We called 911 immediately after our 91 year old grandmother fell down the stairs during our family reunion.
We were all relieved when the hearse finally showed up.
What sounds did the bones of the Rice Krispies mascots make when they fell down the stairs?
A snap, a krackle, and a pop.
Mom told me this joke long ago, remains my favourite joke to date.
Rory fell down the stairs and broke his leg. He yelled to his friends, Guys, call me an ambulance!
So Rory's friends started dancing around him singing, Rory is an Ambulance, Rory is an ambulance!
A Chinese man fell down the stairs of his 10-story apartment building.
It was Wong on so many levels.
Which transformer fell down the stairs?
My overweight friend fell down the stairs
He was fine. everyone was concerned, however the floor was cracking up
The other day I was trying to help a blind man avoid the stairs...
So I yelled watch out! He still fell down.
Mother in law and stairs
Two old friends meet each other after a long time:
A: Oh hey, what's new?
B: Nothing much, my mother in law died.
A: Oh really, d**..., how?
B: She went downstairs to the basement to get some potatoes for lunch, fell and broke her neck.
A: That's tragic, what did you do then?
B: We ordered pizza.