Fell Gorilla Jokes
5 fell gorilla jokes and hilarious fell gorilla puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fell gorilla that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Quirky and Hilarious Fell Gorilla Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.
What is a good fell gorilla joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I heard the kid who fell into the gorilla pit was actually trying to get the jewelry his mother dropped.
He didn't get the gold but he got the silver back.
Your mama is so ugly
She fell into a gorilla exhibit and got shot.
I fell asleep at the Cincinnati zoo and fell into the Gorilla pit...
Harambe caught me slippin'
fake gorilla joke
a nearly broke zoo had trouble maintaining and caring for the gorillas, so they had to sell them to a different zoo.
to keep the exhibit open, they dressed up a staff member in a gorilla suit.
for the next week, the fake gorilla was placed in the cage and paid to act real, and he loved it!
everyone loved him, thinking he was a real gorilla, but one day he went too far, climbed up the side of his enclosure (electric fence didn't hurt him through the suit) and accidentally fell into the lion pit!
"help me!" "I'm gonna die!" the fake gorilla screamed.
the lion roared, ran over to the gorilla, and growled in his face:
"shut up or we'll both get fired!"
The Pink Gorilla
An married couple are out driving home through the country one night when their car breaks down. There was a farm house nearby, so they decided to see if they could find some help. While the husband was talking to the farmer, the wife asked if she could use the man's restroom. The farmer said "Sure thing. Up the stairs, third door on the right. But whatever you do, do NOT touch the big pink gorilla through the door at the end of the hall."
The woman agreed that she wouldn't touch the gorilla and headed up the stairs. After she had finished her business, she started towards the stairs, but her curiosity got the best of her. She quietly went through the door at the end of the hall and found herself face to face with an enormous pink gorilla in a cage, fast asleep. She figured it couldn't hurt to poke him just once, so she slowly reached into the cage and touched his shoulder. Immediately, the gorilla's eyes snapped open, he ripped the door off of his cage, and began to chase the woman. She ran down the stairs, past her husband and the farmer, and out the front door. As she ran through the field outside, she stumbled and fell, and the gorilla closed in. He loomed over her and she watched, horrified, as he reached an enormous hand towards her and said
"Tag, you're it!"
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