
Fedora Jokes

64 fedora jokes and hilarious fedora puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fedora that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

A round-up of the funniest Fedora jokes, perfect for any Linux fan! From Fedora hat puns to sombrero and trenchcoat gags, the ultimate collection of Fedora jokes of all shapes and sizes. Get your Fedora humor fix now!

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Funniest Fedora Short Jokes

Short fedora jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fedora humour may include short hats jokes also.

  1. What is Pac-Man's favorite cooking utensil? A wok a wok a wok a wok a wok a wok a wok a wok a wok a wok
  2. Why do waitresses love serving men in fedoras? If you're nice to them, their tipping intensifies.
  3. Despite always being made fun of on the internet, I've never seen a fedora-wearing neckbeard in the real life. I guess that means the stereotype is true.
  4. A Scottish, fedora-wearing art professor complimented his Scandinavian student. "Nice skies, Finnish lass!"
  5. What's the difference between a fedora and a fedina? "A fedina? What's a fedina?"
    "*a-Spaghetti and meatballs!*"
    Try it out. Just try it. This holiday season.
  6. I just donated some money to the maintainers of a Linux distribution derived from Red Hat \*tips fedora\*
  7. A neckbearded man walks into the doctor's office The doctor asks "what seems to be the problem sir?"
    The man solemnly removes his fedora and says "I have several maladies"
  8. *tips fedora at duck* "M'llard"
  9. *Tips fedora to crashing plane* M'day
  10. A neck beard passes actor Lucas Till on the street Tips fedora: M'gyver

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Fedora One Liners

Which fedora one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fedora? I can suggest the ones about cowboy hat and bonnet.

  1. *tips fedora at mosquito* M'laria
  2. Whats a fedora clad, neck bearded gentlemen's favorite color? M'genta
  3. What's the best way anyone could pull off a fedora? Immediately.
  4. What do you call dora the Explorer in an Iron Man suit? FeDora
    I'll see myself out.
  5. *Tips fedora to cute non-binary girl* m'theydy
  6. What do you get when you're bitten by a mosquito wearing a fedora? M'laria
  7. *assault rifle tips fedora* M'16.
  8. *tips fedora at the First Lady* M'lania
  9. *tips fedora at Borneo* M'laysia
  10. Singapore: *looking northward, tips fedora*
  11. *Tips fedora at airplane* M'laysian
  12. What is a neckbeard's favorite food? Marm'lady.
    (tips fedora)
  13. What do you call the atheist head covering? A fedora
  14. I'm so sorry but what is a fedora wearer's favourite part in music? Me'lody
  15. Which country produces the most fedoras? M'laysia.

Fedora Guy Jokes

Here is a list of funny fedora guy jokes and even better fedora guy puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What does a fedora guy say on the Singapore border? M'lasia
  • Why was the guy wearing the fedora upset? Because you didn't ask him what band he's in.
  • What's the best part of being the waitress for a table of guys wearing fedoras? They always tip m'lady
  • *tips fedora at bad guy taking me hostage* M'captor.
  • What does a black guy wearing a fedora say to greet people? Sup m'**...
  • What do you call a guy with a fedora? "You m**..."

Fedora Hat Jokes

Here is a list of funny fedora hat jokes and even better fedora hat puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you say to a cool cat in a nice fedora? Get off my hat!
  • What do you call a fedora-wearing feline? A cat-hat-strophe.
    I will see myself out
  • The fedora is my favorite hat Whenever I put one on, suddenly girls just wanna be friends with me.
Fedora joke, The fedora is my favorite hat

Fedora joke, The fedora is my favorite hat

Comical & Quirky Fedora Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What funny jokes about fedora you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bow tie jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fedora pranks.

A man walks into a bar...

Shadily dressed in a trench coat with the collar pulled up and a fedora pulled down over his face. A livid scar runs down his cheek, and his two tone shoes are dangerously polished. In his hands he's carrying an accordion case. The bar falls completely silent. All of the patrons turn pale and freeze as the man strolls up to the bar and sets the case down on the counter. Everyone holds their breath. Suddenly, the man flips open the case and pulls out a machine gun! And everyone in the bar breathes a sigh of relief.

I'm going fedora shopping later today...

Any tips?

What is a fedora clad neck-bearded gent's favourite band?

M'roon 5

How does a fedora wearing German, living in France say Earth?


A Neckbeard Approaches a Cancer Patient at a Bar...

He tips his fedora and says, "Malady."

What are a fedora tipper's three favorite pokemon?


what phase is it called when a man with a fedora and trenchcoat realise they look s**...


What's it called when a fedora wearing neckbeard gets sick?


What's a neckbeards favorite linux os?

(cricket cricket)

*Tips fedora at ill-looking woman on the street*


What did the Asian man say after tipping his fedora?


Psychiatrist: *tips fedora at depressed patient*


What's a neckbeards favorite disease?

M'laria. *tips Fedora*

What did the neckbeard cat say?

M'eow (tips fedora)

What is a neckbeards favorite candy?

*tips fedora*
M's and M's

What does a gentlemanly virus say to its host?

*Tips fedora* Malady.

Fedora joke, *Tips fedora to cute non-binary girl*

jokes about fedora