Fedora Hat Jokes
5 fedora hat jokes and hilarious fedora hat puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fedora hat that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Fedora Hat Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.
What is a good fedora hat joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I just donated some money to the maintainers of a Linux distribution derived from Red Hat
\*tips fedora\*
What do you say to a cool cat in a nice fedora?
Get off my hat!
What do you call a fedora-wearing feline?
A cat-hat-strophe.
I will see myself out
The fedora is my favorite hat
Whenever I put one on, suddenly girls just wanna be friends with me.
A man sits at the bar drinking and looking upset.
The bartender asks him what's wrong. The man looks up and says
"I lost it all playing the ponies. A million dollars. I had it and I lost it all."
The bartender is taken aback. "If you don't mind me prying, a million dollars is a lot of money. How'd you end up losing it?"
The man downs his drink. "Pour me another and I'll tell you. I went to the track with five dollars. That's it. I was only gonna spend five and go home. So I gets a good feeling about this horse named Fedora. He had incredible odds so I went for it. Turns out he won. So I makes a five into a hundred. I'm on a roll now, so in the next race I bets on a horse named Top Hat. Again, the odds are in my favour. He wins, and I turns a hundred into six thousand. It continues all day, every race. Beret made 6000 into 120,000. And Trilby makes 120,000 into 1,200,000. That's no small potatoes. I shoulda known hat names wouldn't work forever, but I thought I had a winner with Cowboy. He lost. I lost."
The bartender is invested in the story by this point. He waits with bated breath. "So who won?"
"Some d**... horse named Yarmulke."
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