Feature Film Jokes
9 feature film jokes and hilarious feature film puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about feature film that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Comical Feature Film Jokes and Gems that Will Get You in Laughter Land
What is a good feature film joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Arnold Scwharzanegger gets a call from his agent about a feature length film based around classical music. When asked which character he'd most like to play,
'I'll be Bach'.
I heard Samsung is making a feature film
They're calling it Total Recall.
Called up the movie theater to find out what the order was for the double feature horror films.
It follows It Follows.
There's a double feature at the theatre tonight. The first film is about a s**... transmitted d**.... The second is about an evil clown.
It follows It Follows.
If North Korea released a rocket launch blooper video...
It'd be a feature-length film
Did you hear the director planned to film two sequels simultaneously for the Michael J Fox 1980's time travel comedy?
He planned to make back-to-back back to the 'Back to the Future' future features!
This High Flying 2009 film from Pixar studios won Best Animated Feature at the 82nd Academy Awards.
"What's 'Up', Alex?"
"Not much, what's up with you?"
New spy action film to feature a furry marsupial
It will be called Mission Impossumible
My new Toyota is going to featured in a film!
They call it a Camryo.
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