Feather Indian Jokes
3 feather indian jokes and hilarious feather indian puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about feather indian that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Feather Indian Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.
What is a good feather indian joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
A guy asks his friend: "What's the most offensive thing you can say to an Indian?"
His friend answers. "It depends. Dot or feather?"
An wizened old Indian chief, with a stern face and feathered headdress, sees a beautiful mermaid and says…
A teen boy wants to borrow the car, so he opens his parents' bedroom door to ask.
He sees his dad wearing only chaps and a cowboy hat, on top of his mother, who has a feathered headdress and an indian s**... outfit on. He quickly shuts their door and disappears.
The parents decided to finish what they were doing, but a few minutes later, the wife asks the dad to go talk to their son about the costumes and about walking into their bedroom without knocking.
The dad is walking down the hall toward his son's room, but hears strange noises coming from grandma's room. He opens the door, and sees his son wearing doctors' scrubs, but with his pants down - doing grandma from behind.
The dad yells out, "Jason! What are you doing?!"
The son says, "See dad - it's not so funny when it's your mother!"
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