Fearsome Jokes
8 fearsome jokes and hilarious fearsome puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fearsome that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Fearsome Jokes with Friends.
What is a good fearsome joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
The tiny door to the magic castle was barely big enough to crawl through. It was carved with a half-lion, half-eagle, and guarded by a fearsome raven that would only allow you to pass if you breathed on its foot...
So basically you had to huff n puff on the raven claw then slither in the griffon door.
A Dungeons and Dragons Joke about the most fearsome of foes: Furniture
The barkeep asked why we carried weapons into his bar.
I said 'Mimics.'
The party laughed.
The barkeep laughed.
The table laughed.
We killed the table. Good times.
A man is walking down the street, when he starts to hear a chanting sound coming from behind a fence... 13..13..13..13..13..
As he gets closer he see's a small hole in the fence, the chanting's getting louder and faster... **13..13..13..** As he gets closer the chanting comes to a fearsome cresecendo, as he looks directly into the hole...
And a finger jabs him DIRECTLY in the eye, as the chanting resumes louder than ever... **14..14..14..14..**
Yet *another* pirate joke
A young boy dressed as a pirate for Halloween and was happily trick-or-treating when he came upon this one house. He rang the bell and an older woman opened the door.
"Oh my," she said. "What a fearsome pirate. But tell me, please, where are your buccaneers?"
The little boy sighed and said, "Under my buccin' hat, lady. Where are your buccin' eyes?"
What's the most fearsome hot sauce, for vampires?
Buffy-lo sauce.
The Hellarwe tribe.
There's a tribe of pygmies in Africa called the Hellarwe. They're an ancient tribe that settled the tall, savannah grasslands a long time ago and I had the fortune of going to visit them. I actually thought we were lost until I saw a pygmy jump up ahead of us accompanied by his fearsome warcry: "Wherethehellarewe"
Joke Johnny Carson slipped by the censors
I'm not sure if this was an original Carson joke or one he could have borrowed:
One night Johnny got to talking about his Nebraska roots and he told this alleged true story during a sketch scene. Johnny mentioned that the most fearsome Indian tribe were not the Sioux, nor the Apache or even the Comanche Indians. No they were the Fahkarwee tribe!
Johnny went on to explain,: Almost every wagon train that crossed the prairie on their trek to California were known to have their wagon masters and scouts constantly scanning the horizon ahead the entire trip asking, "Where the Fahkarwee?"
Two Pirate captains sat at a bar driniking, and they were both each others biggest fan.
"You are quite the Pirate. I know of ye and your men. The most fearsome thing on the sea" Complimented Bloodbeard.
"Well I know too well 'you - "Sea Butcher". One Handed Jack! You are the scourge of the seas! We are indebted to host your accompanyment!"
"Also known are ye for your grammar and acquiestment of English and many languages!"
"But still, you are twice the pirate that I, or any of my men am" said Bloodbeard.
A pirate listening nearby corrected him "Arrgh"
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