
Feared Nice Jokes

3 feared nice jokes and hilarious feared nice puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about feared nice that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Feared Nice Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What is a good feared nice joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A man visits his doctor...

and asks him how to improve his s**... performance because he has a date with his girlfriend the next day. The doctor suggests m**... a couple of hours before a s**... encounter.
After leaving the doctor's office, he decides he needs to find a window of time to do the deed. He can't risk doing it at work for fear of being fired, and he can't do it at home because he is meeting his girlfriend at a nice restaurant and won't have time to stop. After a little more thinking, he devises a brilliant plan: he will pretend he is fixing the underside of his car and do it there so no one can see him.
The next day, the man leaves work and heads to the restaurant. He pulls over to the side of the busy highway, discreetly slides under his car, closes his eyes and begins furiously slapping the salami. Some time goes by when another car pulls up behind him. A police officer steps out and says, "Excuse me sir, can I ask what you're doing there?"
"Oh, I'm just fixing my axles." The man replies.
The officer responds, "Well you might want to fix your brakes too, because your car rolled down the hill 5 minutes ago."

I know a guy who had a pet pig.

This pig got sick one day, suffering from fear of what would happen when he finally got eaten, and turned into a nice juicy ham. My friend took him to the vet, to see why this pig was acting depressed(not eating, not sleeping, etc.). The vet prescribed one thing: cure him.
tld;dr: my friend's pig was sick, but then he got cured.

A nice movie

Gf: whatcha doing?
Me:I'm seeing a movie right now.
Gf:Oh what is it about?
Me:Once upon a time a family is attacked in which the mother dies and son becomes physically disabled and then a few years later his son gets kidnapped and the rest for the movie is about the father overcoming his fears and how he rescues his son.
Gf:o**... such an interesting plot what is the title.'s Finding Nemo.

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