Fault Jokes
156 fault jokes and hilarious fault puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fault that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Tired of the same old jokes? Check out these unique and hilarious fault jokes! From a 'fault line' to a 'defective' product, explore these wacky jokes about anything that can go wrong. Laugh out loud with your friends and family with these riotous and 'wreckless' jokes about all things going wrong!
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Funniest Fault Short Jokes
Short fault jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fault humour may include short fail jokes also.
- I told my wife, "I feel bad for saying this but you are getting loose and it doesn't feel as good anymore" She replied, "don't feel bad, it's not your fault!"
- I spent four years at college and didn't learn anything... It's really my own fault. I had a double major in psychology and reverse psychology.
- What did the tectonic plate say to the other tectonic plate when he bumped into the him? Sorry, my fault.
- What did one tectonic plate say to the other when they bumped into each other? "Whoops, my fault"
- My sister sat on my glasses and broke them... I suppose it's my fault for not taking them off first
- I had the rudest, slowest, nastiest cashier today! I guess it's my own fault for using the self checkout lane.
- What did one earthquake say to the other earthquake? That wasn't my fault.
Courtesy of my 11 year old daughter. - So I broke my waterproof speaker, by throwing it into a pool. I filed a request for a new speaker, but the company responded "it's not our fault the pool was empty".
- My gf told me to stop being childish, she just wants to come in for a talk not my fault she cant remember the password to my pillow fortress
- Woman is at a maternity hospital in a lot of pain. Her husband strokes her back and says, "I'm sorry sweety, you have to go through this"
She says, "Don't worry. It's not your fault."
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Fault One Liners
Which fault one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fault? I can suggest the ones about error and fuse.
- My wife says that I only have 2 major faults I don't listen, and something else
- One tectonic plate bumped into another and said "Sorry. My fault"
- Why do girls always get mad when I try to read their shirts? It's not my fault I'm blind.
- I haven't talk to my wife in 2 years Not my fault, I just wouldn't interrupt her.
- What did the earthquake say to all of its victims? Oh, sorry...my fault.
- What did one earthquake say to the other? Was that your fault or mine?
- What did the tectonic plate say when it had a collision? It's not my fault.
- It's not my fault that I'm lazy. It walks in the family.
- What did one tectonic plate say when it bumped into another? Whoops, my fault.
- Why are seismologists so hard to get along with? Because they're sensitive to a fault.
- My wife tells me I have 2 major faults. I don't listen, and something else.
- My dad always told me, "Don't be quick to find faults"... Good man, terrible geologist...
- If a crack forms in your backyard. Is it your fault?
- My ex hated when I started dating her twin sister. Like it's my fault they're conjoined.
- I feel bad for Nepal, but tectonically, it's their fault. Too soon?
Not My Fault Jokes
Here is a list of funny not my fault jokes and even better not my fault puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I'm really annoyed, my wifes sister sat on my glasses and broke them! to be fair, it was probably my fault for leaving them on
- My friends in Germany were complaining that they couldn't find a good bagel anywhere...
well whose fault is that? - My girlfriend got really upset when we watched the Harry Potter movies back to back It isn't my fault I was the one facing the tv
- Cops smashed my phone. Cops smashed my phone. Well it's my fault for having it on the dark mode.
- Don't make fun of Kim Jong Un just because of his condition. It's not his fault he suffers from projectile dysfunction.
- The baby Woman at a maternity hospital is in a lot of pain, moaning. The man strokes her back, I'm so sorry sweetheart that you have to endure this…
Don't worry Steve, it's not your fault. - Geology rocks but geography is where it's at... What did the tectonic plates say when they bumped into each other?
My fault, sorry! - This woman got mad I was reading the back of her pants It's not my fault I have to read things in braille
- As a plumber's assistant, I'm always being ordered around... "Stop that dripping, plug that leak, for God's sake... turn off the water works!" It's not my fault, I'm just an emotional guy.
- A doctor fell into a watering hole. Its his own fault. He should have attended to the sick and left the well alone.
Fault Line Jokes
Here is a list of funny fault line jokes and even better fault line puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I could never marry a tennis line judge... They always point out your faults.
- What do you call a border dispute along tectonic plates that's settled through improv? Whose Fault Line is it Anyway?
- If Murphy's Law is correct, then everything east of the San Andreas fault line will slide into the ocean.
- Citizens of California are trying to split the state into three separate states before the San Andreas Fault line does
- What was the fault line doing in their bedroom? Getting San Andreas
- I tried getting a fault line to be serious. But all I got was wisecracks.

It Wasnt My Fault Jokes
Here is a list of funny it wasnt my fault jokes and even better it wasnt my fault puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- So my dad always abused me as a kid... ..but I knew it wasnt his fault. I wasnt gonna a**... him back, I was gonna a**... what made him do that to me.
So thats how I became a r**... alcoholic. - My girlfriend got mad at me because I had s**... with her twin... ...I told her it wasnt my fault, they look just alike. But she didnt believe me because her hair is a lot longer than his.

Comical Fault Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter
What funny jokes about fault you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fortune jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fault pranks.
I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me. I'm really disappointed.
You can hardly blame me, I answered. It's not like I was getting any from you.
Well, that's your own fault, she replied. You never told me you were willing to pay for it.
I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me.
I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me. I'm really disappointed. You can hardly blame me, I answered. It's not like I was getting any from you. Well, that's your own fault, she replied. You never told me you were willing to pay for it.
Impact of a job change.
A taxi passenger touched the driver on shoulder to ask something
Driver screamed, lost control of the car, went up on the footpath & Stopped few centimeters from a shop
The driver said: "Don't ever do that again man! You scared me!"
Passenger apologized and said: "I didn't realize a little touch would scare you so much"
Driver replied: "Sorry, it's not your fault
Its my 1st day as a Cab driver...I've been driving a van carrying dead bodies for last 25 yrs
What did the Earth say to the Earthquake?
Sorry...that was my fault.
A Chemist and a Psychologist walk into a bar....
A Chemist and a Psychologist walk into a bar. The chemist says to the bartender "I'll have one h two oh please". The psychologist, in a fleeting fit of flaunting his intelligence, said "I'll have a jack and coke, it's all my mother's fault."
The last fight I had with my wife was my fault.
She asked me what was on the tv. I replied, "Dust."
What did the ground say to the earthquake?
It's your fault!
An objective analysis of the correlation between genetics and obesity.
A doctor is telling an obese woman that she needs to start losing weight.
The woman, offended, replies defensively, "It's not my fault! Obesity runs in my family!"
The doctor looks her up and down, and finally says, "*Nobody* runs in your family."
What did one earthquake say to the other?
"I don't know what your blaming me for, it's your fault!"
Flight attendant landed this one on us yesterday
We just landed on the runway and the flight attendant annouces a message over the speaker.
"Hey folks...um yea sorry about that rough landing...
...wasn't the captains fault,
...definitely wasn't my fault,
...it was the asphalt."
The result: a perfect mix of laughs and groans.
Just thought this when making a coffee, I'm sorry...
I've grown a f**... where I love to lick milk off white women's feet, I've been labelled a racist though... it's not my fault I'm black toes intolerant.
Thank you, thank you very much *hangs head in shame*
How does a woman apologize to a man?
I'm sorry, but it's your fault.
My sister-in-law sat on my glasses and broke them.
It was my own fault. I should have taken them off.
What did one tectonic plate say to the other after the earthquake?
That was your fault!!!
"Push harder" I shouted at my wife while she was in labor...
"Push harder" I shouted at my wife while she was in labor.
"Screw you" she screamed back at me.
Bit harsh I thought...... it wasn't my fault the car broke down on the way to the hospital!
If a lesbian couple walks into a bar and the black bartender refuses to serve them, whose fault is it?
A white male. Duh.
Yesterday I f**... in a Apple Store and everyone got mad at me
It's not my fault they don't have Windows
All the mathematical functions went to a party...
There they saw the exponential function sitting by himself
They poked him, "c'mon man, join the party"
To which he replied, "it's not my fault, eveytime I try to integrate, I just end up with myself"
There are 2 kinds of programmers
Those who understand pointers and
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If a man runs over his wife, who's fault is it?
The mans, why was he driving in the kitchen?
A truck driver runs over a woman. Whose fault is it?
The truck driver's, he was driving through her kitchen.
The Mona Lisa was arrested for loitering today
But it wasn't her fault, she was framed.
"I've been in 3 emotionally abusive relationships"
Said Dave to his new friend.
"I'm so sorry!"
"Huh. I had them thinking it was their fault as well"
Oklahoma asked California about all these earthquakes recently.
California said "It's not our fault."
Two mortal enemies get lost in the desert...
Two mortal enemies get lost in the desert. "It's all your fault!" Guy #1 says. "No, it's all your fault!" Guy #2 says. Suddenly, guy #1 finds a genie lamp. The genie appears, and says, "I can grant each of you one wish.". Guy #1 says, "I want 2x what he gets!". "Very well, what is your wish, Guy #2?" The genie asked. Guy #2 grinned, and says, "I want to be beaten half to death!"
Two seismologists have divided California into North and South to be monitored for earthquakes. A deadly magnitude 9 happens right in the middle
The North seismologist says: "why didn't you see the earthquake coming?!"
The South seismologist says: "It's not my Fault!"
A man is riding in the back of a taxi...
and the taxi driver is silent and concentrated on the road. Wanting to ask a question, the man taps the driver on the shoulder and says "Hey, buddy!" The driver screams and loses control of the taxi and crashes into a pole. The man says "Wow I didn't know me tapping you would scare you so much!" The driver replies, "It's not you're fault. This is my first day driving a taxi... last 20 years I drove a hearse!"
I lost my job at the hospital today for s**... assault....
It's not my fault that they put up a sign that said, 'stroke patients downstairs'.
Nearly 200,000 Californians evacuated due to Oroville dam reaching a likely catastrophic failure. You may think this isn't the time to bring up politics however this is Trump's fault.
No man made structure was built to hold so many liberal tears.
A religious old lady prayed everyday for wealth...
She had lived a life free of sin and had suffered greatly through no fault of her own. Every day she went to her local church and prayed:
"God, i have been all my life, please, let me win the lottery"
Every day for many years she did this, until one day, the church roof split open and a booming voice commanded:
One tension plate bumps into another plate...
"Sorry, that was my fault!"
I f**... in Apple and they kicked me out
It's not my fault they don't have windows
I lost my job as a baker when I made a customer violently choke.
It was my manager's fault for telling me to put my hair in a bun.
My wife called me as I was sat in the pub last night "I've cooked dinner," she screamed, "And if you're not home within 20 minutes I'm going to feed it to the dog."
"Woooah! That's bang out of order!" I said, "It's not his fault."
Why are earthquakes always found guilty?
Because they are at fault
A man driving a truck hits a woman who's fault is it?
The mans, he shouldn't be driving in the kitchen
I got expelled from school on pajama day.
Its not my fault I sleep n**....
Mom always told me to be positive...
So in a way, this pregnancy test is actually her fault.
An exasperated and weary Joseph asked the innkeeper, "Do you have any rooms?"
The innkeeper shook his head and replied, "No, we're all full."
Joseph pleaded, "Listen, my wife is pregnant..."
The innkeeper retorted, "Hey, that's not my fault!"
Joseph shouted, "It's not mine, either!!"
Did you hear about the doctor who fell into a well?
It's his own fault. He should have attended to the sick and left the well alone.
A man stayed late at the pub after work when he got a call from his wife
Wife: "I've cooked your dinner and if you're not back in 10 minutes I'm going to feed it to the dog!"
Man: "Hey, it's not his fault!"
A man hits a woman with his car. Who is at fault?
The man, because he should never be driving in the kitchen.
Figured out who to blame for the earthquakes.
It's the earth's fault.
A Lady Threatened to Sue Her Husband's Doctor
A lady threatened to sue her husband's doctor because after he recovered from surgery he had performance issues in bed. She claimed that he could no longer get it up and therefore could no longer please her.
The Doctor responded with "How's that my fault? I only removed his cataracts."
A man driving a car crashed into a woman. Who's fault was it?
The mans, why was he driving in the kitchen?
A man runs over a woman in his car. Who's fault is it?
The man's, he shouldn't drive in the kitchen.
[spoilers] Roses are red, the sea's full of salt
Everyone's dead, It's all Star Lord's fault.
My girlfriend says she wants to see other people
I told her a thousand times it's not my fault she's blind
So today I smashed my van in to the side of this blonde lasses car...
It was totally my fault, the car was a write off and the girl was very shook up, you could tell she was in shock so I told her I had a few cans of beer in the back of my van if she wanted them to get over the shock ..... She accepted, drunk a few then asked me if I was having one, I told her I'd wait until the police had been.
What did the strawberry say to the other strawberry?
It's your fault we're in this jam
The US postal service releases a stamp of Donald Trump
After sometime, reports start to come in that the stamp was not sticking. Infuriated that his own stamps were not working, Trump conducted a $1,300,000 investigation to find out what happened. After eliminating all of the possibilities, they observe the post office to see if the fault was on the consumers end. They soon found out that people were spitting on the wrong side.
My dad asked me
"Son, have I been a good father?"
I said "Dad, you're the best! Why do you ask?"
He said, "I wanted to make sure the way you turned out is your fault."
For all of his faults, h**... was noteworthy as a dedicated artist.
In fact, the last thing he did before he died was paint the wall of his bunker.
I didnt learn anything in college...
I guess it was kind of my fault though. I double majored in psychology, and reverse psychology.
(Stolen from BJ Novak)
Why wouldn't the ref apologize to Serena Williams?
It wasn't his fault
My wife appears to have had her identity stolen.
Some woman at the mall just parked really badly and had a go at me like it was my fault.
One day, a taxi cab passenger touched...
a new cab driver on his shoulder to ask him something. The driver squealed EEEEEEEEEE! , lost control of car, and screeched to a stop after mounting the sidewalk. The passenger apologised profusely & said: "I had no idea you would be startled by me tapping your shoulder!"
Driver replied: Im sorry it's not your fault; I used to be f**... driver for 25 years.
Dads are like boomerangs
Because it's probably your fault it didn't come back