Fat Ugly People Jokes
5 fat ugly people jokes and hilarious fat ugly people puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fat ugly people that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Uplifting Fat Ugly People Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What is a good fat ugly people joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Yo mama so fat...
Yo mama so fat she has her own gravity
But she so ugly people are still repelled by her
My friend has been going to the gym because people kept calling him "fat" and "ugly".
Now they just call him "ugly".
Alcohol doesn't make you FAT... it makes you LEAN... against tables, chairs, floors, walls and ugly people!
Apparently people keep mistaking me for their Mirrors
because they keep saying I'm ugly or fat
A plane crashes and everyone dies
And they all go to heaven. But almost everyone on this plane was either fat as can be or ugly as sin and they all had been bullied their entire lives due to this.
So god lines everyone up and says "You've all been good people but were treated terribly during life, so I will grant you one wish before you enter heaven."
The first guy thinks for a second and says "I wish I could spend eternity as a good looking man." and so god changes him into a good looking man and the guy happily goes through the pearly gates.
The second guy sees this and says "I wish to spend eternity as a good looking man!" and god obliges, but he starts to hear a faint giggle at the end of the line.
Each person in line wishes for the same thing: to be good looking. And after each wish the laughter gets louder and louder. So finally god gets to the end of the line to the laughing man and says "And what exactly is so funny?" and the guy says "I wish they were all ugly again!"
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