
Fat Picture Jokes

44 fat picture jokes and hilarious fat picture puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fat picture that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fat Picture Short Jokes

Short fat picture jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fat picture humour may include short fat friend jokes also.

  1. Yo mamma so fat... When you download a picture of her at work, the IT department thinks they're under a DDoS attack.
  2. Your momma's so fat... Her picture fell off the wall
    She wears a 3 piece bikini
    There are smaller fat women orbiting her
    Her tampons come equipped with On Star
  3. So, a friend of mine claims to be really body-positive, but... ...I saw him comment on a picture of a fat woman in Wal-Mart comparing her to a pachyderm. I told him to stop being so hippo-critical.
  4. I took a picture of your mother last summer, and it's still printing because she's so fat.
  5. Your momma is so fat... Your momma is so fat, her picture wouldn't upload to the Internet.
  6. Yo mama so fat when they took pictures of Earth it looked like Earth had a pimple.
  7. Yo' Mama is so fat, she couldn't identify a picture of her feet.
  8. Yo mama so fat she don't take pictures, she takes posters.
  9. Yo mama's so fat, when the police showed her a picture of her feet, she couldn't identify them.
  10. Yo momma's so fat, her yearbook picture is an aerial photograph.

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Fat Picture One Liners

Which fat picture one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fat picture? I can suggest the ones about fat husband and fat teacher.

  1. Yo mama so fat... I pictured her in my head and broke my neck.
  2. Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing.
  3. Yo momma so fat You took a picture of her on an empty sd card and it said memory full
  4. Yo momma so fat Her driver's license picture had to be taken by satellite
  5. Yo momma's so fat, her baby pictures were taken by satellite.
  6. yo mamas so fat When someone took a picture of her they couldn't get it off the ground
  7. Yo mamas so fat Her pictures hang themselves
  8. Your mum Is so fat Her picture falls off the wall
  9. Yo mama's so fat When she backed up her pictures to iCloud, the entire sky fell.
  10. Yo momma so fat she added a profile picture to her Facebook and it's still loading.
  11. Yo mamma's so fat her baby picture was taken by Neil Armstrong.
  12. Your mom is so fat Her school picture from first grade is still printing
  13. Yo mama so fat it took me three years to upload a picture of her to imgur
  14. Your Momma is so fat, she takes her picture with Google Earth.
  15. Yo mama so fat the only pictures you have of her are satellite pictures.

Humorous Fat Picture Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about fat picture you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fat guy jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fat picture pranks.

What do you call a girl whose profile pictures are only f**... close ups?


Yo mamma so fat when she went to get her picture taken the photographer told her to say "Cheese" and she said, "Where?"

Yo mama so fat that her yearbook picture was on page 20, 21, 22, and 23.

You're momma's so fat...

her picture's in the dictionary next to the word "ubiquitous."