Farthest Jokes
6 farthest jokes and hilarious farthest puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about farthest that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Charming Humor Farthest Jokes with Loads of Fun
What is a good farthest joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
There is a game show where the person who pees the farthest wins. Guess the name of the game show.
" u**... It To Win It "
Three old guys are sitting around in the park.....
discussing whose memory goes back the farthest. Says Larry, I remember being taken to the church, all dressed up in this scratchy white stuff, and having people standing around and someone splashing water on me.
Aww, that's nothing, says Irv. I can remember this nice, dark room, and then being squeezed something terrible, and coming out into this big bright room and being spanked—it was awful.
I got you two beat by a mile, says Fred. I remember going to a picnic with my father and coming back with my mother.
I competed in a contest to see who could throw a package the farthest.
I won and got the job as an UPS driver!
Two lovers get romantic on the night of their wedding.
The newly wed lady blushes and asks, "Honey, where will you take us for our honeymoon?"
"I will take you to the farthest islands of the Caribbean!"
"Really? And what would you do on our 25th anniversary?", asks the wife, now blushing even more.
"I will bring you back."
I played golf today and my farthest shot was with my 3 wood
Unfortunately, it WAS my 3 wood
What's the farthest you've ever gotten in a Sheryl Crow album?
For me, the first cut is the deepest
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