Fart Smell Jokes
131 fart smell jokes and hilarious fart smell puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fart smell that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Fart Smell Short Jokes
Short fart smell jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fart smell humour may include short fart sound jokes also.
- (6-year old brother gave me this one) Why do farts smell? So that deaf people can enjoy them too!
- Bought a deodrant stick today... It said 'remove top and push up bottom'
I can hardly walk but my farts smell lovely. - I got a new deodorant today. The instructions said "remove cap and push up bottom".
Now I can hardly walk, but my farts smell AWESOME - Courtesy of my kid when she was seven: what's invisible and smells like bananas? Monkey farts
- A married man is from Mars. A married woman is from Venus. He may have had life a long time ago. She is bitter and smells like farts.
- I bought a new deodorant today. The instructions said "open cap and push up bottom". Now I can't walk but my farts smell awesome.
- What happens when a clown farts? It smells funny.
--As told to me by an Engineering lead... Much facepalm ensued. - Courtesy of my son's joke book. What's invisible and smells of bananas? Monkey farts...
- what's invisible and smells like carrots? rabbit farts
- What do Pennywise the Clown's farts smell like? Derry air.
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Fart Smell One Liners
Which fart smell one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fart smell? I can suggest the ones about fart bombs and girl fart.
- What's invisible and smells like carrots? Rabbit Farts
- Why do Farts Smell so Bad? So the deaf can enjoy them too.
- What is the best thing about getting COVID? Your farts don't smell anymore.
- Why doesn't the queen's farts smell? Because it's a noble gas.
- What does it smell like when a cow farts? Dairy-air
- 2 Egyptians noticed their farts smelled the same. They had a Tutankhamen.
- If a clown farts... ... does it smell funny?
- What's Invisible and Smells Like Mice? Cat Farts...
- How can you tell when a clown farts? Because it smells funny.
- Why do farts smell so bad? So deaf people can appreciate them too
- What's quiet but smells like worms? Bird farts.
- Why does Russia smell like farts? Because Vladimir's Pootin
- Why did God make farts smell? So deaf people can enjoy them too!
- Whats invisible and smells like carrots? bunny farts
- Why do farts smell? So deaf people could enjoy them too.
Fart Smell Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about fart smell you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean farted jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fart smell pranks.
Q: Why do farts smell?
A: So deaf people can enjoy them, too.
A 90 year old women goes to the doctor.
Dr i can't stop f**..., sure they don't smell and make no noise but still i can't take it any more.
Well take these pills every day and come back in a week.
Dr what did you do to me not only am i still f**... now they smell as well!
Oh very well , now about your hearing...
A nice respectable lady with a savory smell of perfume got on the bus and took a seat beside me.
After some moments I dared to ask her: "Excuse me lady do you mind me please to ask you what is the name of this perfume and where did you buy it from? I want to buy one for my wife."
The lady responded: "It is Chanel and from Paris."
After about ten minutes later I felt a strong wind in my belly so I slowly blew it out.
Some seconds later she broke and said: "Offf... what is this smell my God"?
I said: "Gar lic and from Gilroy city in California."
I bet even your farts smell good.
Why don't Superman's farts smell?
Because krypton gas is odourless.
What do bird farts smell like?
An elderly lady goes to her GP complaining about her flatulence
She tells him that although she farts many times each day, it's more of a nuisance than a real problem.
"What do you mean?" Asks her doctor.
"Well," says the old lady, "they're silent and they don't smell."
The doctor writes a prescription and tells her to come back in a week.
When she returns she says, "I don't know what you gave me doctor! I still f**... all day and although they're still silent, they now stink the place up!"
The doctor nods and says, "now that we've cleared up your sinuses, I'll see what I can do about your hearing."
A guy really loved beans...
...so much that he had to stop eating them because they gave him horrible gas. After a couple of months, he went out to eat and decided to cave in just this one time since he'd been doing so well. He ended up eating 3 bowls of beans before his girlfriend called to make dinner plans. He knew he was going to be gassy, but he figured he could work it out. So that night, he goes over to his girlfriend's house. When he gets there, she tells him that she has a surprise for him but wants to blindfold him. She does, and leads him through the house and to the dining room table. She says she'll be right back, and he hears her leave. After just a few seconds, he gets a familiar rumble in his stomach. The urge to f**... is so great, but knowing his girlfriend is not in the room, he leans all the way to one side and lets it rip. Then the smell. He almost gagged himself, it was horrible. He waved his arms trying to dissipate the smell, and it seemed to go away just before his girlfriend came back in. "Ready?" She asked. He nodded, so she took off the blindfold. She yells, "surprise!" All of the other guests just stood there looking horrified.
An old woman decides to get a physical after a number of years.
While the doctor is examining her she mentions that over the years she has learned to f**... silently and they never smell anymore. The doctor said "Ok, that's great", finishes up the exam, gives her a prescription and tells her to come back in a couple of weeks.
When she returns, she complains that her farts now smell awful.
"Good" he said. "Now that we've cleared out your sinuses let's work on your hearing."
What's invisible and smells like bananas?
....Monkey farts
A women goes to the doctors office...
The doctor comes in and asks whats wrong.
Women: "Well have been having really loud farts lately, and I don't know what to do, and it is quite embarrassing."
Doctor: "Well does it smell?"
Women: "No, Just really loud."
All of a sudden, she cuts one right in front of the the doctor.
Doctor: "Ah, I see. I will schedule you for surgery right away."
Women: "For my stomach?"
Doctor: "No for your nose."
What's invisible and smells like cough drops?
Koala farts
an old lady goes to the doctor complaining she is f**... all the time
But at least they are silent and without any smell.
he gives her a pill and tell her to come back in a week.
after a week she returns and tells him "i still f**... a lot but now they smell awful!!"
the doctor tells her "great... now that we fixed your smelling issue, lets address your bad hearing"
i am so so sorry.......
Your momma so fat.... When she farts, all anyone can smell is Hawking Radiation.
Why do Egyptian farts smell the same?
They have t**... in common.
Father-in-law's f**...
A man was sitting next to his wife at her father's f**... when someone sitting next to him let loose a "silent-but-*deadly*" f**... during the eulogy. Without thinking, the main blurted out, "Jesus, it smells like something died in here"
9 Clowns in an elevator, one of them silently farts.
One leans over to another and wispers..."You smell something funny?".
Your voice reminds me of a f**....
It smells and nobody likes it.
Girl farts at the dinner table
A young man introduces his fiancee to his parents. While they were having dinner the girl gently farts. Annoyed by the funny smell the father in law yells:
The girl is relieved that the future in-law blamed the dog from under her chair but after a few minutes she lets one more rip. The boy's father is getting nervous:
-Rocky!! be careful now!!
Worried no more the girl fires another one. Feeling exasperated, the boy's father yells:
-Rocky! Get out of there fast! She's gonna sh*t on you!
A young korean couple are lying in bed...
When the guy starts f**... nonstop.
The girl, unable to take the smell, says, "Stop, that's disgusting!"
"Don't blame me", the guy says. "It's the dog."
"Oh, don't blame him", she says. "He was cooked perfectly."
What does a cow's f**... smell like?
My wife says her farts smell like flowers
Cauliflowers maybe
Why do farts smell?
... For the benefit of the deaf!
A high class looking woman sat down next to me on the train. I took in a breath and asked aloud, 'What's that smell?'
She turned to me, looked down her nose and said, 'Chanel, 500 dollars an ounce." She turned away.
About 10 minutes later, I let out a silent f**.... She turns to me and asks ,What's that smell?'
I say, "Broccoli, $1.49 a pound.'
What's clear and smells like surfers?
Shark farts.
An elderly couple are sitting in a church
The man lets out a silent f**... while the priest is talking.
He then says to his wife "I've let out a silent f**..., everyone here will smell it. What do I do?"
His wife then says to him, "You get your hearing aids fixed"
What is green and smells?
Hulk's f**...
f**... Cure
A lady walks into a doctors office. She says, " Sir I have a serious problem. I dont know when it started, but I lost control of my farts. Fortunately it doesnt sound or smell at all, but I f**... all the time. You must have not noticed, but I already f**... about 5 times since I walked into your office.
Doctor, silently listening, finally stood up and gave her few pills.
"One of these every day should fix you up in a week."
A week passed, and the lady returned.
She says angrily," I thought the pill was supposed to cure me, but it just made it smell horribly!"
The doctor, surprisingly happy with the result, says, "All right, lets move onto your ears then."
A man goes to his doctor about his terrible farts
"Doctor, I have terrible gas. I keep making these weird farts: they are constant and really loud but they don't smell."
So the doctor says: "Alright, take these pills and come back and see me in a week."
A week later the man comes back.
"Doctor, these pills have just made the farts worse! Now they are the foulest things I've ever smelt in my life!"
"Great, now that we've fixed your sense of smell, we can start to work on stopping your farts."
This was my grandpa's favourite joke. He was a big fan of f**... humour.
What does a sailor in the navy farts smell like?
What's invisible and smells like worms?
Bird farts!
I got a new stick of deodorant today.
The instructions said 'remove cap and push up bottom'
I can barely walk, but when I f**... the room smells wonderful
An old woman goes to the doctor..
She complains that "I've been f**... all the time. It doesn't smell and no one can hear it... but I just want to get the problem fixed."
The doctor writes her a prescription and tells her to come back in two weeks after taking her medication.
She comes back after two weeks and says "Doctor, I'm still f**... all the time and no one can hear it - but it's starting to smell really badly"
The doctor: "Great - now that we fixed your smelling problem, let's fix your hearing one."
Note to self: If a woman who has just had a miscarriage farts....
It is not OK to say that it smells like something died in there.
I just bought this new deodorant, the instructions said "remove cap and push up bottom"
I can hardly walk but when I f**... it smells amazing
I once f**... in the woods
Then i saw a grizzly walking with his paw in front of his nose.
I think He couldn't bear the smell
An old lady visits her doctor...
...and says to him:
"Doctor, I have a problem. I keep f**... all day long, luckily they don't smell and are dead silent, can you do something to make it stop?"
"Take these pills and come back after a week for a checkup."
One week later she comes by and says:
"Doctor! Not only didn't the f**... stop, but now they are smelly as a landfill!"
The doctor replies:
"Calm down, miss. I cured your sense of smell, now to do something about that hearing."
My farts smells like teen spirit.
I f**... on my mother-in-law and everyone around us could smell it but her.
That's one upside of being in a coffin.
My farts smell like something died inside me...
Schrodinger's f**...
Apparently Schrodinger had a lousy sense of smell.
Only way he could tell if the f**... smelled bad, was if he did it into a box with a cat.
How would you describe the smell of a horse's f**...?
My dogs farts smell like a bakery.
It was bread in him.
Medication mix-up.
Went to the doctor about my haemorrhoids and halitosis. There must have been a mix up with the medication because now my farts smell great but my uvula has gone.
I woke up at the Asscrack of Dawn, and it smelled.
Turns out my neighbor Dawn sometimes farts in her sleep.
(I am a mature man with a steady income)
Why did the apple Tech get fired?
He f**... and then to get rid of the smell he tried opening windows..
A Man and Wife in Church
Wife: I've just made a silent f**...... can you smell it, what should we do?
Husband: Turn up your hearing aid!
The smell of rain
Every loves the smell of rain. So fresh, so clean. But in actuality you can't actually smell rain. What you smell is the world around you.
Way back in the day humans used to have to actually hunt their food. So if you were chasing down a deer and it started to rain you could easily lose the scent. So humans evolved to smell better in the rain.
And that is why your farts smell worse in the shower.
I bought myself a new deodorant stick this morning.
The instructions say " remove cap and push up bottom ".
I can't walk very well at the moment, but every time I f**..., the room smells incredible.
A Guy Proposing To His GF...
She interrupted him and said: but I have one flaw you should be aware of: I f**... alot! Like a lot!
He giggled and said it's alright I have a problem with my nose too, I can't smell that well.
After three days of them living together ,
The guy is opening the windows of the apartment,
And the wife is crying and shouting YOU LIED TO ME, YOU CAN SMELL!,
The guy responded: no I didn't but it is getting hard to walk around here! my eyes are burning!
Problem with Gas.
A little old lady goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor I have this problem with gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much because they never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I've f**... at least 20 times since I've been here in your office."
The doctor says, "I see, take these pills and come back to see me next week.
The next week the lady goes back to his office. "Doctor," she says, "I don't know what you gave me, but now my farts, although still silent, stink terribly!"
The doctor says, "Good, Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's work on your hearing."
What's invisible and smells like dirt?
An Ethiopian's f**....
What do you call it when you smell your own f**...?
A smellfie.
An elderly lady goes to see the doctor about her flatulence.
Doctor, can you please help? I pass wind all the time. They don't smell, they don't make a sound, but I've f**... three times already since coming in here.
The Doctor prescribes some tablets and asks the lady to return in a week.
Doctor, help! My gas has gotten worse! They still don't make a sound but now they stink, it's disgusting!
The Doctor replies, Good, we've fixed your sinuses, now let's work on your hearing.
Someone f**... at my Grandmother's Wake
Smelled like somebody died in there.
An old lady goes to the doctor
Says I don't really have a big problem, I f**... all the time, but they're silent and they don't smell. As a matter of fact I f**... four times while sitting here talking to you
Dr. Gives her some pills and says come back in a week
A week later the lady shows up and says not sure what you gave me, I'm still f**..., but now they are really loud and it's quite embarrassing
Dr. Says good, now that we've fixed your hearing, let's work on your sinuses
I purchased a deodorant stick today
Instructions say, Remove cap and push up bottom
I can hardly walk but the room smells lovely when I f**....
Silent farts smell like argon
It's a noble gas
When I eat a bunch of a foreign food
my gas smells different, it's like f**... in another language
Witches and wizards don't f**....
They cast smells.
What is the biggest hardfistedness?
When you f**... under your blanket and don't let others to smell your f**....
Why do farts smell?
So blind people can enjoy them too.
A woman goes to see her doctor and says, "Doctor, I have an embarrassing problem."
She continues, "I have terrible gas all day every day. In fact, I must have broken wind 4 times since I have been in this room.Luckily for me, the farts are completely silent and have no smell, but I'd still like something to help me with this."
The doctor writes her prescription and sets an appointment for her to come back the following week.
When she returns, the woman says "Doctor, I don't know what was in that medicine you gave me, but now my farts smell terrible all the time!"
The doctor replies, "Well, it seems we fixed your sense of smell. Now let's work on your hearing."
A man goes to the doctor with a terrible problem
Doctor, I think I have a problem with my farts. I can pass really loud gas, but no smell would come out of them.
That sounds serious. Can you try letting one out now?
So the man farts, and true to his word, it's so loud that the exam room's windows even vibrate.
Just as I feared. We must operate immediately.
My b**...?
No, your nose, you idiot!
I've been drinking to kill something inside me.
Apparently I succeeded, because my girlfriend tells me it smells like something died every time I f**....
I was waiting in line at the cheese counter at the local grocery store today when I had to f**....
After ripping a silent one the guy in front of me asks the lady behind the counter which cheese smells such aromatically.