
Farming Jokes

63 farming jokes and hilarious farming puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about farming that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Find out why a farm-filled life can be full of fun with this collection of funny farming jokes! From a farming wedding to a farm forum, learn why laughter is the best time to be had on the farm. With jokes relating to a farming Christmas, farming simulator, cattle, farmland, Vermont, farming cartoon, and farming kid, everyone can have a good time!

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Funniest Farming Short Jokes

Short farming jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The farming humour may include short farms jokes also.

  1. Old McDonald had to hire a manager for the farm. The manager asked, "What's my title?" mcdonald said, "You're the C I E I O."
  2. My uncle was taking our picture at a dairy farm in Wisconsin when he was crushed by a giant wheel of cheese. We tried to warn him.
  3. If Snapchat has taught me anything .... .... it's that a lot of today's teens look better as farm animals.
  4. After years of poor yields, Old McDonald will have to sell his farm... ... to cover what he e-i-e-i owes.
  5. Do you remember when people didn't have to make pop culture references to make a joke? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  6. Saw a sign at a farm that said, "duck, eggs." I was contemplating the use of the comma when it hit me.
  7. Latvian man goes to buy iPhone.. Premise ridiculous! iPhone cannot be use to farm potato.
    Also, salesman die of malnourish.
  8. What do a farm and hospital have in common? Too many vegetables for one person to take care of.
  9. What kind of farm has lots of books but no livestock? barn and no-bulls.
    (This joke was made up by my 7 year-old cousin.)
  10. Punctuation Matters! I was walking past a farm and a sign said:
    "Duck, Eggs"
    I thought: That's an unnecessary comma - and then it hit me."

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Farming One Liners

Which farming one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with farming? I can suggest the ones about farmer planting and mining.

  1. Just got a job as senior director at Old MacDonald's Farm... I'm the CIEIO
  2. What do you get if you mix human DNA and whale DNA? Banned from of Seaworld
  3. Dad Jokes are like farms The cornier the better
  4. What do you call the boss at Old McDonald's Farm ? The CIEIO
  5. Old McDonald had a farm... 2.71828 √(-1) 2.71828 √(-1) (5-5)
  6. Due to rising costs, Old McDonald had to sell his farm. E-I-E-I-Owes a lot of money.
  7. I'm starting a job as a director.. .. of old McDonald's farm, I'm the CIEIO.
  8. Why did the tractor sell medicines? Because it was a farm assist!
    ... I'm sorry...
  9. I just accepted a senior management position on the old MacDonald farm I'm the CIEIO
  10. How do you get a farm girl to marry you? First, a tractor.
  11. How do you know if someone is just farming for karma? They only post on their cake day
  12. I got a promotion at the farm I'm the new CIEIO
  13. I got really hungry when we visited the Alpaca Farm, next time alpaca lunch.
  14. Just got a promotion on the farm I'm the new C.I.E.I.O
  15. Where do all the orphan chickens end up? Foster Farms

Farming Kid Jokes

Here is a list of funny farming kid jokes and even better farming kid puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • The shortest Dad Joke in the world. Driving down a country road with your kids in the back seat, point at a stack of hay bales on some random farm and exclaim:
    ># Hey!
  • Might take the children to the Goat farm for lunch today. Apparently they do Kid's meals.
  • As kids on a farm we had to round up the cows. I'd count eleven and just say there were a dozen.
  • Every time I visit my Uncle's farm I think the sheep are pointing and laughing at me when I'm not looking.. Are ewe kidding me
  • I never wanted to be a farmer when I was a kid.. Every time someone bought the farm they died..
  • Non believers say it is impossible for a v**... to have kids... ... but my socially awkward friend Mitchell owns a goat farm - and he has plenty of kids!

Crop Farming Jokes

Here is a list of funny crop farming jokes and even better crop farming puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Bought an ant farm the other year. They are right lazy! A whole year and they havent grown me any crops yet!
  • Ol McDonald had a farm, E I E I O. And on that farm he grew some crops. D E A Don't know!
    And a puff puff there,
    And a puff puff here,
    There a puff, here a puff,
    Everywhere a puff puff!
  • TIFU by neglecting the fence between our m**... farm and the cattle ranch next door. We're struggling to salvage our crop for harvest this year, and the steaks have never been higher.
Farming joke, TIFU by neglecting the fence between our m**... farm and the cattle ranch next door.

Organic Farming Jokes

Here is a list of funny organic farming jokes and even better organic farming puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did the man quit his job at the organic parsley farm? They kept garnishing his paycheck.
  • Tribute joke to Mitch Hedberg. I went to a farm. They told me, Everything we raise here is organic. I hope so! Because I'm not eating a chicken made of rocks.
  • Why are insects farmed for food always organic? They don't use insecticide.

Farming Simulator Jokes

Here is a list of funny farming simulator jokes and even better farming simulator puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call a farming simulator
    (Idiotic I know)
Farming joke, What do you call a farming simulator

Giggle-Inducing Farming Jokes for Joyful Times with Friends

What funny jokes about farming you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fishing jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make farming pranks.

Two high school graduates are discussing their future college plans. The first says "I'm planning on going into farming, it's what my father did and it makes good money." The second asks "What type of farming? Wheat, corn, livestock?"

"I don't know man, there are so many fields to choose from."

Did you hear about the farmer that failed dairy farming school?

He didn't work well with udders.

A farmer wins the lottery

A reporter asks him: " What are you going to do with the money?"
He says: "I'm just going to keep on farming until it is all gone.

What is the worst thing about farming vegetables?

The wheelchairs are too expensive.

Farming for a Nobel Prize

Farmer John is driving along the road one day when he spots his neighbour, Bill, standing on top of his tractor in the middle of his field. Overcome with curiosity, he ambles over and asks Bill what he is up to?
Bill replies, "Trying to win a Nobel prize".
"How do you figure?"
"Well, I hear they give them to people who are outstanding in their fields!"

I'm sick and tired of all these people farming karma on their cake day.

Anyways, an upvote would be appreciated.

I can't think of a single good thing to post on my cake day.

I guess I'll just have to dessert my karma farming plans.

What do you call a math tool that supports farming vehicle rights?


Joseph Stalin goes to visit one of the farming collectives outside Moscow

He wants to see their progress with the latest Five-Year Plan.
'Tell Me Comrade,' he asks one farmer. 'How did the potatoes do this year?'
'Very Well, Comrade Stalin. If we piled them up, they would reach God.'
'But God does not exist, Comrade Farmer'
'Nor do the Potatoes, Comrade Stalin'

Farming advice

A farmer notices that her neighbor produces a lot of big tomatoes every year, so she asks him what his secret was. He says that he walks n**... every morning as the sun raises. The next harvest he checks up on his neighbor, and asked if she had good tomatoes this year. She says, I walked around the garden n**... every morning as you said but not that many tomatoes, but the cucumbers surely got big this year.

Farming experiment

A poultry farmer walks into a bar and orders a white wine spritzer. "Hey Bob," the bartender says. "How's your chicken cross-breeding experiment going this week?" "Pretty good," the farmer replies. "I crossed a chicken with a duck. Now I have a chicken that lays down."

Farming isn't for everyone..

But hay, it's in my jeans.

My friend Victor is a historian

He invited me to a party at his house and started introducing me to all his colleagues.
This is Victor, he's a historian of the renaissance. The guy next to him is Victor Jr, he's a historian of ancient Egypt. And those two guys over there are Victor and Victor, they are doing great work on Mesopotamian farming practices.
I was like wow, history really is written by you guys huh?

dwights farm as suffered a massive blight, almost bankrupt he was signed for a massive record deal on the condition he give up farming

turns out all he had to do was drop those sick beets

Farming karma on my cake day: Two goldfish are in a tank, and one says to the other....

Do *you* know how to drive this thing?

Scarecrows love farming

When I asked him why he loved farming so much he just said, "Hay, it's in my jeans."

What did the chicken do when he went to the farming convention?

He put on ranch dressing.
\[should be original by my son\]

When Trump communicates with the American people, he follows the primary rule of mushroom farming . . .

# "Keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em horsesh*t".

What do you call a person who likes geometry and farming?

A pro-tractor!

What is similar about studying farming and taking "yo mama" to the opera?

One is taking horticulture....

I could tell you a joke about farming...

But it would be the corniest joke you'd ever herd...

I used to sell farming equipment...

Until they outlawed slavery.

I'm tired of all these farming tips. Let's face it, there's only one thing that makes you good at farming

Step one: be a tractor
Step two: don't be unnatractor

What did the farming professor say to his new students?

"Welcome to my field."

Which farming is useless and looked down by everyone?

Karma Farming

What do farming students call the first few weeks of university?


The person who wrote the auto-correct logic was killed in a bizarre farming accident.

Rest in Pieces!

A farmer got asked how he was so good at farming..

He replied: I'm always out standing in my field.

You won't believe this, United decided to buy 1,000,000 acres of land to start a farming business.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Indian chicks are far better looking than the ones from the west

thanks to our revolutionary poultry farming techniques

I once spoke to an extractor fan.

He said to me, "I used to like farming vehicles, but now I'm not so fond of them."

The most addictive thing aren't Games, Drugs or Anime it's

Farming karma for bragging rights

I recently got into high risk cattle farming

I'll be raising the steaks.

Farming joke, I recently got into high risk cattle farming

jokes about farming