
Faith Healer Jokes

3 faith healer jokes and hilarious faith healer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about faith healer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Faith Healer Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good faith healer joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Went to see the worst faith healer ever last night...

He was so bad, a man in a wheelchair got up and walked out.

Went to a faith healer group last night.

It was so s**..., even the guy in the wheelchair walked out.

Faith healer visits a small town

And sets up a prayer meeting. All the faithful are there and are ready for a miracle.
One man hobbles up and says "I've been lame since I was a boy. Can I be healed?"
The preacher says "All who believe will be healed. Now go behind the curtain"
Another man walks up and says "C-c-can you c-c-c-cure a stuttttttter?"
Preacher says "all who believe will be healed. Now go behind the curtain"
The preacher starts praying then tells the lame man, "throw out your crutches". Two crutches come flying out from behind the curtain. The crowd goes wild!
Then the preacher asks the stutterer "tell us in a loud clear voice, what are you seeing?"
A voice comes from behind the curtain,
"the f-f-f**... f-f-fell flat on his f-f-face"

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