Fair Trial Jokes
8 fair trial jokes and hilarious fair trial puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fair trial that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Howlingly Hilarious Fair Trial Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening
What is a good fair trial joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Why are white gangs the scariest in prisons?
Because they had a fair trial and still ended up there.
I have proof Jesus was a black man...
He loved Gospel, he called everyone 'Brother', and he couldn't get a fair trial.
A friend just got an intellectual property lawsuit filed against him.
He told a «your mother» joke to someone, and the target of it claimed he'd come up with that joke first, and demanded compensation.
I have no idea which way it'll swing, but I'm gonna bring popcorn to the trial where a judge decided whether someone's mother is fair use or public domain…
People say the #MeToo movement is starting to resemble a witch hunt, but I don't think that's fair...
For one thing, in a real witch hunt, the accused gets a trial first.
There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1. He called everyone brother.
2. He liked Gospel.
3. He didn't get a fair trial.
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Father's business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a v**... and his Mother was sure He was God.
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with His hands.
2. He had wine with His meals.
3. He used olive oil.
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
1. He never cut His hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:
1. He was at peace with nature.
2. He ate a lot of fish.
3. He talked about the Great Spirit.
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.
But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
3. And even when He was dead; He had to get up because there was still work to do.
Why did the dolphin get a fair trial?
Because Habeas Porpoise.
How do you ensure a dock gets a fair trial?
Have it decided by a jury of his piers
Back in the days when Los Alamos was a small company town, a noted theoretical physicist was called as a witness for the prosecution. Rising to take the stand, the great man smiled and nodded affably in the direction of the jury box.
This infuriated the defence counsel. Your Honor, I don't see how my client can get a fair trial here, he said angrily. Turning to the professor, he demanded, I want your answer, and remember that you are under oath. Do you, or do you not, know more than half the member of this jury?
The physicist smiled. Under oath, I can easily swear that I know more than all of them put together.
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