Failing Test Jokes
96 failing test jokes and hilarious failing test puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about failing test that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Failing Test Short Jokes
Short failing test jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The failing test humour may include short failing jokes also.
- My mate phoned me and asked what I was doing. "Probably failing my driving test," I replied.
- I failed my biology test today. Apparently, "black guys" isn't the answer to the question "What is found in cells."
- My mate just rang me and said "what are you doing at the moment?" I said, "probably failing my driving test."
- I failed a biology test today, they had asked me what was commonly found in cells Apparently black people was not the answer.
- Why did the privileged white guy fail his algebra test? He didn't know enough about inequalities
- I was surprised to learn my kid failed the road driving test... ...she Tweeted three times that it seem to be going well.
- I failed my Health and safety Test today apparently when they ask what steps you should take in case of a fire, large ones was not the correct answer
- I failed my AP Biology test... They asked; "what is something commonly found in cells?"
Apparently black people wasn't the correct answer - I failed my biology test today. The question was: "What is commonly found in cells?"
Apparently, "African Americans" wasn't the correct answer. - my mate rang me earlier.... My mate rang me earlier and says "Hey dude, what you up to?" "Probably failing my driving test" I say
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Failing Test One Liners
Which failing test one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with failing test? I can suggest the ones about failing driving test and failing school.
- If I got 50¢ for every math test I've failed I would have $7.20 by now
- My friend text me 'what are you doing now?' I replied 'Probably failing my driving test'.
- If I had $5 for every time I failed a math test I would have $37
- Why did Chewbacca fail his driving test? He made a few Wookiee errors.
- Why did Spider-Man's evil twin fail his driver's test? He was a bad parallel Parker.
- If I had a nickel for every time I failed a math test... I'd have 27¢
- If I had 25 cents for every time I failed my math test I'd have $5.13
- If I had 5 dollars for every math test I have ever failed then I would have 37 dollars.
- Why did spiderman's evil twin fail is diver's test Because he was a bad parallel parker
- If I get 15 cents for every time I failed a math test I would have $8.12
- Why did Helen Keller fail her road test? Because she was a woman
- Why did ChatGPT fail its math test? Because it kept giving AI-deas instead of answers.
- If I had 50 cents from every time I failed a maths test I'd have $8.32
- Why did the mule fail his math test? He was half-assing it
- If i had a nickel for every math test i've failed.. I'd have 17 cents.
Failing Test Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about failing test you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean driving test fail jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make failing test pranks.
My math teacher
Staples Burger King applications on failed tests.
A right-wing law firm is trying to overturn Roe v Wade.
They find their test plaintiff, a man whose daughter had gotten an abortion after he forbade it. The firm sues the doctors, and the appeals go all the way to the Supreme Court, exactly as intended. The Court even agrees to hear the case ... only to uphold Roe v Wade, 5 - 4.
All in all, it was a classic case of abort, retry, fail.
Why couldn't the dwarves renew their lease on the Lonely Mountain?
It failed the Smaug test.
Why God never got a PhD
1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was written in Aramaic, not in English.
3. It has no references.
4. It wasn't even published in a refereed journal.
5. There are serious doubts he wrote it himself.
6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since
7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.
8. The Scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.
9. He unlawfully performed not only Animal, but *Human* testing.
10. When one experiment went awry, he tried to cover it by drowning his
11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from
the sample.
12. He rarely came to class, just told his students to read the book.
13. Some say he had his son to teach the class.
14. He expelled his first two students for learning.
15. Although there were only 10 requirements, most of his students
failed his tests.
16. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.
What did the calculus student who failed his test and the guy who got a speed ticket have in common?
They didn't know their limits
Dad: There's this test we need to go for.
Son: You never told me earlier! I'm going to fail now.
Dad: It's a DNA test. You have to pass.
Why did the l**... fail his driving test?
He left his foot on the clutch.
So a teacher was lecturing his student...
Teacher: Billy! You have failed your tests again, When Lincoln was your age he was the top student in his class!
Billy: Yeah, but when he was your age he was President of the US already.
So my sister took her Driver's Ed test today...
She thinks she failed. Part of the reason was because of this fill-in-the-blank question:
*If the ______ is dead, the car won't start.*
She put "driver" as her answer.
What did the Pie say when he failed a math test?
"How did I get these simple questions wrong! I am so irrational!"
Why did the baseball player fail at the math test?
He used base 3.
I failed my biology test today. There was a question that asked, "What is commonly found in cells?"
I guess my teacher didn't think "black people" was a good answer.
I failed the drivers test even though I stopped for the sign
I gave it plenty of time to cross, it's not my fault I hit it.
I just read on the news that 10 Paralympics athletes have failed a drugs test
They all tested positive for WD40
I failed my Biology test yesterday
I was asked to name a parasite currently living in Britain.
Apparently 'Muslims' isn't the correct answer.
In a philosophy class...
Professor: Sometimes an idiot's question is too hard for even 10 geniuses to answer.
One student pipes up: No wonder I fail my tests.
I just failed my test
Me: "I just failed my math test"
Mom: "What was it on?"
Me: "Paper"
Girl: Dad, what's better? to pass or to fail?
Dad: To pass obviously
College is really tough and I'm failing nearly everything.
So far the only test I've gotten a positive score on is the h**... one. I figured the professor who gave me the D would at least give me an A not a D+
Why did the student fail his physics test?
He didn't understand the gravity of the situation.
I didn't fail my calculus test....
I just gave "alternative" answers on a few problems.
I was out driving last night, when I started feeling a little bit h**...…
I picked up a h**... and did her in the backseat and really enjoyed myself, but I think I failed my driving test…
I just failed my third drug test this month
At this rate, I'll never become a pharmacist.
I think we really need to lay off North Korea over their failed missile tests...
I think they're developing projectile dysfunction :(
If I got 1$ for every geography test I failed
I could finally understand that I live in Europe, where these are worthless
If I had 50¢ for every Math test I failed....
I still wouldn't have enough money to pay off my crippling student debt.
I had to take a drug test
I failed with flying colors
My friend told me he'd failed his driving test for running over a rabbit
I said they couldn't fail you for that, he said they can when it's in the butcher's window.
I have to take a drug test in a month and I think I might fail
I don't know anything about drugs
So I failed my s**... ed test yesterday.
I was asked When a woman is on her period, what does she make?
Apparently A mountain out of a molehill was not the right answer...
If I got 50¢ for every math test I've failed.
I would be able to buy a tie, pursue a career, and stop reposting old jokes.
Driving test (Blonde)
Why did the blonde keep failing her driving test?
Every time the instructor said "let's start" she would jump to the backseat ...
Today I Failed my Biology Test.
One of the questions asked. What are normally found inside cells?
Apparently, 'Black People' was not the correct answer.
So last week I had my driving test
Halfway through the test, we passed a primary school and unfortunately someone walked out into the road, took me completely by surprise. I was really upset that I'd failed my test, until the examiner assumed me that it was fine, it was only a minor.
If I got 50 cents for every math test I've failed
I'd have about $12.30 by now
Why do Muslims always fail drug test?
They keep getting s**....
I failed my driver's test today. The instructor asked me "What do you do at a red light?" I said "I usually check my emails and see what people are up to on Facebook."
Why did the photographer fail his test?
Because he couldn't FOCUS
My friend failed the personality test portion of the interview
He couldn't get past the RECAPTCHA
I failed my test on Canadian Geography today
I knew Nunavut
I always fail my trigonometry test
That's because I don't understand sine language
A Taiwanese joke translated and adapted to suit global culture.
I failed my geography test because of one single question.
The question was: "Where's the capital of Ukraine?"
I responded with "Kyiv" when the answer was "Moscow".
I argued that the teacher doesn't know anything about geography while the teacher said I know nothing about communism.
Looking at my score, I think I failed the math test but it's hard to tell
I'm pretty bad with numbers.
I really s**... up asking my doctor to get tested for Alzheimer's.
I forgot my appointment. Doctor said I failed the test.
There's one test I will never fail
A blood test I always get an A+
A Husband and Wife were messaging each other.
Husband: You are negative
Wife: And you are stubborn, arrogant, a low life, care about no one but yourself and your friends, all you are interested in is your own self, and in all your life you've not fulfilled even one of your promises. I'm the only one that has to put up with such a miserly and insensitive man. You good for nothing, fat, ugly man. Even your hair transplant failed.
Husband: I was just letting you know that your Covid test was negative.
medina spirit was disqualified for a second failed drug test
experts described the horse's u**... sample as "funky, cold"
I passed my Algebra test today but failed my Biology exam.
The aftermath was really difficult.
A father, finally exasperated looking at his son's failed test scores, shouted: " Son, if you fail your exams one more time today, don't you EVER call me your father again!!"
"Yes, father.", the son replied meekly.
After the exams, the son came home.
"How were the exams, son? Do you think you managed to pass this time?"
As soon as I entered the classroom I knew I was going to fail my maths test.
So I did a 360 and left.
This new software developer is so socially awkward …
… he failed the Turing Test.
Applied for a job designing paralax layers...
...Failed the background test.
geography test
What is the capital of Austria?
\- Berlin
What is the capital of France?
\- Berlin
What is the capital of Poland?
\- Berlin
All wrong. Adolf, you're gonna fail the test
\- We shall see
They Told Me I Failed The Drug Test
I told them I just ate a poppy seed bagel.
They asked about the m**... and c**....
I told them it was an everything bagel.
Why did Walter White fail his driving test?
Because he was braking bad.
Why wasn't the number 3 allowed back into school after failing his Spanish test?
Because there's No Trespassing!!
I'll show myself out