Factory Jokes
162 factory jokes and hilarious factory puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about factory that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Laugh out loud with our collection of top factory jokes! From the cheese factory to the Laugh Factory, get a laugh from a variety of factory-related puns, funny stories, and unique punchlines. Enjoy humor from Kraft, Elmo, Breweries and more!
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Funniest Factory Short Jokes
Short factory jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The factory humour may include short manufacturer jokes also.
- I just got a job in a factory making plastic dracula There are only two of us on the production line, so I have to make every second count
- Got fired from my job at the keyboard factory At first I just wasn't putting in enough shifts, then I couldn't keep the space clean and finally I lost control
- Just got fired from my job at the keyboard factory. They said I wasn't putting in enough Shifts.
But to be honest, I had been looking for an escape for a while. - Joke my dad loved What's the last thing each tickle-me-elmo doll gets before leaving the factory?
Two test tickles - Why did the match factory burn down? Because the workers went on strike
I just thought of this, not sure whether its an original joke - Interviewer: Is the glass half empty or half full? Applicant: It's completely full.
Interviewer: We'd be glad to hire you. Welcome to the Lays factory. - I've just applied for a job in a salad packing factory. The hours are terrible, but apparently the celery is good.
- After an altercation with my boss, I decided to leave my job at the helium factory. I refuse to be spoken to in that tone of voice.
- I was working in a factory making plastic Draculas for Halloween. There was only 2 of us on the production line so I had to make every second count
- Not to brag, but made six figures this year They named me the worst employee at the toy factory
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Factory One Liners
Which factory one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with factory? I can suggest the ones about producer and warehouse.
- A cheese factory exploded in France. Da brie is everywhere!
- I was fired from the keyboard factory today. I wasn't putting in enough shifts.
- What do you call a factory that sells passable products? A satisfactory!
- I've just been fired from the clock making factory after all those extra hours I put in.
- I recently quit my job at the orange juice factory...... I just couldn't concentrate.
- Just quit my job at the helium factory. I will not be spoken to in that tone of voice.
- What happened when the cheese factory exploded? De brie went everywhere
- What do you call a factory that produces OK products? Satisfactory
- They fired me from the calendar factory I don't know why. I just took a few days off.
- I can't believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
- I start my new job at the guillotine factory today. I'll beheading there soon.
- Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded? All that was left was de-Brie.
- My dad's bread factory burnt down Now his business is toast
- I Just got fired from the orange juice factory. They said I could not concentrate
- Had to quit my job at the watch factory. The guy sitting opposite me, kept making faces.
Cheese Factory Jokes
Here is a list of funny cheese factory jokes and even better cheese factory puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- A Kraft cheese factory recently burned down... No one reported the fire for hours, because no one believed that there actually were hot Singles in the area.
- A cheese factory just exploded... There was de-brie everywhere
- Hurricane Ophelia just blew the roof off my cheese factory. There's de Brie everywhere
- When the cheese factory exploded, people found pieces of it miles away There was de Brie everywhere
- What did the french chef say when the cheese factory exploded? What did the french chef say when the cheese factory exploded?
Looks like we have debris all over the place - Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? Da Brie is everywhere
- A cheese factory in France exploded. All that was left was debris.
- Did you hear about the cheese factory in France that burned down? They say there was nothing left but de brie.
- Did you hear about the fire at the cheese factory? Nearly a total loss... All that was left was de-brie.
- The local cheese factory blew up! There was da-brie everywhere!
Factory Workers Jokes
Here is a list of funny factory workers jokes and even better factory workers puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why did the worker get fired from the orange juice factory? Lack of concentration.
- How did a calendar factory worker get fired? He took a day off
- How can you tell the difference between a chemist and a chemical factory worker? Write down the word *'unionized'* and ask them to pronounce it.
- Why do tuna factory workers take vacations? Because they can!
- An Apple Factory in China is expected to cut production of iPhones by 18% in response to ongoing worker protests. The workers' main demand is "more playtime".
- Why did workers in the industrial revolution have better sense of smell? It's because of all that time they spent in the ol-factory.
- How many workers does it take to run a burrito factory? Just Juan
- Why did the worker at the M&M factory get fired? ...he threw out the W's
- Why did the match factory burn down? Because the workers went on strike.
- What kind of music does a factory worker listen to? Industrial Metal

Calendar Factory Jokes
Here is a list of funny calendar factory jokes and even better calendar factory puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I recently got fired at my job at the calendar factory It's because I took a day off
- TIFU by getting fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
- I used to have a job; I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.
- I got fired from the Calendar Factory yesterday They say it's because I took a day off
- I got fired from the calendar factory Just for taking a day off
- I lost my job at the calendar factory. My boss said it was unacceptable that I'd taken a few days off.
- I was fired from the calendar factory yesterday All I did was take a week off
- Why did the employee get fired from the calendar factory? He took a day off.
- Bob, why were you kicked out from your job? I took a couple of days off.
Oh, that's hard. Where do you work?
At the calendar factory - I got fired from the calendar factory... ... because I took some days off.
Factory Worker Jokes
Here is a list of funny factory worker jokes and even better factory worker puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why'd the factory worker hate their job? Because it was soda pressing.
- How does the worker of the curved edges factory feel about his job? Pointless.
- NOT OC but thought you'd like it. BREAKING NEWS: a match factory is on fire after workers decided to strike.
- A worker at a German orange factory got fired.
- Did you hear about the optimistic workers down at the Washing Machine factory? They absolutely hated their jobs but no matter what they always put a good spin on it.
- Why did Kashi kill one of their factory workers? Because the cereal he made was khashoggi
- Why did the socialist kill all the average workers at the factory? He wanted to cease the means of production
- Think about all the underemployed, low-wage workers at those fake butter factories They're so Margarinalized.
- There's a rumor that Steve Jobs, has been a Buddhist, has been reincarnated as a factory worker on a sweatshop assembly line in China.
- How much do deodorant factory workers get paid? A pittance.

Giggle-Inducing Factory Jokes for Joyful Times with Friends
What funny jokes about factory you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean craft jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make factory pranks.
I'm not having much luck with jobs lately.
I couldn't concentrate in the orange juice factory; wasn't suited to be a tailor; the muffler factory was just exhausting; couldn't cut it as barber; didn't have the patience to be a doctor; didn't fit in the shoe factory; pool maintenance was too draining and I just couldn't see any future as a historian.
In all my years working at the Land Rover factory...
I made several discoveries
Sven and Ole joke (do your best Swedish accent when reading their lines)
Sven and Ole both lost their jobs when the clothing manufacturer they worked at closed. At the unemployment office, Sven was asked what position he held at the factory, he replied Ya, well I sew women's underpants. He was told to go to the next line to claim his unemployment check.
Ole was asked the same question, to which he replied Diesel fitter. He too was told to go to the next line to get his unemployment check.
After Sven and Ole collected their checks, they compared them outside. Ole's check was twice as much, which made Sven furious. He stormed back inside and asked to talk with a manager. He demanded to know why his check was half of what Ole's was. The manager told him, Well, you were a tailor, your friend Ole has a specialty in engine repair.
Sven's anger was boiling over. He loudly told them, WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I sew the underpants and put them in a pile, Ole holds them up and says Ya, diesel fitter. What has that got to do with engines?
A guy calls his wife to say he's had an accident at the factory
He says, "I got my finger cut off!"
She asks, "The whole finger?"
He replies, "No, the one next to it."
This just in: A white flag factory has burned to the ground in Paris...
... Effectively crippling the French military.
Quit my job at the helium factory
I'm not gonna let them talk to me like that.
When I was a kid, my family was very poor. My dad had to get a second job in the sandpaper factory.
Those were rough times.
^(Made that myself. I'm rather proud.)
What happened after an e**... at a French cheese factory?
All that was left was de brie.
I work in a can recycling factory.
My job is to crush cans.
I don't enjoy it. It's soda pressing.
A factory owner is trying to come up with innovative ideas to save money and therefor save his business from going under.
The owner calls a meeting with all of his 200 employees out on the plant floor.
"Ok everyone, we are in deep trouble. I will give $2000 dollars to the first person that comes to me with a cost saving idea."
Immediately a guy in the front row shoots up his hand.
Owner says "Yes, Barry. That was fast, what's your cost saving plan?"
Barry says "make it $1000".
The Chinese government is trying to help working women by providing breast milk couriers...
The couriers take the breast milk from the factory where the mother works to the factory where the baby works.
I got fired from my job at the pasta factory
after a fusilli mistakes.
Why is it hard to work at an apple pie factory?
They have such a high turnover rate.
Quit my job at the helium factory today
I refuse to be spoken to in that tone
Did you hear about the e**... at the cheese factory?
Apparently people were covered in debris.
How do you know tickle me Elmo is male?
Because before he leaves the factory they give him two test tickles.
Two factory workers are talking.
Two factory workers are talking. The woman says, "I can make the boss give me the day off."
The man replies, "And how would you do that?"
The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
The boss comes in and says, "What are you doing?"
The woman replies, "I'm a light bulb."
The boss then says, "You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off."
The man starts to follow her and the boss says, "Where are you going?"
The man says, "I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark."
I quit my job at the helium factory today
I won't stand to be spoke to in that tone of voice
A vegan buddhist...
...decides to jump off the roof of a meat factory as the ultimate form of protest believing that he will be reincarnated. He became a vegetable.
Did you know ISIS has its own s**... toy factory?
There specialise in blow up dolls
I used to work at a fire hydrant factory.
Benefits were good, but the parking was terrible.
My bread factory burned down.
Now my business is toast.
wife's insisting to quit job
The wife's insisting I quit my job, because she thinks it's cruel we've started testing our new products on rabbits.
She's got a point, I suppose...
I work in a hammer factory.
Where do facts come from?
The factory.
BREAKING NEWS!! Cheese Factory e**......
De-Brie is everywhere!
Two bricks of salt visit a meat factory...
And while they are looking down at one of the bone grinders, one of the salt brick accidentally falls down into the machine. The other salt brick watches in panic as his friend gets s**... into the blades and gears. After a while, the salt brick comes out from the other side of the grinding machine, all ground into pieces and powder.
"Oh my god! Are you okay Jimmy?" The salt brick on the top asks.
"Oh yeah I'm fine."
There was a fire in the aromatherapy candle factory.
Things are much calmer now.
You think YOU have a meaningless job?
Think about the guy who makes turn signals at the BMW factory.
I asked my mate if he could get me a job at the t**... factory where he works.
There's no openings at the moment, he said, but I'll see if I can pull some strings.
My employer has recently started testing their products on animals.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't work for a hammer factory.
I've always wanted to work in a mirror factory
It's the only thing I could see myself doing
How do they test the "Tickle me Elmo Doll"?
Before it leaves the factory, they give it two testickles.
I've finally found a job I can see myself in.
I start at the mirror factory tomorrow!
A man on the floor in a factory stands, not doing any work.
A man on the floor in a factory stands, not doing any work.
CEO comes up and asks his salary.
The man replies - $1000
The CEO pulls out his wallet, gives the man $1,000 and says - here's your month salary. I pay people to work here. Get out and never come back !
The man leaves.
The CEO asks workers - who was this guy ?
They reply - a pizza delivery man.
In which part of the bread factory do lobsters work?
The crust station.
I can't believe that they fired me from the clock making factory!
After all the extra hours I put into it!
Did you hear about the b**... at the garment factory?
Apparently there were over 100 casual tees.
Working at a factory making huge calculator b**... isn't exactly my dreamjob, but at least my only task is to fabricate one kind of button.
That's a big plus.
So I got fired from the clock factory yesterday
Apparently I wasn't putting in enough hours
I'm not bragging, but I made six figures this year…
So they named me the year's worst employee at the toy factory...
People often ask what I do at the teddy bear factory.
Just stuff.
I work in a factory that makes Dracula figurines.
However, there are only 2 employees so I have to make every second count.
Just got fired from the keyboard factory the other day
Apparently I wasn't putting in enough shifts
What's worse than an elephant in the china shop?
A hedgehog in the c**... factory.
Did you hear about the e**... at a cheese factory in France?
There's nothing left but de Brie
I'm starting my new job at the guillotine factory today.
I'll beheading there shortly.
I just got fired from my job at the door making factory.
I just couldn't get a handle on it.
I got a job at a chess piece factory recently...
...I'm on the knight shift next week.
Three men are talking in a Soviet gulag.
One of them asks the two others: "So what did you do?"
The first one answers: "Well, I arrived late at the factory, and so they accused me of slowing down the Revolution and the victory of the Proletariat."
The second one answers: "Well, I arrived early at the factory, and so they accused me of wanting to be favored and promoted over my fellow workers."
Then they turn to the one who asked the question: "How about you, then?"
"Well, I arrived at the factory right on time, and so they accused me of having a watch from the West."
Which crayon at the Crayola factory is in charge of answering the phones?