Facebook Like Jokes
74 facebook like jokes and hilarious facebook like puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about facebook like that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Facebook Like Short Jokes
Short facebook like jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The facebook like humour may include short facebook new jokes also.
- Now that Facebook changed their name to Meta, FAANG is not longer a valid abbreviation of the biggest 5 tech companies. I'd like to suggest MANGA
- Yesterday my brother uploaded a status on Facebook. He wrote in his facebook status "I love my girlfriend <3"
I knew that he liked them young but this is getting out of hand. - Facebook is like jail You have a profile picture, you sit around all day writing on walls, and you get poked by guys you don't really know
- Why is Facebook like a prison? Because you write on walls and people you don't know poke you.
- pH number. So a random person I don't know sends me a message on Facebook which goes like, "cn i hve ur pH no? :)"
To which I reply, "7." - What does Facebook and a conversation between two teenagers have in common? A lot of likes
- Facebook and basic cable Reading Facebook feels like I'm watching basic cable in a hotel: All I want is Comedy Central, but all I can find is the Food Network, workout infomercials and Fox News.
- A Joke from the Heart of Google One man says to another: I've got a Google+ joke for you.
Second man says: What's that?
"A social network, kind of like Facebook" - What did the sheep say to its new Facebook friend? Unfriend me if you don't like what I have to shear.
- Facebook is like an Emotion Bank People deposit their feelings to save, but usually gain very little interest.
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Facebook Like One Liners
Which facebook like one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with facebook like? I can suggest the ones about facebook page and facebook post.
- Like it or not... That's how Facebook works.
- opinions are like birthdays.. everybody has one & I only know yours because of Facebook.
- Why do proctologists like Facebook? It's another chance to look up old friends.
- Poor boy in hunger asked help from a woman I've already given a "like" on facebook
- What did the Nordic man do when he first logged onto Facebook? He went on a liking spree.
- One thing I like about Facebook... It's my space.
- New horror film inspired by Facebook I liked what you did last summer.
- If Facebook has proven one thing in 2020 it's that Black likes matter.
- Facebook is a lot like ancient Egypt People write on walls, use emojis, and worship cats.
- What happens when you like North Korea on Facebook? You become Un friended
- Buy Real Facebook Likes http://goo.gl/sgq2OB
- I like facebook BUT NOT TO THE FACE
- I'm not a Facebook status, you don't have to like me.
- Facebook ads be like... Ha! got em!
- Looks like my games want to connect with Facebook... Wow, I've got social media!
Cheeky Facebook Like Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity
What funny jokes about facebook like you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean facebook comments jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make facebook like pranks.
Facebook is like a fridge.
Even when u know there's nothing new going on, u still go on & check it every 10 minute.
Facebook is like a fridge.
Every a few minutes you keep opening and closing it to see if there's anything good in it.
Change your Facebook Status to "I'm Pregnant" or "I'm Engaged" and watch the April Fools LIKE & Comment away.
I've seen a lot of great photos of babies in my life, so if you want my like on Facebook you better bring it.
My ex and I had a very amicable divorce.
I know this because when I wrote the Facebook status "I'm getting a divorce," he was the first one to click Like.
Found this on Facebook hope you like it.
A man escapes from a prison where he's been locked up for 15 years
He breaks into a house and inside, he finds a young couple in bed.
He ties him to a chair. While tying the wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.
While he's in there, the husband whispers over to his wife,
Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years.
I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants s**..., don't resist, don't complain. Do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!
She responds: He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you, too.
I'm going to change my Facebook username to NOBODY.
So when people make c**... posts and I like them, it will say "NOBODY likes this."
I liked "Facebook posts" better when they were called "journal entries" and no one was allowed to read them.
A girl posted a status in her facebook wall "I got my period today."
20 boys liked it.
10 boys commented, "Thank God."
Student logic
Professor offered to students to retake failed exam, but only with one condition. All students must gather at one time, so professor wouldn't waste his time. There was three students with failed exam.
At exam day three students gathered and dialog begins:
Student: Shouldn't be here four of us?
Professor: How is it four?
Student: I had posted on Facebook about this exam and four people liked it.
If you're going to do something i**... don't plan it through Facebook
Do it somewhere private where no one will see you, like google+.
One thing I like about ignorant posts you see on facebook news are the profiles of the posters,
It only reinforces the fact that inbreeding still exists.
What is Facebook?
Its a Place where Boy posts a JOKE and Gets no Response & If a Girl Posts the same JOKE , She gets Hundreds of likes , comments and Friend Requests and Lots of PM's .
With the recent events in the news...
My Facebook friends list is starting to look like the French revolution.
Would you like to help children in need?
I've already give a Like on facebook.
Have you ever liked a picture posted 5 years ago on somebody's Facebook?
It is definitely easier than ring them with your number blocked while breathing heavily without saying a word
Facebook Fever...
Facebook Fever:
A man posted his status on Facebook: "Gonna sleep on the terrace tonight".
5,000 mosquitoes liked it.. :D
Your Facebook posts are like your children.
Some go on to become successful and others make you look s**....
I just divorced my wife of six years. It was very amicable.
She was the first one to "like" my Facebook status when I indicated I was single again.
My wife says I'm obsessed with Facebook.
I said, "Well how do you like that."
Explaining to my Married Friends how Tinder works.
Me : So you swipe right if you like them and swipe left if you don't like
Them : Ohhhhhh
Me : So basically you need to log in to the Facebook account to access the app.
Them : Ohhhhhh
Me : Don't worry nothing gets posted on Facebook
Them : Ohhhhhh
P. S - Only Married Folks understand the subtle difference in the Ohhhhhhs
'No one likes this'
Just changed my Facebook name to 'No one' so when I see s**... posts I can click like and it will say 'No one likes this'.
I went on a date with a girl I'd talked to briefly on Facebook.
After a while she said to me -
What's up? You seem disappointed.
Oh nothing, it's just you don't look anything like your profile picture
That's my 12 year old daughter
Free singing lessons at the church children's choir are like Facebook:
If it's free, you are the product!
I wonder why these girls like Google and Facebook so much.
I stalk one and she calls a police on me.
I just changed my Facebook name to Nobody
so when I like something it says "Nobody likes this"
a friend of mine did dumb stuff to get famous on facebook
I am not impressed by the likes of him .
Unfair , girls get over 400 likes when they show a little n**... on facebook
When I showed a little head I only got banned
I should send a text message to Voyager 1 satellite.
I am more likely to get a response from it than I do with human beings on Facebook and text messages.
There are two types of human beings found on Facebook. One who gets enormous amount of likes and comments on their posts. And the others are men.
Why didn't h**... like Jews?
They were not friends on Facebook.
My girlfriend asked me why I don't "Like" any of her Facebook pictures.
"Because my wife would kill me," I replied.
My wife's friend had a baby...
She posted a picture on Facebook and my wife commented "Aww, what a little angle." I replied to my wife's comment "Ya, she's pretty acute."
I felt like a tremendous nerd for even thinking of a geometry joke, but ya...
guys are all like i want a crazy gf
then all of a sudden they're all mad at you like how did you find my location why are you stalking my kindergarten girlfriends mom on facebook you can't chain me up and force me to be your boyfriend
like omfg pick a side