
Eyelids Jokes

73 eyelids jokes and hilarious eyelids puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about eyelids that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Eyelids Short Jokes

Short eyelids jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The eyelids humour may include short eyebrows jokes also.

  1. Steal everyone's eyelids and no one bats an eye Remove their brains from their skulls and everyone loses their mind.
  2. Did you hear about the kid born w/o an eyelid? When they circumcised him, they used the extra skin to fix his eyelid.
    The procedure went fine, he's a little cockeyed now though...
  3. Did you hear about that kid who was born with no eyelids? They made him new eyelids from his circumcision. He's fine, just a little cockeyed.
  4. My neighbor just just had a baby boy born with no eyelids. When they did the circumcision they used the skin to make him some eyelids.
    He's doing great, just a little cockeyed.
  5. Ben was born without eyelids So they circumcised him and used the skin.
    The operation was a success, he's just a little cockeyed.
  6. I fell asleep in biology class today... The teacher woke me up and I casually told him that I was studying my inner eyelid.
  7. My friend got bit by a spider on his eyelid last week. Just wanted to share that on this website.
  8. There was a kid that was born with no eyelids. The doctor was able to use the skin from the circumcision to make him new eyelids.
    It went really well other than the fact the kid is a little c**...-eyed
  9. A baby boy was born last week with no eyelids. They used his f**... to graft eyelids.
    The poor kid is now cockeyed.
  10. A young burn victim gets new eyelids made from his f**...! Doctors say he will be a little cockeyed.

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Eyelids One Liners

Which eyelids one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with eyelids? I can suggest the ones about eye socket and eye popping.

  1. I just heard a speech on how to use your eyelids It really opened my eyes
  2. Did you hear about the kid that was born with no eyelids?
  3. I bought my wife some lashes made of bread. She didn't baton eyelid.
  4. How do people with no eyelids sleep? Lightly
  5. Chuck Norris can peel an orange with his eyelids, but he rarely needs Vitamin C.
  6. How does a cyclops blink? With his eyelid d**....

Eyelids joke, How does a cyclops blink?

Comical Eyelids Jokes and Gems that Will Get You in Laughter Land

What funny jokes about eyelids you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean eye related jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make eyelids pranks.

Did you hear about that baby that was born without one of his eye-lids? they used part of his f**... to replace it.

He'll be alright, just a little c**...-eyed.

I knew a kid in grade school who was born with deformed eyelids...

...So they took the flesh from his circumcision to fix his deformity. For the rest of his life he was c**...-eyed.

Did you hear about the baby born with no eyelids?

They used his f**... for an eyelid skin graft.

***Now the poor guy is c**...-eyed***

Needed: Eyelids

A baby is born with no eyelids. The doctors need a solution, and fast. The best solution, and the one they arrive at, is to use his f**... for his new eyelids. They successfully attach his f**... as eyelids, with only one complication. Now hes a little c**...-eyed.

Born without eyelids.

Last week a little boy was born at the hospital without any eyelids. Puzzled the doctors didn't know what to make of it. In a snap of genius, when they circumcised the boy they also replaced his missing eyelids. Only problem is now he's c**...-eyed.

Did you hear about that baby boy that was born with no eyelids?

The doctors actually used his f**... from circumcision to construct his eyelids. He's OK, but just a little c**...-eyed.

Did you hear about the boy born without eyelids?

The doctors said they could give the boy eyelids made out of his f**.... The only problem is that he would be a little cockeyed.

A baby boy was born without eyelids. After the circumcision, the doctors used the f**... to make eyelids.

Now he's cockeyed.

A new born baby was born without eyelids. They were able to use the f**... from his circumcision to reconstruct his eyelids!

They said he should be just fine. He will probably just be a little c**...-eyed.

Did you hear about the baby that was born without eyelids?

Luckily the doctors were able to graft him a new pair from his f**.... The operation was a success, however now the baby's a little cockeyed.

A child was born with no eyelids, so doctors created some using his f**...

It worked okay, but he was a little cockeyed

Did you her about the boy that was born without any eyelids?

They used the f**... from the circumcision to make them. I guess you could say he was a little cockeyed.

My newborn son...

was born with no eyelids. Luckily, the doctor was able to use the f**... (after they circumcised him) to make eyelids for him. They say he's gonna be ok...he'll just be a little cockeyed.

I woman had just given birth to a baby boy...

The doctor was holding him and told the parent,"I regret to inform you that your son was born without eyelids." The mother replies," That's terrible. What are we going to do?" The doctor says," I've seen this before, don't worry. We will circumcise him and use the f**... to make him new eyelids." The father says," Won't that make him c**...-eyed." The doctor replies," No, if anything it will give him foresight"

(AP) New York - A baby delivered without eyelids had surgery today at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, NY. Doctors successfully removed the child's f**... and were able to use the tissue to successfully form eyelids. Doctors said the child will be fine.

Just a little cockeyed.

A l**... is sitting at a lunch counter eating soup.

Suddenly the tip of his nose falls off, *plunk*, right in his bowl. Yet he keeps on eating.
The guy to his right starts gagging.
Then one of the l**...'s eyelids falls off, *plunk*. Again he goes on slurping.
The guy on his left starts dry heaving.
Suddenly the l**... stops and says, "I'm sorry gentlemen, am I making you sick by eating here?"
"It's not that," replies one of the fellows. "It's the guy behind you dipping chips in your back!"

A baby was born this morning with no eyelids.

So the doctors used the baby boy's f**... to create functional eyelids.
Doctors say the baby is doing fine, all vitals look good, but he's a little c**...-eyed.

A baby is born..

A baby is born and after the initial examination, the doctor returns with some news.
"Mama," says the doctor, " I'm sorry to tell you this but your son was born without any eyelids. But, it is an easy fix." He says "After we've circumcised him, we can surgically recreate new eyelids with his f**...."
"Oh dear" says the new mother "but won't that make him c**...-eyed?"
"Yes" replies the doctor "but he'll have excellent foresight"

My niece was born with no eyelids, bless her heart, but the doctors were able to replace them with surgically removed f**......

Only side effect is she's a little c**...-eyed now.

Boy born with no eyelids!

The Dr. used the f**... from the circumcision. Now the boy is cockeyed

Did you hear about the kid who was born without eyelids?

They used his f**... to make eyelids. The poor little kid is gonna be *c**...*eyed the rest of his life.

Did anyone else hear about the baby who was born recently, without eyelids? The doctors actually used his f**... to make a pair of lids for him.

It was an experimental procedure, and it worked great!.... except now he's all c**...-eyed.

There was a baby boy born at the hospital without eyelids.

So the doctors circumcised him and used his f**... as eyelids. He's doing fine, he is just a little cockeyed

You hear the one about the kid who was born with no eyelids?

The doctor was able to make new ones for him with the kid's f**.... When the parents asked if he'll be fine, the doctor replied, "Oh he'll be fine, he'll just be a little c**...-eyed."

A baby boy was recently born without eyelids...

The doctors, thinking quickly, circumcised the boy and fashioned eyelids from the boy's f**.... Reports are that the surgery was successful although the boy is now c**...-eyed.

My son was born without eyelids...

The Dr suggested a new procedure using his f**... after circumcision to replace his missing lids. The only possible complication was that he would be a little c**...-eyed.

A Florida boy was born with no eyelids...

The doctors decided to make him some eyelids using his f**....
He's a little c**...-eyed now, but he'll be fine.

A baby boy born without eyelids...

Recently at a baby boy was born prematurely without eyelids. The doctors decided to take him off to surgery and circumcise him and use the skin removed to make new eyelids.
The surgery went great except he came out a little cocked eyed...

Did you hear about the baby born with no eyelids?

They used his circumcised f**... to surgically replace his eyelids. The surgery was a success although he is a little c**...-eyed

Did y'all hear about that kid in Israel born without eyelids?

They used his f**... to make eyelids. They say his sight will be fine; he'll just be a little bit c**...-eyed.

A little boy was born with no eyelids..

A little boy was born with no eyelids. The doctor said when we circumcise him we can take some of that skin and make him new ones. As the boy grew up he was able to see just fine, other than being a little c**...-eyed!

A boy is born without eyelids...

A boy who was born without eyelids is making national headlines as he has just undergone experimental surgery to use his f**... to craft new eyelids. The surgery was a success and the boy is recovering perfectly. However, he will be a little cockeyed.

A kid was born without eyelids.

Don't worry the doctor assured the father.
When we circumcise him we will use the skin to make him new eyelids. After the procedure the father is with the doctor. Well what do you think of the procedure? asks the doctor. I don't know? Does he look a little cockeyed to you?

Doctor: So your child was born without eyelids.

Mother: Well isn't there anything you can do?
Doctor: Yes, when we circumcise him we can take that excess skin and make him eye lids.
Mother: Will he be okay?
Doctor: Yeah, he will be fine, just be a little c**...-eyed.

There was a boy born without any eyelids

And it caused him terrible discomfort and to make matters worse, the doctors feared he would inevitably go blind one day.
Then one doctor came up with an ingenious solution. He planned to circumcise the boy and use his f**... to make new eyelids for him.
After a lengthy procedure, the surgery was a success and now the boy has two fully functioning eyelids.
The doctor says the boy is doing fine, he's just a little c**...-eyed

My cousin was born without eye lids

My cousin was born without eye lids so when they circimsised him they used his f**... to graft eyelids for him. The surgery went fine but he's a little cockeyed now.

You read about the boy born with no eyelids? They used his f**... to shape and graft eyelids his face.

They said he'd be alright until puberty, but may wind up a little c**...-eyed.

Did you hear about the baby boy born without eyelids?

Fortunately, doctors were able to use his f**... to create functional eyelids. While an overall success, the surgery did leave him a little c**...-eyed.

A baby boy was born without eyelids.

The doctors decided to circumcise him and use the f**... to create eyelids for him. It all went well except he is a little cockeyed.

I was born without eyelids, so they created them from my f**......

Now I'm a little c**...-eyed.
My dad has a lazy eye and tells this joke when someone asks about it.

I had to have f**... removed when I was thirteen

My sister was born with no eyelids and the doctor suggested making them out of f**....
Worked awesome, she can blink and wink normally. Only thing is that she is a bit cockeyed...

An uncircumcised friend of mine had to have plastic surgery on his eyelids after a severe burn to his face and the doctor used his f**... for the graft...

The doctor was able to save his sight but now he is a little cockeyed.

Did u hear about the baby boy born with no eye lids?

Did you hear about the baby boy born with no eye lids?
When they circumcised him they were successfully able to attach his f**... as eyelids.
He is just a little cockeyed now.

Did you hear about the kid born without eyelids?

Doctors were doing a circumcision anyways and used the f**... for new eyelids.
Don't worry, he's fine. He's just little cockeyed now.

I was born without eyelids

I was circumcised and my f**... was used to create eyelids for me. The surgery was a success, I'm just a little cockeyed.

Did you guys hear about the baby that was born without eyelids?

He's a boy, and the were gonna circumcise him anyway, so the surgeon used the f**... to make new eyelids.
Don't worry, the baby's doing great. He's just a little cockeyed.

A man goes to the doctors to get his first son circumcised...

A man goes to the doctors to get his first son circumcised. He meets with a pediatrician who says "ya know we used to use the f**... from the circumcision to do skin transplants for kids born without eyelids... But we had to stop because they started coming out cockeyed"

When I was circumcised they accidentally took a little extra off.

They ended up using it as skin grafts for a pair of twin's eyelids.
Now I'm getting sued by the parents because they're a little c**...-eyed.

*n**...* Went to school with a kid who had no eyelids.

They used his f**... to make eyelids.
He could see fine, he was just a little cockeyed.
^I'll ^see ^myself ^out.

A boy was born without eyelids.

Fortunately, the doctor was able to use his f**... to make the boy some eyelids. After some time, the doctor asked the mother how the boy was doing. She replied, "He is fine, but he is a bit cockeyed."

A jewish woman goes to the hospital to give birth to her son.

Unfortunately the baby boy is born without eyelids.
The jewish woman is hysterical and says: Doctor, doctor what am i going to do? My baby boy has no eyelids!
The doctor calmly replies: Missus Levine, don't worry your son is going to be circumcised so we can do a transplant and give him eyelids.
Missus Levine says: Doctor, doctor but I don't want a son that's gonna be cockeyed!
Doctor replies: But Missus Levine imagine what foresight he'll have!

Did you hear about the baby born without eyelids?

They used his f**... to make him new ones. He sees just fine but he is a little c**...-eyed.

A woman just gave birth to a baby boy. Unfortunately....

The doctor was holding him and told the parent,"I regret to inform you that your son was born without eyelids." The mother replies," That's terrible. What are we going to do?" The doctor says," I've seen this before, don't worry. We will circumcise him and use the f**... to make him new eyelids." The father says," Won't that make him c**...-eyed." The doctor replies," No, if anything it will give him foresight"

Did you hear about the boy born with no eyelids?

They used the skin from his circumcision to make his new eyelids.
The doctor said he made it through the surgery fine, but may end up a little cockeyed.

Medical science has come a long way.

There's a tribe in Africa whose exposure to chemical runoff in the water from local mines created birth defects. One out of every three children are born with no eyelids. Volunteer doctors created a procedure where they take the f**... from new born males and create eyelids for those born without them. The procedure has been highly successful, although the children do look a little cockeyed.

How to attract women:

My friend keeps complaining that he can't attract women. I told him "Why don't you try a s**... lowering your eyelids and biting your lip?"
My friend takes the advice and runs off. He comes back complaining "I TRIED YOUR SUGGESTION AND THE GIRLS KEPT RUNNING AWAY SCREAMING!"
"Hmmm... can you show me what you were doing?"
Friend bites his lip and squints his eyes.
"AH! I see the time try biting your LOWER lip..."

Did you see on the news the boy who was born with no eyelids?

The doctors rushed him to emergency surgery for his circumcision and immediately replaced his eyelids with his f**... in a miraculous surgery. The doctor was praised and during an interview stated "the boy is going to be just fine, we don't see any major complications in his future however he may end up to be a bit cockeyed"

Kid born without eyelids.

I just read where a kid was born without eyelids. The doctors have came up with a way to correct the problem, they are going to use his f**... to make him eyelids. The doctors said that they will work fine and the kid will live a normal life. The only problem is that the kid will be a little cockeyed.

Eyelids joke, I just heard a speech on how to use your eyelids

jokes about eyelids