Eye Chart Jokes
13 eye chart jokes and hilarious eye chart puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about eye chart that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Eye Chart Short Jokes
Short eye chart jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The eye chart humour may include short eye test jokes also.
- A Polish guy goes to the eye doctor The doctor holds up a chart: K Z S Y X W K P G and asks the man if he can read it. "Read it?" he says, "I *know* the guy!"
- A Russian Goes For His Eye Examination The doctor places an eye chart before him and asks if he can recognize what's written.
The Russian: Are you kidding me? That's my cousin's name - A Welsh man goes for an eye test. Doctor: Can you read this chart from top to bottom please.
Welshman: Read it!? I know the guy! - A Polish person went to have their eyes tested. The eye test chart read: N Y X C S F R U Z. The optom asked, 'can you read any of those letters?' 'read it?' the polish person answered, 'i know him!'
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Eye Chart One Liners
Which eye chart one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with eye chart? I can suggest the ones about eye exam and eye glass.
- Chuck Norris can read an eye chart with his eyes closed.
Eye Chart Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about eye chart you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean eye doctor jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make eye chart pranks.
A Polish man goes to the eye doctor...
A polish man goes to the eye doctor. The bottom line of the eye chart has the letters:
The Optometrist asks „Can you read this?
„Read it? , the Pole replies, „I know the guy!
A Polish man was at the Eye Doctor to test his sight, and looked at a chart with the following letters:
Doctor: Can you read the letters?
Polish Man: Of course i can read it, I know the guy!
A Polish guy went to check his vision...
**Doctor asked** - *can you read any of those letters? read it for* me.
The eye test chart: C Z J W I N O S T A W C Z
**Polish guy** - *Oh god, I know that guy!!*
My Asian eye doctor
Since I am half-Chinese and half-Filipino, and in recognition of AAPI month, I shall relate what happened visiting the eye doctor. I had been having trouble seeing while driving, so I went to my eye doctor, who happens to be Asian like me. He did the usual things, the eye charts, peering into my eyes, glaucoma test, etc. Finally, he sat back and said, "I know why you have trouble seeing while driving. You have a cataract."
"Bad guess, doc," I replied. "I have a Mercedes."
A recent Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license
He first had to take an eye exam. The optician led him to an eye chart and pointed to a row with the letters-
'C Z W I M T O S T A C Z'
Can you read this? The optician asked.
Read it?! The Polish man replied. I even know the guy!
At The Eye Doctor's
A woman went to her optometrist for an exam. The doctor turned the exam chart on the wall and asked her to read it. she replied that she couldn't see anything. He increased the size to 6″ and asked her to try again. Still nothing.
So he enlarged it again to a foot. Still cant see it. out of frustration he pulled out his manhood, and asked if she could see it. She said Oh yes Dr i can see it quite clearly.
He said, Just as I thought, you're cockeyed.
My wife and I were having great difficulty conceiving.
We tried everything, got tested, tried in vitro, etc. Nothing worked. Finally, the doctor said we were putting too much pressure on ourselves. He said to throw away the charts and the thermometer and just enjoy s**... again, doing it whenever the mood struck.
On morning at breakfast, I was reading the paper and reached for the salt. My wife reached for it at the same time. Our fingers touched, our eyes met, and I swept everything off the table, picked up my wife and made love to her right there. Nine months later we had a baby.
Of course, we still aren't allowed in our local Burger King, but I think it was worth it.