
Extractor Jokes

10 extractor jokes and hilarious extractor puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about extractor that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Read funny jokes related to extractor fans and extractions. Put a smile on your face with jokes about pickers and the act of extracting.

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Amusing Extractor Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends

What is a good extractor joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Do you want to hear my impression of an extractor fan?

*sigh* I used to love tractors


So there was this guy who was a fan of tractors. He had posters of it everywhere. He had his own tractor business, married a beautiful wife. The whole 9 yards.
One day his wife died from a tractor accident. Heartbroken he got rid of his business, his posters, everything tractor related.
Few years later he goes on a date. The restaurant starts smoking and he says "Darling wait i got this". He s**... in all the smoke goes outside and blows it away. Everyone starts applauding and his date asks "How did you do that?". The guy says: "Im an extractor fan"

Want to hear my impression of an extractor fan?

I used to like tractors, but I don't anymore.

Tractors (Long?)

A man really likes tractors and collects models all day, one day he decides to get rid of all the models and move on.
It just so happens he comes across a building filled with smoke and people running out, he runs into the building attempting to pull out others, people try to dissuade him.
"Don't go in!"
"It's OK, I'm an extractor fan!"

What do you call a person who loved tractors but doesn't any more?

An extractor fan

Here is my online impression of an extractor fan.

I used to like tractors. I don't now

I know a real nerd, and even though he's given up his interest in farm machinery, he still s**... the atmosphere out of the room.

He's an ex-tractor fan.

The vacuum extractor is a device used in some childbirths.

It s**... for the baby.

I used to absolutely love Tractors

I don't anymore though
Now I'm an extractor fan

What noise does an extractor fan make?

"I used to like tractors."

Extractor joke, What noise does an extractor fan make?

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Extractor joke, What noise does an extractor fan make?

Extractor joke, What noise does an extractor fan make?