
Exotic Animals Jokes

5 exotic animals jokes and hilarious exotic animals puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about exotic animals that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Great Exotic Animals Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What is a good exotic animals joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

My wife and I went to a new restaurant last night, where they serve the flesh of exotic birds and animals.

We both decided to try pelican, which was absolutely fantastic, but the bill was enormous.

A family go to the zoo

They're excited to see all the exotic animals, birds & reptiles. The first enclosure is empty, totally deserted. Unperturbed they carry on to the next one.. again it's empty!
Every single enclosure, cage, run and avery they encounter is empty, deserted and unkempt..
Except, right beside the exit is the last one; a single small solitary cage.
And in it sat a small furry creature.. a dog!
The father looked at it and it occurred to him,
"This is a shih tzu!"

They told me to bring an exotic animal

I said alpaca Llama
They asked if that was a hybrid

Hey! What's up?

A heartwarming animated film about a boy, an old man, and his dog who all fly away to an exotic place in a balloon house.

I don't know why there has been all this hate lately about trophy hunting exotic animals...

As a guy, on a couple of drunken nights I have slayed a few elephants... and a whale.

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