
Exam Preparation Jokes

5 exam preparation jokes and hilarious exam preparation puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about exam preparation that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Howlingly Hilarious Exam Preparation Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening

What is a good exam preparation joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Electric engineer exam

3 students are getting prepared for the exam.
The teacher calls one in.
Teacher: Do you mind the neon lighting?
First sudent: No.
Teacher: Get out please!
Calls in the next one.
Teacher: Do you mind the neon lighting?
Second student: Yes.
Teacher: Get out please!
Calls in the last.
Teacher: Do you mind the neon lighting?
Last student: It's an argon lamp.
Teacher: Finally! We can start now.

Advice for final exams

A college student walks into a bar and orders a beer. "Wish me luck, I have end of term exams tomorrow," she tells the bartender. "Good luck," the bartender says. "Are you all prepared?" "I've done everything I can think of to prepare. I even texted my ex last night," she says. "I asked him if he had any good cheating tips."

I'm so prepared to take this psychology exam tomorrow! I've been studying all night and day.

Psyche! I'm so s**....

A gynecologist is preparing to leave for the day...

when his nurse stops him.
"Doctor, we just had a walk-in, would you mind seeing her?"
The doctor steps into the exam room to find the most staggeringly gorgeous woman he has ever seen. After staring for several seconds he collects himself and asks her to please lie back, saying, "Before I begin, I need to numb the area."
The patient looks slightly puzzled, but nods and settles back onto the exam table.
The doctor lowers his face between the patient's legs.

4 MBA students went out on a night before their exam and were boozing hard.

They did not study for the test and thought of a plan to escape. So they went to their dean looking weary and worn out, their dresses covered in grease and dirt.
They told their dean that they had all gone to a wedding the previous day and while coming back their car tire had blown up. So they had to push the car all way back to the hostel as there was no help available on the way. So they said that they were not in a position to write the test that day and asked him to conduct a retest later.
The dean being a kind man he was asked them to come to a retest 3 days later.
The boys were very happy and went to prepare in full swing.
After 3 days the dean asked them to come for the test.
The dean said that the test had 2 questions for 100 marks.
He said that they had to write the test in separate rooms.
As the boys had prepared well they agreed. The test went as follows.
Q.1 Write your name
Q.2 Which tire burst?

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