
Ethnic Group Jokes

9 ethnic group jokes and hilarious ethnic group puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ethnic group that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Laughable Ethnic Group Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles

What is a good ethnic group joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

It is being reported that black and ethnic minority groups are at higher risk to Coronavirus

As if this virus wasn't bad enough, it turns out it is racist too.

Which ethnic group do you never see holding a housewarming party?


How many members of a given ethnic group does it take to change a lightbulb?

A finite number! One to to change the bulb, the rest to act in a manner stereotypically derogatory to their ethnicity!

Two guys from the mentally challenged ethnic group of your choice are building a house

One notices that the other is discarding half of the nails that he pulls out of his pouch.
"Why are you throwing those nails away?"
"The head is on the wrong end."
"Don't throw them away, you idiot! Those are for the other side of the house!"

The votes are in, and California has legalized m**....

however, one ethnic group that voted disproportionately against the proposition were Cambodian-Americans. When asked why, most said that they'd had bad prior experiences with p**....

What's the difference between justice and relevant ethnic groups in America?

Justice isn't always black and white

We have so many nationalities.
It's gotten to the point now that you can go into any fast food place, and you can find out what kind of neighborhood you're in just by the ethnic group that works there.
It's like, if Chinese people work there, you're in a Chinese neighborhood; if black people work there, you're in a black neighborhood; if white people work there, then you're in Utah.

The Soviets decided that they wanted to see which ethnic group could go the longest without eating.

So, to no one's surprise, Russians are pretty racist. My Belorussian girlfriend just told me this one, and insists that it's funny.
The Soviets decided that they wanted to see which ethnic group could go the longest without eating. They lock a Russian, a Ukrainian, a Belorussian and a "Chukcha" (Inuit) in different rooms, and tell them to call on the phone when they get hungry. One day passes and the Russian calls, two days go by and the Belarussian calls, three days gone and the Ukrainian calls. Then four, five, six days pass, and still no call from the Chukcha. The authorities go and see how he's doing, and they find an emaciated man barely clinging to life, calling out "phone, phone."
For the Russian speakers, he calls out - "телефона телефона, чукча кушать хочет."

Different ethnic groups in the USSR have a meeting.

Each group has a representative, who must talk about what it is like living in the soviet union (and praise lenin and communism along the way if they don't want to get killed).
The Chukchi people live in Siberia, and haven't had it so great under soviet rule. Their representative begins to speak.
"After the revolution, in 1922 when the soviet union was formed, we had 1 feeling: cold."
"A few years later, we began to have another feeling: hunger."
This raised some eyebrows.
"And now we have 3 feelings: cold, hunger, and a great appreciation for the communist party."

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