Escalator Jokes
52 escalator jokes and hilarious escalator puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about escalator that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Escalator Short Jokes
Short escalator jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The escalator humour may include short elevator jokes also.
- I've developed an irrational fear of escalators. I always find myself taking steps to avoid them.
- My first time on an escalator... ...was quite uplifting, the second time though was a letdown
- As a repair man, I once installed a motor too powerful in a moving stairway. It escalated very quickly.
- Three blondes were on an escalator at the shopping mall when the power suddenly went out. The were stranded for two hours.
- What do you call a convicted felon on an escalator? I'm not sure, but I think it's con descending
- There was a power cut in town today, two blondes were stranded on a supermarket escalator for hours.
- I trust escalators even less than stairs… Because, unlike stairs, they are automatically up to something.
- I always hesitate before stepping on an escalator. It's either up to something or it's going to let me down.
- A criminal talked down to me on an escalator today. He was a condescending con descending.
- What is the difference between an economic recession and a broken down escalator? One is a terrible state of affairs the other is a terrible fate of a stairs.
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Escalator One Liners
Which escalator one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with escalator? I can suggest the ones about staircase and ladder.
- What happened when the escalator broke down? Everyone stopped and staired! 🥁
- I came across a broken escalator the other day All I could do was stair.
- How do you keep a blonde busy for years? Tell her to count the stairs on an escalator.
- Escalator Literature. a step by step guide to reaching new levels
- My Italian grandmother just got a stair chair lift, I asked her how she likes it... she said ... "IT DRIVES ME UP THE f**... WALL"
- What happens when an escalator stops moving? Everyone stops and stairs.
- I got into a fight with a moving staircase. It just escalated so quickly!
- Call me an escalator Cuz I let people down.
- "My fat friend died on a set of moving stairs," said my wife. That escalated slowly
- What did the escalator say to the elevator? Nothing, he just staired.
- God created light, then trees, then the sun, then ducks. That escalated quackly
- I can see a woman sneezing on the escalator. I think she's coming down with something.
- When the electricity runs out Those on the escalators will be the first to fall.
- What do you call a fast escalator? An escasooner
- Don't get into an argument in an elevator it could escalate very quickly

Howlingly Hilarious Escalator Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening
What funny jokes about escalator you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean stair lift jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make escalator pranks.
Help me find this joke
The joke is about a farmer returning from town and the sheriff meets him and gives him this list of constantly escalating inner connected bad news terminating with the revelation that the farmer needs to get a new dog.
An escalating series of math jokes
Me: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Math is hard, and so I am.
Her: I wish you were my differential equations homework... because if you were, you would be hard and I would be doing you on my desk.
Me: Well, I'm awfully glad you're not *my* differential equations homework... because if you were, you would be 6 weeks late.
Stock Market Report
Helium was up, feathers were down. Paper was stationary.
Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Pencils lost a few points.
Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading.
Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remained unchanged.
The market for raisins dried up. Balloon prices were inflated. And toilet paper touched a new bottom.
A man comes home to his wife with two black eyes
The wife freaks out but calms down enough to ask what happened. The man says well i was in the mall today on the escalator and there was this cute girl in front of me and she had her skirt tucked into her but. I pulled it out for her and she turned around and punched me in the eye. The wife says yeah i approve of that but how did you get the second one? The man says well i figured she liked it that way and pushed it back in.
Lucky day for Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly.
Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly was watching the news when he witnessed something astounding. A young Syrian man had just thrown a hand grenade over 100 yards through the window of a building into a room that housed a s**.... He was so impressed that he had the man found and brought into the states to play for his team.
After a very successful rookie season the young man was discussing his rookie of the year award via telephone with his mother.
She told him that she was proud but living in fear constantly. She continued " your brother was shot twice just in the last few weeks and your sister is regularly the victim of assault. Matters have escalated and life is worse than it has ever been. I will never, ever forgive you for bringing us to Philly."
I used to try really hard, but it didn't matter. Something would always bring me down. It seemed like it didn't matter how hard I tried, I could never make it to the top.
Then I realized I was on the wrong escalator.
Gay guys know everything...
A gay guy and a straight guy are in a car and stuck at a stoplight for a very long time. The gay guy looks at the straight guy and says
"I'm going to go, it's going to turn green anyways."
the gay guy goes and it turns green. The straight guy says,
"how'd you do that."
"Gay guys know everything." said the gay guy.
Then the two go to the mall and while they're in the parking lot the gay guy stops the straight guy and says.
"I bet you in about 4 seconds 5 hot girls come around that corner over there."
About 4 seconds later 5 hot girls walk around the corner. The straight guy says,
"how'd you do that?"
the gay guy says yet again.
"Gay guys know everything."
*At this point in the joke you say to the person "Then the two guys go up these things that are a lot like stairs but they move?" Struggle to think about what they are called and hopefully the person you're telling the joke to says "escalator." Then you say*
"Gay guys know everything..."
Mitch Hedberg Joke - Escalators
"I like an escalator because an escalator can never break; it can only become stairs. There would never be an 'escalator temporarily out of order' sign, only 'escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience.'"
-Mitch Hedberg
JCPenney just moved the women's Plus Size department downstairs. Is this yet another example of fat acceptance?
Or are they just tired of the escalator breaking?
Did you here about the fight on the stairs at the shopping mall?
Apparently it escalated quickly.
Three men go to heaven
St. Peter looks in the book and says to the first man, You spent your whole life trying to get drunk. You even married a woman named Ginny, and he points him to the down escalator.
To the next man he says, You spent your whole life trying to get rich. You even married a woman named Penny, and he points him to the down escalator.
The third guy turns and heads for the down escalator. St. Peter says, Where are you going? The man says, My wife's name is Fannie.
I'm going into therapy to deal with my fear of escalators, but it shouldn't take long ...
It's only a one step program.
Murphy in London
Murphy found himself in the London underground subway station, at four o'clock in the morning. He walked along to the escalator, on the escalator it is written, Dogs must be carried on the escalator. he thought, God, where am I going to find a dog at this hour of the night?
A man and woman are in a heated argument while they're shopping.
As they're going down the escalator on their way to another store, the argument dies down. At the bottom, the family man in front of them says well, that de-escalated quickly
Simon met up with Tim for coffee
Simon Said: „Wasn't yesterday's power cut a nightmare! I was stuck in a lift for 4 hours!
„Oh, you had it easy, said Tim. „I was left standing on an escalator for 5 hours!