
Environment Jokes

99 environment jokes and hilarious environment puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about environment that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Dealing with a stressful work environment can be hard, but it helps to have humor to make it easier. Check out these jokes to add some lightheartedness to your workspace. Learn how jokes can increase transparency and create a more relaxed atmosphere.

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Funniest Environment Short Jokes

Short environment jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The environment humour may include short climate jokes also.

  1. I'm sick and tired of people telling me to turn off lights to save the environment. I tried it once and I killed a cyclist.
  2. Reddit has gone fully green to help the environment. Their front page is made of 100% recycled material.
  3. Where's the best place for a horse to grow up? In a stable environment.
    Sorry I'm high and it just came to me.
  4. I've just done my part to help the environment. I unplugged 6 electric vehicles that no one was using.
  5. I came up with a science joke... Why are people with diamond shoes so bad for the environment?
    They have a big carbon footprint...
  6. r/jokes is the most environment-friendly sub on Reddit It is made of 97% recycled material.
  7. It's not a good idea to have a horse as a pet if you live in a city. They need to grow up a stable environment.
  8. If Mac users care more about the environment more than Windows users Then why do Macs have a trash can and Windows has a recycling bin?
  9. Recent research shows that horses tend to have much better mental health than other farm animals Due to their stable environment
  10. Two thousand years ago, childbirth was fraught with danger. Thankfully Jesus was born ….in a stable environment.

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Environment One Liners

Which environment one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with environment? I can suggest the ones about nature and earth.

  1. If coal is so bad for the environment... why don't we just burn it all?
  2. Smoking is good for the environment Because it kills humans
  3. The workers at the inn aren't very friendly... they create a hostel environment.
  4. Why is there no gang violence on the space station? Because it is a zero G environment.
  5. I used to work at a chemical factory, but I had to quit It was a toxic environment
  6. Jesus was born in a stable environment.
  7. I quit my job at the radioactive waste treatment plant. It had a toxic work environment.
  8. What kind of environment do hobbits live in? A hobbitat
  9. What do you call a toxic work environment? A staff infection
  10. What do you call a doctor in a stable environment? A veterinarian
  11. Cameron, Abbott, and Harper fall off a boat, who survives? The environment!
  12. Why are there no televised fights about the environment? There's too much Gore
  13. Why was the horse so happy? Because he lived in a stable environment.
  14. A chameleon came into a new environment. He thought to himself, 'Colour me intrigued'.
  15. I have an unstable internal environment No homeo

Work Environment Jokes

Here is a list of funny work environment jokes and even better work environment puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I had to leave my job at the ceramics factory when they introduced the new equestrian range. It was turning into a horse tile work environment.
  • I cannot get on board with colonizing Venus I don't work well under pressure and I don't like toxic work environments.
  • People ask me why I quit my job at the necular power plant I guess it was the toxic work environment
  • I finally figured out where that "programmers live in basements" myth comes from! It's because they prefer to work in a non-Windows environment.
  • Why do artists hate working in really cold environments? Because all they get is exposure.
  • Why did the Italian guy enjoy working in a fast paced environment? Because it made his day go faster
  • Microsoft hires regardless of race, religion, or s**... orientation. It's a very PC work environment.

Living Environment Jokes

Here is a list of funny living environment jokes and even better living environment puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Have you heard of the club for people living with h**...? I hear it's a really positive environment.
Environment joke, Have you heard of the club for people living with h**...?

Environment joke, Have you heard of the club for people living with h**...?

Cheerful Fun Environment Jokes for Lovely Laughter

What funny jokes about environment you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean enterprise jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make environment pranks.

Women dream of world peace, a safe environment, and eliminating hunger. What do men dream of? Being stuck in an elevator with the Doublemint twins.

Girls who post about girl's problem are great.

But girls who post about environment problems are Greta
(Official repost)

Two 14-year-old Muslim boys have been suspended from school in Accrington for refusing to shave off their beards.

The head teacher said, "We will not tolerate a school environment where it's impossible to tell the boys from the girls."

[Pickup Line] Do you hold up the KDE desktop environment?

Because you're a QT!

Did you hear about the Power Plant that was bad for the environment all year?

He got coal for Christmas.

[OC] Al Gore decides to write a series of educational songs about the environment.

He presents the head of the production company with the lyrics for his songs, including the lyrics for one song about animals in forest habitats, which has over 500 lines.
The head of the production company says, "wait, this song is way too long! This isn't a very efficient way of conveying your message."
Al Gore replies, "efficient? Of course it isn't! It's a brute-forest Al Gore rhythm!"

What do you call a place showcasing gay people in their natural environment?

A queerium

Jesus Never Fails

If Jesus was a program, he would never fail.
Because he was born in a stable environment.

How is Bill Cosby like an environment at 0 Kelvin?

When around both, one eventually stops moving.
Forgive me.

So this doctor walks into a bar and he orders a beer...

**Feminist:** Why isn't the doctor a woman? Does it have to be a man? You know women can be doctors too!
**Me:** Okay, this FEMALE doctor orders a beer-
**Feminist:** Why is she drinking a beer in a bar? She's obviously an intelligent woman for being a doctor, why would she subject herself to such a male environment?
**Me:** Okay, she's not in a bar, she's um, at a… baseball game, and she orders a beer from one of the stands-
**Feminist:** Why would a strong independent intelligent woman doctor be supporting a male dominated sport?!!!!!! That's so oppressive! The men will look at her so demeaningly with no respect for what she has achieved!
**Me:** … Okay fine, I just won't tell the joke then.
**Feminist:** If you seriously can't tell a joke without being sexist then you're not actually funny at all. I bet the original male doctor was White too, you racist.

I can't believe people say people who don't believe in climate change don't care about the environment.

Just look how well they recycle their arguments!

Detailed Cleaning

I asked a friend of mine by phone what he was doing. He told me he was working on "aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum, and steel under a constrained environment."
I was impressed. In further conversation, I learned that he was "washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision."

Why do meteorogists

always try to pick up women at a bar?
They like the low pressure environment.

What type of bamboo fertilizer was banned due to the chaotic destruction it caused the environment?


My mother didn't want me to go to culinary school.

She said it would be a high whisk environment.

Old School Friend

I called an old school friend and asked what he was doing now. He replied that he was currently working on:
*Aqua-thermal treatment on ceramics, aluminium and steel under a constrained environment*
I was impressed......
On further enquiry, I learnt that he was washing dishes, with hot water under his wife's supervision.

Trump's new EPA chief just released a slight tweak to the EPA mission statement

The EPA is now switching gears from protecting the environment to protecting us from the environment.

What's the difference between a Canadian oil mogul and an American one?

The Canadian will apologize for destroying the environment.

My teacher wanted me to come up with a set of steps that we could use to save the environment...

So I created an Al Gore-ithm.

Given how much damage Trump is doing to the environment...

his secret service code name is officially "Agent Orange".

Studying engineering in school is like World War 2.

The objective is clear, there's an obvious enemy, and everyone is fighting for the same cause.
Interviewing to get an engineering job is like Vietnam. Everybody tells you a different objective, you're not properly equipped for the environment, and the Asians are always one step ahead.

My university is so concerned about the environment..

They've been recycling past papers since 87'.

A thought about Del Toro's The Shape of Water

The Shape of Water is a story about a woman who falls in love with an otherworldly creature that learns how to communicate, has a funny scene where he interacts with a domestic setting and has magical healing hands. He is also returned to his natural environment, almost dying on the way by a plucky protagonist dodging authority.
However, the protagonist also has a love scene with him.
You could say that this is *BestialE.T.*

I ran into a complete stranger at my mom's annual New Years party.

I had never seen him before, so I asked him how he knew my mom. He said he had met her earlier in the day. Apparently, my mom was worried that the overall environment of the party wouldn't be as cool as she had hoped for, so she hired a professional to gauge the room.
I was absolutely disgusted.
I had found my mom's v**... rater.

There was this guy who asked me, "how do I open this jar?!"

"Install the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment", I said. Silly guy, now he's all confused. People these days... SMH.

Interviewer: What are your thoughts about nepotism in a workplace environment?

Candidate: Well, that's a really good question, Dad.

What do the undead do to help the environment?

They go gangrene.


People who think that cows are bad for the environment have udderly failed in school.

A friend calls his engineer friend

A friend calls his engineer friend. What are you doing? He asks. The engineer answers "I'm in the middle of the project hydro thermal behavior of porcelain glass and metals under a controlled high-pressured environment". I am not sure I understand, can you explain it in plain language?. And the engineer answers "I'm washing the dishes and my wife is watching me"

What do you call a learning environment that specialises in teaching nuts?


What do Aquaman and money market investors have in common?

They prefer liquid environments.

My parents called a meeting just to tell me I'm really well-suited to my environment?

I don't remember exactly what they said, but it was something like, "son, you're adapted."

Had a conversation with a Miner about the effects it had on the environment.

The conversation got rocky.

Darth Vader built an entire Galactic Empire...

Wearing protective gear in sanitary environment.
But it was all destroyed by a whiny brat without a mask who refused to stay home with his aunt and uncle.

5 gangsters calmly walk into a bar.

Immediately, a Karen rushes up to them and starts yelling at them to get out.
"What are you doing!?" yells the bartender. "They haven't even been here for two minutes!"
"Well," the Karen retorts. "I've heard that 5G's are bad for the environment!"

A boy was standing in his father's wheat farm for several hours.....

His father finally asked him "son, why are you wasting your time standing out here?"
Son replied "father, I am not wasting my time, I am trying to win a nobel prize!"
The father thought he was studying the environment and was impressed, still he asked "how do you plan on doing that?"
Son replied "I have heard that people who won Nobel prizes were outstanding in various fields. So I am doing the same."

I was in front of a grocery story, some guy came up to me.

He said "Hey, do you have a moment to help save the environment?" I said "Absolutely." So he gave me a pamphlet, I recycled it right away.

A couple who work in the circus go to an adoption agency.

Social workers there raise doubts about their suitability.
The couple produce photos of their 50 ft motorhome, which is equipped with a beautiful nursery.
The social workers then are doubtful about the education that the child would get.
"We've arranged for a full-time tutor who will teach the child all the usual subjects along with French, Mandarin and computer skills."
Then there are doubts about raising a child in a circus environment.
"Our nanny is an expert in paediatric welfare and diet."
The social workers are finally satisfied.
They ask, "What age child are you hoping to adopt?"
"It doesn't really matter, as long as he fits in the cannon"

I called a friend and asked what he was doing.

He replied that he was working on "aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum, and steel under a constrained environment."
I was impressed...
Upon further inquiring, I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision.

I called an old school friend and asked what he was doing now.

He replied that he was currently working on:
\*Aqua-thermal treatment on ceramics, aluminium and steel under a constrained environment\*
I was impressed......
On further enquiry, I learnt that he was washing dishes, with hot water under his wife's supervision.

Why are horses such high performers?

... because they are brought up in stable environments!

I told my friend that he really shouldn't be using a straw and he replied, "Yeah, I know, I know, it's bad for the environment." I said, "Sure, there's that..."

"But it's just a really weird way of eating spaghetti."

What's the difference between an IRS agent and Styrofoam?

The IRS agent doesn't hurt the the environment when you light him on fire.

I grew up in a really rural environment and my dad always wanted me to embrace eating wild game. His strongest argument was how much money could be saved by eating deer rather than beef, especially deer t**....

They're the cheapest meat you can find, boy. You can always find them under a buck.

A lawyer, an environmentalist and a teacher were going the bathroom.

The lawyer gets done, washes his hands and uses the entire roll of tissue paper to wipe his hands. "I was taught to be thorough.", he said.
The environmentalist washes his hands and uses his own kerchief to wipe his hands. "I was taught to be environment friendly.", he said.
The teacher walks out without washing his hands. "I was taught not to p**... on my hands.", he says.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse:

You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," and "Thou shalt not lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.

Environment joke, I've just done my part to help the environment.

jokes about environment