
Enviro Jokes

11 enviro jokes and hilarious enviro puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about enviro that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Enviro Short Jokes

Short enviro jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The enviro humour may include short environment jokes also.

  1. Why doesn't communism work in a school enviroment? Because everyone would get the same Marx.
  2. What are unicorns who want better working enviroments for their fellow employees? Unioncorns.

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Enviro joke, What are unicorns who want better working enviroments for their fellow employees?

Laughable Enviro Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles

What funny jokes about enviro you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean company jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make enviro pranks.

An environmentalist was giving a speech and told his audience that if we continue on our present course all life on earth will be gone in 50 years

A member of the audience jumped to his feet and cried out in panic, "What? What did you say?!"
The environmentalist solemnly repeated, "I said if we continue the way we are that every man, woman, and child on earth will be gone in fifty years."
The man sat down in relief and said, "Oh, thank God. I thought you said *fifteen* years."

An environmentalist friend of mine told me I should buy organic because it's sustainable

I looked at my bank account, and I really disagree.

What do environmentally friendly mathematicians use to make a fire?

Natural Logs
Just though of this sitting in class, please don't hurt me

What is the most environmentally friendly game company?

The three that make Call of Duty; They've recycled their ONLY GAME, every year for the past 7 years.

Why do environmentalists love this sub?

Reword, Repost, Recycle!

How many environmentalists does it take to change a light bulb?

Nobody knows.

I'm an environmental hipster

I believed in global warming before it was co... nevermind.

Why do environmentalists iron their clothes?

To decrease the material being used

Which is the most environmentally friendly vegetable?

Green peas.

I'm very environmentally conscious when it comes to women...

I reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Environmentalist Dilemma

Biggest dilemma for an environmentalist in Washroom:
'Should I save water or save paper?'

Enviro joke, Environmentalist Dilemma